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Information Portals

FSE uses a number of information portals to help you navigate your studies. Knowing how to use these and which information you can find where will make your studies smoother. More detailed information than that offered in the film, is provided below.

Student Portal: First stop for information Brightspace: The online learning environment Ocasys: The online course catalogue ProgressWWW: Enrolling for course units

You can access WiFi via the Eduroam network everywhere inside and around the buildings of the University of Groningen.

Google apps for education

The University of Groningen uses Google Apps for Education. These apps include an email account (Gmail), a calendar (Google Calendar), and a file storage service (Google Drive), among other things.

To gain access to these services, log in to using your personal account. You will receive a single request to share your email address with SURFconnext, an authentication service that is trusted by both the University of Groningen and Google. Click “Yes, share this data” to continue. After accepting the Google Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy, you can make use of your Google apps. More information about Google Apps for Education is available.

University e-mail service

Along with your Google Apps account comes a university email address ( UG-staff (such as academic advisors, lecturers, teaching assistants) will only communicate with you via this email address. It is therefore important that you check this account on a daily basis.

You may choose to forward your university email to your private email. After having logged into Gmail, go to ‘Settings’ (top right and click the tab “Forwarding and POP/IMAP”. At the top of the page, select “Forward a copy of incoming mail to [ ]” and select your email address. If your private email address cannot be selected here, click “Add a forwarding address” and enter your private email address. You should receive a verification email to that address. Because there is always a small risk that forwarding breaks down, or that spam messages are not forwarded to your private email, make sure to check your university email account regularly.

If you would like to communicate with your academic advisor or other UG-staff, UG-committees or the board of examiners, please, for safety reasons, always use your university email address. Only then we know for sure that it is YOU sending the email.

Additional resources

The information mentioned above is specific for FSE. You can find more extensive information about all of these systems at EDU Support.

Last modified:07 August 2024 1.58 p.m.