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A typical example of small-scale entrepreneurship

Towards effective support for small businesses in developing countries

Date:27 January 2022

Small-scale entrepreneurship in developing countries is viewed as one of the most prominent solutions to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment among young people and women. To promote small-scale entrepreneurship, governments, microfinance...

Stasi office 

How do founders’ personal backgrounds affect their firms’ likelihood to engage in R&D cooperation? Evidence from individuals’ exposure to authoritarian regimes.

Date:25 January 2022

How does the experience of living in an authoritarian regime affect the decision-making of an individual in their later life as a founder and leader of a firm in the context of a liberal market economy? Researchers from the Department of Innovation...

Assistant professors Joost van den Brake (photo: Reyer Boxem) and Stefan Berger

Multiple teams, multiple roles? Why it is best to wear the same hat in each team.

Date:18 January 2022

It is more and more common for employees to be a member of multiple teams at the same time. In multiple projects, committees, or medical teams, for instance. Multiple team membership (MTM) is often unavoidable, but also has considerable disadvantages....

Assistant Professor Björn Mitzinneck (photo: Reyer Boxem)

Energy transition: organizational knowledge for effective multi-stakeholder collaboration can be a key ingredient

Date:09 December 2021

At the end of last year, dr Björn Mitzinneck, dr Tom Boot and dr Christiaan van der Kwaak received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) worth up to €250,000. The grants provide the laureates with the opportunity to further develop their own...

Assistant Professor Christiaan van der Kwaak (photo: Reyer Boxem)

How unconventional monetary policies affect financial stability

Date:30 November 2021

At the end of last year, dr Christiaan van der Kwaak, dr Tom Boot and dr Björn Mitzinneck received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) worth up to €250,000. The grants provide the laureates with the opportunity to further develop their own...

Associate professor Tom Boot (photo: Reyer Boxem)

Which economic forecasts do we trust?

Date:26 November 2021

At the end of last year, dr Tom Boot, dr Christiaan van der Kwaak and dr Björn Mitzinneck received a Veni grant from the Dutch Research Council ( NWO ) worth up to €250,000. The grants provide the laureates with the opportunity to further develop their own...

Professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands (Photo: Reyer Boxem)

Professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands speaks at the 38th session of UNCTAD-ISAR

Date:25 November 2021

As a professor in non-financial information, integrated reporting and assurance, Nancy Kamp-Roelands presented during the 38th annual meeting some key findings from the agenda paper. She assisted the UNCTAD secretariat in writing the paper. It is based on...

Zan Mlakar

How a commited minority can change society

Date:07 October 2021

Over the last year, handshakes have been replaced by fist or elbow bumps as a greeting. It shows that age-old social conventions can not only change, but do so suddenly. But how does this happen? Robotic engineers and marketing scientists from the...

Professor Floor Rink (photographer Elmer Spaargaren)

Diversity in the boardroom: Only attention to respresentation and woman's quota is not enough

Date:30 September 2021

Each fall, the Female Board Index is published containing the most recent percentage of female top executives and supervisory directors in the Netherlands. This index enjoys much media attention because the growth of the number of women at the top is still...

Esther Metting (photo Reyer Boxem)

The new healthcare: from E-health to CoronaCheck 

Date:16 September 2021

As human beings, we are living longer, which also means that more people are suffering from chronic illnesses than ever before. The workload in the health care sector is very high and costs are on the rise. This may affect how easy access to good and...