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Erasmus+ teaching staff (STA)

Erasmus teaching staff mobility scheme: conditions

  • Guest lecturers must teach at least 8 hours a week
  • A teaching staff mobility has a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 60 days (however in most cases maximum 14 days)
  • In exceptional cases the faculty of Arts supports requests for teaching staff stay which take more than 14 days. This has to do with the fact that Erasmus+ after day 14 (until day 60) covers only 70% of the per diem available.
  • An Erasmus+ exchange contract which includes teaching staff mobility must be signed. Consider the overview of Erasmus+ contracts including teaching mobility options for more information.
  • In the event that there is no existing contract available, a new or revised contract must be agreed. The contract must be signed by both partner universities before the start of the trip.

Requesting and booking a trip

  • The application procedure to stay abroad has to be started at least 4 weeks before actual leave. Applications send in within 4 weeks before leaving might not be processed in time.
  • Complete the Application form for a foreign trip . Make sure you estimate your budget as accurately as possible. (Note: projectcode to be filled in is : 101244 Erasmus+)
  • Ask your manager to sign the form for approval and upload this form with other requested documents via the stay abroad portal. In order to qualify for an Erasmus+ grant, the following forms must also be completed, signed, uploaded and submitted:
  • Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Agreement
  • Erasmus+ Grant Agreement
  • The approved and signed travel application form will subsequently be signed by the head of the Mobility Office(responsible for the budget) and submitted to the Financial Shared Service Centre (FSSC) to register the trip for the collective University travel insurance and enable you to submit expense claims.
  • You may then book your trip with ATP Business Travel BV. The agency will advance the costs based on the approved application form.
  • Send your approved and signed Erasmus+ forms to the host institution and have them signed by the person responsible before your trip. After signing the Mobility Office likes to receive these Erasmusforms.
  • Before your trip the Mobility Office will send you via email a Certificate of Attendance to be signed by the person responsible at the host institution during your stay.

Reimbursement of costs and trip report

  • Complete the Claim form for a foreign trip and submit it to the Mobility Office together with all receipts and other documentary evidence of costs incurred. Please also enclose your boarding pass if you travelled by plane! Only original proofs of payment will be processed – photocopies will not be accepted.
  • The Faculty has the right to refuse full payment of claim forms (and deduct amounts for which receipts are missing) if a claim form is not fully completed or if forms and/or proofs of payment are missing.
  • The claim form can only be processed if the following documents are also enclosed:
    - Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Agreement
    - Erasmus+ Grant Agreement
    - Certificate of Attendance
  • - Written trip report (results, experiences, added value to the Faculty/degree programme/yourself) in max. 1 A4 (in English or Dutch)
  • Within 2 months upon return (60 days) a claim should be submitted. After 2 months any costs following this omission are for one's own account, and cannot be claimed anymore.


In 2016-2017 the European Commission provides per diem for each working day and travel costs based on location & distance. For the current exact amounts, please consider the staff mobility allowance 2016-2017. To calculate the distance the European Commission uses its own Online Distance Calculator . Additional EU allowances may be awarded in exceptional cases if extra costs are incurred. Such additional allowances must be applied for in advance and explicitly justified in an accompanying letter. Grants will be supplemented by the Faculty within reasonable limits – this is one of the reasons why we need you to estimate your budget as accurately as possible in your travel request. Substantial additional expenses incurred without prior consultation will not be reimbursed.


Please do not hesitate to send your questions or remarks to mobilityoffice.arts .

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.40 p.m.
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