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Stay abroad

As from 1-7-2015 all foreign trips are to be booked through ATP Business Travel BV (ATP).

The University of Groningen and the Faculty of Arts offer staff the opportunity to work (i.e. give lectures, conduct research or follow training courses) abroad for a period of time. Different options are available to different types of position (appointment).

A difference is made between lecturers, researchers, PhD student and support staff (OBP). Where possible, a difference is also made between stays within and outside the EU, with different types of financial support.

Please apply for your trip abroad in good time and submit your claim forms within 2 months (60 days) of your return date. If you do not apply for your trip on time, you will not be covered by the University travel insurance during your stay abroad, which means that any related costs cannot be claimed from the University of Groningen/Faculty of Arts.

More information about request and claim forms and travel insurance can be found under the menu options Travel request/claim forms and Travel insurance.

In 2014-2015 the faculty board sent an information letter and attachment to faculty staff to promote possibilities of mobility abroad.

Last modified:23 August 2024 2.39 p.m.
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