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About us FEB Research / FEB Supply Chain Resilience (SCREEN) Activities

Past activties

- Academy of Management Conference Best Papaer Award - Runner Up, 2018: "Wrong time, wrong place: The role of collaboration in mitigating disruptions in complex networks, van den Adel, M., de Vries., T. and van Donk, D.P.

- Purchasing Symposium: The changing value proposition of Purchasing, April 2018

- Workshop with consortium parnterns, September 2017

- Invited Presentation at TsukubaGlobal ScienceWeek, Tsukuba, Japan, September 28-30, 2015: Building resilient supply chains: the role of supply chain integration (Dirk Pieter van Donk, Kirstin Scholten, Cristina Sancha)

Master Thesis Projects:

- Master Thesis January 2018 to June 2018

  • Jannek Kapahnke completed his Master Thesis research: Cross-Plant coordination: Exploring its mechanisms and effects
  • Loes Esveldt completed her Master thesis research: Manufacturing firms in a service context - how to detect epidemic product failures
  • Ewin Siegers completed his Master Thesis research: The Influence of Interorganizational Information Systems on Resilience Within Buyer-Supplier Relationships
  • Martijn Kruse completed his Master Thesis research: Supply chain risk avoidance strategies: an empirical research on cargo theft
  • Aaron Metzen completed his Master Thesis research: Interaction of supply chain resilience strategies within a buyer-supplier relationship

- Master Thesis September 2017 to January 2018

  • Lorena Polle completed her Master Thesis research: The challenge of near-miss identification: An exploratory investigation of supply chain near-misses
  • Esther van der Maten completed her Master thesis research: Expecting the unexpected: An explorative study into learning from near-misses to build supply chain robustness
  • Tony Mullie completed his Master Thesis research: Understanding decision making in supply chain resilience: The influence of SCRES strategies on decision making

- Master Thesis January 2017 to June 2017

  • Chen-Tin Wang completed her Master Thesis research: The influence of collaboration on organisational resilience in disruptive events: A contigency model
  • Harbert Blokland completed his Master thesis research: From a buyer’s perspective: how should suppliers be managed to balance robustness and efficiency?

- Master Thesis September 2016 to January 2017: Hilbert Oost completed his Master thesis research: Bundling cables or bundling efforts: Horizontal Collaboration in the Public Sector

- Master Thesis January 2016 to June 2016

  • Sido de Haan completed his Master thesis research: Planning risks or risky planning? A multiple-case study on how S&OP can cope with supply chain risks
  • Hylke Reitsma completed his Master thesis research: What’s the message? Information use in the S&OP process
  • Justin David completed his Master thesis research: Fortifying the organization, creating robustness through coordination: Coupling dyadic and network level of analysis

- Master Thesis September 2015 to January 2016

  • Stephanie Bräuer completed her Master thesis research: Trade- off for Supply Chain Resilience: The Effects of Efficiency and Redundancy in Maintenance
  • Lena Staubitz completed her Master thesis research: Facing the Unpredictable: How Behavioral Aspects in Scheduling Contribute to Supply Chain Resilience

- Master Thesis January 2015 to June 2015:

  • Elbrich de Jong completed her Master thesis research: How supply chain robustnes enhances supply chain resilience
  • Mike Kroon completed his Master thesis research: The role of social capital in building supply network resilience: A triadic approach
  • Benjamin Ward completed his Master thesis research: How can total productive maintenance enable supply network resilience: A case of supply network in utilities
  • Pim Jansen completed his Master thesis research: Are integrated supply chains more resilient?
  • Cor Jonker completed his Master thesis research: Supply chain resilience, learning from disruptions: A multiple case study in the water supply industry

Last modified:04 September 2018 10.26 a.m.