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Erasmus Mundus Action 2

Other options for researchers to go abroad include the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programmes (Lots).

The EM Action 2 programme aims to promote research and other cooperation with non-EU universities by establishing consortia comprising a number of European and non-European universities. The European Commission makes mobility grants available to support these consortia and promote collaboration among universities. These grants can be used to pay for student (Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD), staff and postdoc mobility. Only mobility from and to non-EU partner universities is allowed, not between participating EU universities.

A minimum of 1 month – and for some projects a maximum of 3 months – applies to staff mobility. Some specific projects allow this month to be divided into 2 two-week periods.

Mobility is financed via EM Action 2. Travel costs are reimbursed and approximately EUR 2500 a month is available for accommodation costs.

You can apply for this type of mobility directly via the relevant project (list of options), for the entire duration of the project.

Please contact Ms Regine van Groningen for more information.

Additional information about EM Action 2 programmes, such as web addresses and call deadlines.

An overview of projects applicable for the faculty of Arts (incoming/outgoing mobility is available here).

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.39 p.m.
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