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Feminist Philosophy with Nancy Bauer

When:We 20-05-2015
Where:Faculty of Philosophy, Oude Boteringestraat 52, Groningen

Public lecture in the evening (8 - 9.30 pm)

Nancy Bauer (Tufts) will be delivering the third Aspasia Lecture based on her new book 'How to do things with pornography'. This public lecture is entitled: How to do things with pornography - a philosophical approach.

Pornography has always existed in one form or another, but since the advent of the Internet it has become a widespread phenomenon. Understanding pornography in its multiple dimensions has now become more crucial than ever, and philosophers are among those well placed to help us understand what it is all about. Indeed, influential philosophers have argued that...(continue reading...)

Workshop in the afternoon (1.30-5 pm)

On the same day, we'll be hosting a workshop on feminist philosophy in the afternoon with the following speakers:

  • Annemie Halsema (VU Amsterdam): How to talk about sex -- Merleau-Ponty and Irigaray on embodied relationships
  • Mari Mikkola (Humboldt Berlin): Pornography: a source of oppression or a tool for emancipation?
  • Nathanja van den Heuvel (Leiden): A feminist new materialist perspective on sport events. Desire, Affect and Deleuzian Becomings
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