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The Ethos of Cinema

When:Th 27-02-2014 18:00 - 20:00
Where:Faculty of Arts, Harmony building, Marie Lokezaal

Lecture by Martin Seel (Goethe University Frankfurt). Respondent: Judith Vega
This is the second episode of the lecture series Thinking Cinema: New Approaches in Film Philosophy

Cinema remains a relatively young art, even though the current question as to whether and what extent we are entering a post-cinematic era has sparked significant discussion over how cinema has aged. Along with photography and unlike other, much older art forms, the history of film has always been accompanied by a theoretical debate over its artistic potential. In the works of many theoreticians more or less explicit anthropological speculations have played a significant role, focussing on the relation between cinema and formerly dominant modes of perception and living. Against this background, the lecture will address...(continue reading...)

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