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Groningen Digital Business Centre
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
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Take part in GBDC’s learning community ‘Business Value of Artificial Intelligence’ 

Datum:02 maart 2022
LC Business Value of AI
LC Business Value of AI

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) offers learning communities, extracurricular activities that give you the opportunity to dive deeper into a topic that has your personal interest or passion, or to gain more insights and relevant skills. This semester the learning community ‘Business Value of Artificial intelligence’ is on offer again,organized in close collaboration with the Groningen Digital Business Centre (GDBC). This learning community focuses on how artificial intelligence (AI) contributes to the capabilities and competitiveness of organizations in today's digital times. You can register until March 31 2022.

Several organizations in the Northern Netherlands will be involved in the learning community, providing teams of students with hands-on assignments, enabling you to work on and learn about the business applications and challenges around AI. Many organizations are still in the early phases of exploring the possibilities of these new technological opportunities and discovering their impact on organizational processes, which makes it a very interesting and relevant field. Apart from the business assignments, several guest lectures by academics and business representatives will also be offered. These lectures will provide the basis for the hands-on business assignments.

Hub Berlin trip & meetings

A trip to the Hub Berlin, one of the largest conferences on IT and Digitalization in Europe, will also be part of the learning community. Of course, we must wait and see if this will be possible in times of corona. Because Hub Berlin was rescheduled (from April 2022) to June (21 June until 23 June, 2022) it now coincides with the exam week of June. Yet, the Berlin-Hub trip is an integral (read mandatory) part of this learning community, so make sure you are available for this trip.

Apart from the Berlin trip, the learning community consists of plenary meetings, and team meetings related to the assignments you will carry out for one of the participating organizations. Considering the current corona situation, these meetings might be (partly) on-site, but to some extent they may also be online.

In the meetings we will cover:

  • Trends and technology in digital business and artificial intelligence;
  • usage of data in decision-making for organizations;
  • skills to develop business plans needed to implement AI;
  • presentation skills to convince project sponsors to follow up on your research.

For whom and by whom?

The learning community is intended for FEB and FSE students from all programmes and levels. The lecturers that are involved are Bas Baalmans and Wijnand Aalderink. The learning community is organized as a project of GDBC and the network organization Samenwerking Noord, both are fully focused on IT and digitalization. Samenwerking Noord has 80 public and private member organizations, you will be invited to carry out a research assignment for one of these organizations.


The learning community will start in block 2.2. (after the exam week). Meetings will be scheduled on Tuesday afternoons from 4-6 p.m. The first meeting will take place on Tuesday 19 April 2022. The learning community will end with a final event (in cooperation with Samenwerking Noord) on Tuesday the 28th of June.   


The registration for semester 2 is extended until March 31, 2022. You can find more details on UG’s Infonet (for UG staff and students).  If you have any remaining questions, feel free to contact Katya Byelova.

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