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#TheCityIsOurCampus 19th-26th February

Date:19 February 2020
Check out some live performances in student rooms @ Stukafest!
Check out some live performances in student rooms @ Stukafest!

Party Picks: 


Stukafest Groningen 2020

Stukafest (Short for ‘Studentenkamerfestival’) is one of the most interesting and quirky festivals Groningen has to offer. The festival features a broad range of different art forms such as live music, poetry theatre and much more. The main thing that makes Stukafest so unique, aside from its logo featuring two stinking socks, is the fact that all performances take place in actual student rooms. This means that you can get a small glimpse into how students live (without the typical mess!) while also getting to see a live performance in an intimate and unique atmosphere.  

ELSA Diplomats’ Day 

This Friday the world will come to visit Groningen (or at least part of its representatives). During the ELSA Diplomats’ Day 7 embassies from all around the world, including the USA, Belarus, South Korea and Panama will present themselves at the van Swinderen Huys. The representatives will discuss the importance of diplomacy in contentious cases and inter-State negotiations and share first-hand accounts of diplomacy in practice. Although Valentine's Day is already over, participants will also have the opportunity to take part in a diplomatic speed dating session with each representative to network and ask questions. 

ESN Social Erasmus: Synagogue Tour

If you are looking to expand your historical knowledge of Groningen or want to get to know more about Jewish culture, then this Synagogue Tour organised by ESN may be an interesting event. Jewish cultural life has been present in Groningen for centuries, which is why this tour also includes a part focussed on the Jewish quarter surrounding the Synagogue. Regardless of whether you are an exchange student, an already settled in international or an original Dutchie - this tour is likely to give you a new perspective on the streets you walk every day. 

Lie Down & Listen

Forget about concert halls filled to the brim with sweating and screaming people and get ready for this new type of listening experience. The whole concept of this event is essentially already laid out (hehe) in the title itself. It is as easy as it sounds: you go to USVA and bring your favourite pillow and blanket and then simply lie down and listen to the soothing live acoustics of the viola. 

Lecture: Social Media Manipulation in Politics

Most of us are aware that social media is probably not the most accurate reflection of real life. I mean it’s all fun and games when Betsy posts a picture of her cleaning up her front yard, claiming that she is saving the planet in a sustainability project in Angola. But what if politicians and governments start to manipulate your social media content, and do so a lot more convincingly than Betsy? This is the central question which the SIB Lecture on Social Media Manipulation in Politics will be touching upon next Monday. 

A Woman's World | Geographies of gender

With the International Women's Day and Woman’s March around the corner, its time to reflect upon womanhood in general. At least that is the aim of the event titled A Woman's World | Geographies of gender. Questions that are going to be addressed include what different expectations, obligations, limitations, freedoms, responsibilities, and roles come with being a woman around the world, and in Groningen specifically. Or how does identifying as a woman determine how one lives, depending on where one is? Definitely an exciting event to attend, regardless of gender! 

GIF of the Week

Biking through all the delivery trucks while dodging grandmas on their electric bikes to make your 9 am class
Biking through all the delivery trucks while dodging grandmas on their electric bikes to make your 9 am class


About the author

Hey there! My name is Asmo and I’m a Finnish/German student exploring life in the Netherlands. Besides being into photography and politics, I am currently completing my double master's degree in European law and international law. Oh, and I write blogs as well.


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