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Seminars Marketing

Information for this page can be sent to FEBRI's secretary Hanneke Tamling

Tuesday June 11
Marketing Seminar Wilco van Dijk (Leiden University). Title: The impact of financial stress. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035.



Tuesday 23 April
Marketing Seminar Jonne Guyt (University of Amsterdam). Title: Retiring the Store Flyer: Effects of Voluntarily Ceasing Print Store Flyers on Household Grocery Shopping Behavior. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035.

Tuesday 2 April
Marketing Seminar Niels van de Ven (Tilburg University). Title: The Below-Average Effect in Purchasing: Why Consumers Think They Buy Products Less Than Other Consumers Do. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035.

Tuesday 12 March
Marketing Seminar Bryan Bollinger (New York University). Title: The Impact of Product Location Changes on Search and Purchases. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035.

Monday 11 March
Marketing Seminar Erik Maier (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management). Title: Location and marketing mix effectiveness. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007.

Tuesday 27 February
Marketing Seminar Ilona de Hooge (Wageningen University & Research). Title: A multi-actor approach to imperfections - Marketing strategies to reduce suboptimal food waste in supply chains. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035.


Tuesday September 19
Marketing Seminar Jason Roos (Erasmus University). Title: Advertiser Learning in Direct Advertising Markets, Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009.

Tuesday May 9
Marketing Seminar Michail Kokkoris (VU Amsterdam). Title: In Control but Uninspired: Artist Self-control Undermines Perceptions of Creativity. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0028.

Tuesday 21 March
Marketing Seminar P.K. Kannan (University of Maryland). Title: Identifying Competitors in Geographical Markets. Time: 15.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0025.

Tuesday 21 March
Marketing Seminar P.K. Kannan (University of Maryland). Title: Identifying Competitors in Geographical Markets. Time: 15.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0025.


Thursday 5 March
OPERA/MARK Seminar: Qingchen Wang (University of Hong Kong). Title: Data-Driven Consumer Debt Collection via Machine Learning and Approximate Dynamic Programming. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0039.

Thursday 23 January
MARK Seminar: Michel Handgraaf (WUR). Title: Saving energy when others pay the bill: field experiments on energy conservation in firms, student housing and hotels.. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0107


Monday 2 Decembe r
MARK Seminar: Jonathan Berman (London Business School). Title: Damned Either Way: On the Role of Inconsistency in Consumer Hypocrisy. Time: 13.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0107.

Tuesday 24 September
MARK Seminar: Jeff Inman. Title: What Drives Post-Level User Engagement? The Role of Attribute and Style Matching and the Moderating Effect of Social Ties. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0105.

Monday 27 May
MARK Seminar: Christine Moorman (Duke University: The Fuqua School of Business). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 16 April
MARK Seminar: Wayne Hoyer (University of Texas at Austin). Title: The differential role of self-brand connection. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035


Tuesday 13 November
MARK Seminar: P.K. Kannan (Smith school of Business, University of Maryland). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0107

Tuesday 18 September
MARK Seminar: Katrijn Gielens (The University of North Carolina). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place:

Tuesday 26 June
MARK Seminar: Shuba Srinivasan (Boston University). Title:
Direct Mail to Prospects and Email to Current Customers? Managing Multichannel Marketing for L’Occitane . Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0039

Tuesday 15 May
MARK Seminar: Alixandra Barasch (NYU Stern). Title: Signaling and Cooperation. Time: 13.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109.

Thursday 26 April
MARK/EEF/SA Markets & Sustainability Seminar: Amir Grinstein (Northeastern University). Title: The socially responsible Marketing manager. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Tuesday 17 April
MARK Seminar: Dennis Fok (Erasmus University). Title:
The dynamic impact of shocks on clickthrough and conversion rates of paid search advertisements. Time: 10.30. Place: 5414.0101

Tuesday 3 April
MARK Seminar: Yakov Bart (Northeastern University). Title:
Which Brands Are Best Suited to Social Media Advertising? A Field Study of Social Media Advertising Effects on Consumer Attitudes. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Friday 23 February
MARK Seminar: Jens Hogreve (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt). Title: Is Transparency Key? The Effects of Social Media Recovery on Virtually Present Others. Time: 9.00 hrs. Place: 5416.0150


Monday 22 May
MARK Seminar: Rajdeep Grewal and Amna Kirmani. Title: Bridging disciplines. Time: 15.00 hrs. Place:

Tu esday 11 April
MARK Seminar: Marcel Zeelenberg (Tilburg University). Title: Towards an economic psychology of greed . Time: 10.30. Place 5419.0009

Thursday 30 March
MARK Seminar: Koen Pauwels (Ozyegin University Istanbul). Title: Explaining brand sales price response asymmetry in time and space. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009.

Tuesday 28 March
MARK Seminar: Jason Roos (Rotterdam School of Management). Title:
Measuring the effects of experimental costs on sample sizes. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Monday 20 March
MARK Seminar: Giu Liberali (Erasmus University). Title: Working with online reviews: Procedure and application. Time: 13.15 hrs. Place: 5419.0107.

Tuesday 14 February
MARK Seminar: Marc Fisher. Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 10 January
MARK Seminar: Stijn van Osselaer (Cornell University). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0107


Tuesday 25 October
MARK Seminar: Christian Schlereth (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5414.0102

Tuesday 11 October
MARK Seminar: Andrew Stephen (University of Oxford, Saïd Business School). Title: Is it what you say or how you say it? How content characteristics affect consumer engagement with brands on Facebook. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0003

Tuesday 20 September
MARK Seminar: Bendrik Samuelson (BI Oslo). Title: Consumer response to changes in brand image: the role of actual and ideal self-brand connection. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 21 June
MARK Seminar: Kees Keizer. Title: Descriptive norms and/or the spreading effect. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 14 June
MARK Seminar: Eric Levy (University of Cambridge). Title: The effects of social exclusion on consumer preference for anthropomorphized brands. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 19 April
MARK Seminar: Andrew Stephen (Oxford University) has been cancelled!

Thursday 31 March
MARK Seminar: Xueming Luo. Title: Mobile targeting, weather, and big data field experiments. Time: 09.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 15 March
MARK Seminar: Stefano Puntoni (RSM). Title: The value of automation. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 26 January
MARK Seminar: P.K. Kannan has been cancelled


Tuesday 1 December
MARK Seminar: Francesca Sotgiu (VU Amsterdam). Title: Shelf allocation of private labels: unite and conquer. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0039

Tuesday 17 November
MARK Seminar: Amit Bhattacharjee (EUR). Title: The moral basis of the marketplace. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 29 September
MARK Seminar: Darren Dahl (Sauder School of Business). Title: Only one left – I’ll fight you for it!: Scarcity promotion advertising and aggressive behavior. Time: 14.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 18 August
MARK Seminar: P.K. Kannan (Smith school of Business, University of Maryland). Title: Attribution metrics and return on keyword investment in paid search advertising. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0005

Tuesday 9 June
MARK Seminar: Kusum Ailawadi (Tuck School of Business). Title: Consumer-based and sales-based brand equity: how well do they converge? Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Friday 22 May
MARK Seminar: Stefan Wuyts (Koc University). Title: United we stand: the impact of buying groups on retailer productivity. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5414.0102

Tuesday 12 May
MARK Seminar: Brian Wansink (Cornell University). Title: Slim by design: moving from can’t to CAN. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0028

Tuesday 28 April
MARK Seminar: Joachim Vosgerau (Tilburg University). Title: You call it ‘self-exuberance,’ I call it ‘bragging.’ Miscalibrated predictions of emotional responses to self-promotion. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5414.0103

Friday 9 January
MARK Seminar: Luk Warlop (KU Leuven). Title: Power with its pants down: the effect of social power on susceptibility to temptations. Time: 14.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0011


Tuesday 11 November
MARK Seminar: Michael Hänlein (ESCP Europe Business School). Title: The sampling supercharger: using agent-based modeling to supercharge survey sampling. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0039

Tuesday 4 November
MARK Seminar: Gert Cornelissen. Title: Activism of slacktivism? Impression management and moral licensing. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Thursday 4 September
MARK Seminar: Marnik Dekimpe (Tilburg University). Title: Innovation success: The overlooked role of the retailer. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0119

Tuesday 24 June
MARK Seminar: Hannes Datta. Title: How brand engagement affects the impact of marketing activities and online piracy. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 17 June
MARK Seminar: Kathleen Cleeren (Maastricht University). Title: Regular or low fat? An investigation of the long-run impact of the first low-fat purchase on subsequent purchase volumes and calories. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 20 May
MARK Seminar: Jordi Quoidbach (University Pompeu Fabra). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0101

Tuesday 6 May
MARK Seminar: Anne Klesse (University of Tilburg). Title: Preferences expression modalities. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Tuesday 8 April
MARK Seminar: Elisabeth Brüggen. Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0101

Tuesday 18 March
MARK Seminar: Holger Dietrich (GFK Neurnberg). Title: Big data science in marketing. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5414.0101

Tuesday 4 March
MARK Seminar: Manfred Krafft (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster). Title: Permission marketing – When is it worth the effort? Successful design and implementation. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 11 February
MARK Seminar: Marc Fischer (University of Koln). Title: How useful are brand valuation methods? A validation study? Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 4 February
MARK Seminar: Nobuhiko Terui (Tohoko University). Title: Modeling preference change through brand satiation. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 14 January
MARK Seminar: Peeter Verlegh (UvA). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109


Tuesday 17 December
MARK Seminar: Ralf van der Lans (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). Title: Customer base analysis with social interaction. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5414.0101

Tuesday 10 December
MARK Seminar: Nailya Ordabayeva (RSM). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 26 November
MARK Seminar: Jacob Goldenberg. Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0226

Tuesday 12 November
MARK Seminar: Jeroen Schepers (TU/e). Title: When managers expect better services in less time: The effects of service role conflict on frontline employees’ performance. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0226

Tuesday 11 June
MARK Seminar: P.K. Kannan (University of Maryland). Title: Research issues in designing and pricing digital products and services. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 21 May
MARK Seminar: Christoph Fuchs (EUR). Title: Why and when consumers prefer products of user-driven firms: A social identification account. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 14 May
MARK Seminar: Nicole Mead (Rotterdam School of Management). Title: Postponing pleasures facilitates self-control. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Tuesday 16 April
MARK Seminar: Anja Lambrecht (London Business School). Title: Pricing online content: Fee or free? Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5414.0102

Tuesday 9 April
MARK Seminar: Carl Mela (Duke University). Title: A rational expectations model of user content generation and consumption. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 12 March
MARK Seminar: Oliver Emrich (St. Gallen University). Title: How consumers’ cognitive orientation schemas moderate information processing and decision making in online shops of multichannel retailers. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0114

Tuesday 19 February
HRM&OB/MARK Seminar: Gabriele Paolacci (EUR). Title: Handle with care: Opportunities and threats of Mechanical Turk experimentation. Time: 15.30 hrs. Place: 5411.0185 (collaboration room/FEB LAB)

Thursday 7 February
MARK Seminar: Marc Fischer is CANCELLED


Friday 14 December
MARK Seminar: Koert van Ittersum (Georgia Institute of Technology). Title: Smart shopping carts: How real-time feedback influences spending. Time: 11.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0039

Monday 22 October
MARK Seminar: Christine Moorman (Duke University). Title: Comparative mind-set and managerial decision making: Theory extensions and boundary conditions. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Tuesday 25 September
MARK Seminar: Maciej Szymanowski (Rotterdam School of Management). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0226

Tuesday 18 September
MARK Seminar: Mario Pandelaere (Ghent University). Title: tba. Time: 10.30-12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0226

Tuesday 11 September
MARK Seminar: Bernd SKiera (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main). Title: Minimum increments and billing increments in tariffs: The tiny, little numbers that really matter. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0101

Tuesday May 15
MARK Seminar: Nuno M.A. Camacho. Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 8 May
MARK Seminar: Bruce Hardie (London Business School). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0109

Wednesday 4 April
MARK Seminar: CB Bhattacharya (ESMT, Germany). Title: Leveraging corporate social responsibility. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 27 March
MARK Seminar: Néomie Raassens (Maastricht University). Title: Does outsourcing manufacturing enhance or erode firm innovativeness? Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0101

Tuesday 6 March
Brown Bag Seminar: Marjolein Onrust. Title: When does doing good lead to increased customer loyalty? – The role of industry, firm and consumer characteristics for CSR-effectiveness. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0025

Thursday 23 February
MARK Seminar: Ruggero Rangoni (University of Rome "La Sapienza"). Title: Simulating littering behaviour using the Goal Framing Theory.
Time: 16:00 hrs. Place: room 0120 (Duisenberg building).

Wednesday 1 February
MARK Seminar: Rajesh Chandy (London Business School). Title: White knights and firms in distress: Why marketing CEOs matter in corporate turnarounds. Time: 15.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0039

Friday 20 January
MARK Seminar: Robert Rooderkerk (Tilburg University). Title: Context dependence as a driver of preference dynamics. Time: 13.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Monday 16 January
MARK Seminar: Philip Hans Franses (EUR). Title: The adoption of counterfeit products. Time: 12.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 6 December
MARK Seminar: Christine Moorman (Duke University) has been cancelled.

Tuesday 1 November
MARK Seminar: Bram van den Bergh (EUR). Title: Embodied myopia. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 27 September
MARK Seminar: Ilona de Hooge (EUR). Title: How to make sure your colleagues will listen: Understanding the role of emotions in advice taking. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Wednesday 22 June
MARK Seminar: Auke Hunneman. Title: tba. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0124

Monday 20 June
MARK Seminar: Shuba Srinivasan has been cancelled

Thursday 9 June
MARK Seminar: Malte Friese (University of Basel). Title: Executive resources: Tipping the scales between reason and temptation. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0107

Monday 16 May
MARK Seminar: Willem Verbeke (Erasmus School of Economics). Title: Leadership lab:
Exploring biomarkers in the field of marketing and organization behavior. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0107

Tuesday 12 April
MARK Seminar: Andrew Stephen (INSEAD) has been cancelled

Tuesday 5 April
MARK Seminar: Kay Lemon (Boston College). Title: tba. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 22 March
MARK Seminar: Joost Pennings (Maastricht University). Title: Linking channel contracting to shareholder value: A marketing-finance approach the role of financial facilitating services. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 15 March
MARK Seminar: Jorna Leenheer (Tilburg University). Title: The LISS panel. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Tuesday 8 March
MARK Seminar: Holger Dietrich (GfK). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Thursday 24 February
MARK Seminar: Alessio Delre (Bocconi University). Title: Competing in Hollywood: A game theoretical vs. an agent based model. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Monday 14 February
MARK Seminar: Irit Nitzan (Tel Aviv University). Title: tba. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0009


Thursday 2 December
MARK Seminar: Praveen Kopalle (Tuck at Dartmouth). Title: The joint sales impact of frequency reward and customer tier components of loyalty programs. Time: 09.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0105

Tuesday 23 November
MARK Seminar: Kenneth Wathne (BI Norwegian School of Management). Title: Governance mechanisms, ownership contexts, and performance outcomes in marketing value chains. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5414.0101

Wednesday 1 September
MARK Seminar:Marco Janssen. Title: tba. Time: 14.00 hrs. Place: 5411.0743

Thursday 3 June
MARK Seminar: Philip Hans Franses (EUR). Title: Forecasting sales. Time: 12.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0103

Tuesday 18 May
MARK Seminar: Kathleen Vohs (University of Minnesota). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Tuesday 27 April
MARK Seminar: Willemijn van Dolen (UvA). Cancelled

Thursday 15 April
SOM Seminar: Jan Wieseke (Ruhr University Bochum). Title: Salespeople’s prejudice against their corporate headquarters: How harmful is it and how can it be avoided? Time: 15.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0111

Wednesday 7 April
MARK Seminar: Thomas Otter (Goethe University Frankfurt). Title: Developing and testing models of strategic behavior. Time: 15.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0009

Wednesday 3 February
MARK Seminar: Tor Andreassen (BI Oslo). Title: Co-production: A fair-weather syndrome? Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Thursday 4 February
MARK Seminar: Berend Wierenga (Rotterdam School of Management). Title: The past, the present, and the future of marketing decision models. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0107

Tuesday 5 January
MARK Seminar: Niels Schillewaert (Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School/InSites Consulting). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0102


Thursday 3 December
MARK Seminar: Andreas Herrmann (University of St. Gallen). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0102

Tuesday 24 November
MARK Seminar: Andrew Ching (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0114

Tuesday 17 November
SOM Seminar: Vijay Hariharan (University of Buffalo). Title: Spillover effects & extension success due to different types of brand development strategies. Time: 16.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0007

Thursday 12 November
SOM Seminar: Eva Ascara (London Business School). Title: Modeling churn and usage behavior in contractual settings. Time: 16.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0028

Tuesday 10 November
MARK Seminar: Simona Botti (London Business School). Title: tba. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0114

Tuesday 27 October
MARK Seminar: Linda Steg. Title: Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5419.0114

Tuesday 13 October
SOM Seminar: Bas Donkers (EUR). Title: Dynamic and competitive effects of direct mailings: A charitable giving application. Time: 15.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0028

Monday 24 August
SOM Seminar: Bob Fennis (Utrecht University). Title: Self regulation in consumer influence settings: Controlled and automatic processes. Time: 11.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0031

Tuesday 7 July
MARK Seminar: Bas Donkers (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Title: Zooming in: Local behavioral influences on consumer decisions in product search. Time: 15.00 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Tuesday 9 June
MARK Seminar: Mary Jo Bitner (Arizona State University). Title: Self-service technologies: Innovation and execution. Time: 12.00 hrs. Place: 5419.0003

Monday 30 March
MARK Seminar: Kelly Geyskens (KU Leuven). Title: Tempt me just a little bit more: The effect of prior food temptation actionability on goal activation and consumption. Time: 10.30 hrs. Place: 5412.0035

Last modified:03 June 2024 4.37 p.m.