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Go Vote!

Date:09 March 2021
If you believe the rational choice voting theory of Anthony Downs (Downs, 1957) a professor that doesn't vote, realizes that the benefit of voting does not outweigh the costs of travelling to the voting station, since her/his vote is most likely not going to be decisive for the election outcome. There is a problem though. According to this theory nobody would vote. 
The cost of the COVID19 pandemic

The cost of the COVID19 pandemic

Date:04 March 2021

15 March 2020; the day that the Netherlands went into lockdown. The one-year anniversary is around the corner. What does the COVID19 crisis and the COVID19 vaccinations cost the Netherlands? Maarten Postma, professor of Global Health Economics, does the...

Dr Pedro de Faria

Doing research in times of a pandemic

Date:11 February 2021

Over the past couple of months, Pedro de Faria’s research was influenced by the covid-19 pandemic. Together with his colleagues, Bart Los and Florian Noseleit, he published two FEB blog articles about the pandemic. FEB Research asked him to tell more about...

Professor Gerard van den Berg

Back in Groningen: Gerard van den Berg

Date:23 January 2021

After his time as a student at the Faculty of Economics, Gerard van den Berg, Professor of Health Econometrics, is back in Groningen. Van den Berg is well-known for his research on the long-run effects of conditions very early in life (economic condition,...

Dr Aline Seepma

Defending a PhD thesis during Corona times

Date:15 December 2020

Aline Seepma was one of FEB’s PhD students affected by the covid-19 measures taken by the Dutch government. Although this created uncertainty for her, in the end there were also some positive side effects.

Robert Wilson and Paul Milgrom

Seminar with some reflections on the 2020 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

Date:15 December 2020

The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2020 was awarded to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson for their “improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats” (Royal Academy of Science, 2020). 

Dr Susanne Täuber (left) / Frederik Wermser MSc (right)

What a Dutch-German army integration can teach us about employee engagement

Date:10 December 2020

In 2016, the Dutch and German army placed multiple units of the 43 Mechanised Brigade and the First Armored Division under each other’s command and started exchanging personnel between these units. In one unit, 350 German and 100 Dutch soldiers work...

Assistant Professor Evelien Croonen

Hand in hand comrades? Is "franchise camaraderie" a curse or a blessing?

Date:03 July 2020
Author:Dr. Evelien P.M. Croonen

I regularly see beautiful collaborations between local entrepreneurs. Think of entrepreneurs who develop a collective city app with delivery service, or a joint drive-in of catering entrepreneurs during the Corona crisis. These examples show how powerful...

Professor Floor Rink

The danger of subtle forms of discrimination

Date:01 July 2020
Author:Professor Floor Rink

Last week, the media was full of national and international demonstrations against discrimination and social inequality. And this while many countries are still in lockdown, or just slowly coming out of a lockdown, due to the new coronavirus. For months,...

Assistant Professor in Economics Swarnodeep Homroy

For Floyd or Money: Why are CEOs commenting on racial injustice?

Date:16 June 2020
Author:Swarnodeep Homroy

US CEOs, mostly from conservative backgrounds, are widely commenting on the tragic killing of George Floyd, despite a potential for adverse reaction of the investors to these statements. In recent times, CEOs are increasingly speaking on social issues,...