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About us

Diana van Bergen
Diana van Bergen

Diana van Bergen (project leader)

Project leader Diana van Bergen is an expert on the psychosocial well-being of young people. Her research focusses in particular on ethnic and sexual minority groups, such as immigrant young women in the Netherlands, LGBT youth, ethnoreligious minority youth in the foster care system. Diana is an associate professor in the department of Pedagogics and Education at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Brenda Bartelink
Brenda Bartelink

Brenda Bartelink (senior researcher)

Senior researcher on the project, Brenda Bartelink, is an experienced researcher on religious diversity in the Netherlands and beyond. She has a background in the anthropology and sociology of religion. Her previous research has amongst others focused on Christian migrant and minority groups in secularized societies, religion in relation to health and wellbeing, religion and gender, as well as religious inspired social engagement. Brenda is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society and senior researcher in the department of Pedagogics and Education at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

Lisa Jordan (Intern Spring 2021)

Lisa Jordan is a student in the Master Programme Ethics of Education. Her research comprises a literature study what theories and approaches in care ethics and feminist ethics can contribute to the analysis of religion and religious non-matching in foster care.

Maya O. Sassi
Maya O. Sassi

Maya O. Sassi (Intern summer 2021)

Maya O. Sassi is a student in the Master Programme Ethics of Education. Her literature research focusses on Islam and foster care.

Last modified:20 June 2024 08.08 a.m.
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