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Vote for Floor for the HRtop100

Date:19 November 2019

The faculty's own Professor Floor Rink has been nominated for the HRtop100, an award that celebrates leaders in the field of human resources. The prize is decided by vote, so every ballot counts. You can click this link (no longer available) to vote for...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Being paid to quit Facebook

Date:08 November 2019

YouTube, Netflix, Google, Facebook – these digital platforms and services have all become seemingly indispensable – and inescapable - parts of modern life. But how much do users truly value ostensibly free online services? How much would it be worth to...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Gender equality in the workplace

Date:25 October 2019

The Netherlands sees itself as an extremely equitable country, which is not entirely without cause: it was one of the first in the world to legalize gay marriage and provides at least some paternal leave. But when it comes to achieving genuine equality in...

Rente en pensioenen: we zijn te voorzichtig

Date:14 October 2019

Door: Steven Brakman (hoogleraar Economie, RUG), Charles van Marrewijk (hoogleraar economie, Universiteit van Utrecht)

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Stress and ambition in young workers

Date:11 October 2019

For young professionals in particular, starting a new job can feel like grasping in the dark. The uncertainty of trying to figure out your place in a complex work environment can become very stressful very quickly. You may feel like you have to say “yes”...

Susanne Täuber

Insights from the Gender Summit in Amsterdam

Date:07 October 2019

Welcoming speakers and chairs from over 20 countries, the 17th Gender Summit took place on 2-4 October in Amsterdam. It offered a great podium for the sharing of the latest research and developments on gender balance in Academia. Susanne Täuber had been...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Generational poverty

Date:27 September 2019

Being an immigrant, a teenage mother or a child born into poverty can dramatically impact your health throughout your entire life. The Netherlands is perceived internationally as an equitable country with a thriving middle class, and that is mostly true,...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Inequality in the Netherlands

Date:13 September 2019

Financial security is not the only measure of the welfare of a population. Safety, access to housing, medical care and education are just as important to your sense of well-being. But on a regional level, those can be somewhat misleading indicators: it was...

"Today’s teams are markedly more diverse, unstable, and complex than ever before." Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

'Diverse, unstable, and complex': a Q&A on teams in the modern workplace

Date:16 August 2019

A paper on team membership dynamics in the workplace by a group of researchers from the Faculty of Economics and Business was recently named "one of the three best papers published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior last year". The paper explored...

Assistant professor Ikle Bakir

New in Groningen: a Q&A with Ilke Bakir

Date:13 August 2019

Ikle Bakir is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen, who works on transportation and logistics, supply chain management, stochastic optimization, large-scale linear and integer programming.