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Erasmus+ Individual Mobility

Erasmus+ KA1 focuses on the individual mobility of students and staff to partner countries. This mobility can be degree and non-degree or credit related.              

Degree mobility covers students who follow a full-time degree programme abroad and thus gain a foreign degree certificate.

Non-degree or credit mobility concerns a temporary stay abroad that is not linked to a degree certificate. Non-degree or credit mobility is open to students (exchanges), lecturers (teaching mobility) or other staff, including PhD students, postdocs and researchers.

Virtually all previous mobility programmes covered by Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus now fall under Erasmus+ KA1. They include:

  • LLLP-Erasmus : degree programme/placement mobility of students, lecturer mobility and staff training, OMS
  • Erasmus Mundus Action I (EMA1) : joint MA and Doctorate programmes such as Noha, Euroculture, EMCL, LCT and Idealab
  • Erasmus Mundus Action II (EMA2) : mobility programmes with non-EU regions for example including examples like Lotus, Alrakis, Mundus Lindo, Namaste

The menu on the left-hand side of this page includes the mobility opportunities for staff (teaching staff, staff training, OMS and expiring EMA2 programmes).

Calls for proposals are regularly posted to develop new study programmes. These calls and Erasmus+ programme guide are published at the website of the European Commission. To apply for an EMJMD (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree) please verify procedures and information about Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1)

Initiatives on curricula innovation or strategic alliances are covered by Key Action 2 (KA2).

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.40 p.m.
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