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Quality quarantine time

Date:16 March 2020
Kit Kat & Quarantine
Kit Kat & Quarantine

Times have been tough over the last few days (and even weeks) for all of us and statistics say the situation will only get worse in the days to come due to the Coronavirus outbreak. I hope that it doesn’t, but we have to be prepared, right? In order to keep our young, fiery souls going during these trying times, here are some ways to keep you occupied and also make you a better person. 

1. Learn a new language

Remember the cute exchange student you've always wanted to impress with a few words in their native language? Well, no better time than the present. Now is a time to hone your skills and stop Duolingo humiliating you by saying that the reminders don't seem to be working. Added bonus is that this also looks very impressive on your CV!

It might start like this, but imagine how good you'll be in 3 weeks!
It might start like this, but imagine how good you'll be in 3 weeks!

2. Learn a new skill

Take for example, cooking; this a great time to show your parents what a responsible adult you have blossomed into by learning to cook a few not-so-easy-but-totally-worth-it dishes. The supermarkets are still open and you can get most ingredients. The feeling you get after you eat a healthy, and exceptionally tasty meal you cooked for yourself is heavenly, particularly after weeks of cold cafeteria sandwiches, instant-ramen, and Febo frikandels. 

Just make sure you know what you are doing!
Just make sure you know what you are doing!

 Another great option is to learn a musical instrument! There are plenty of online videos to teach you any instrument you choose and also many cheap instruments you can buy on Marktplaats (Dutch online market place).

These skills don't even need to be ones that would only benefit your overall well being, but also ones that directly affect your career path. Take a particular subject/course you wanted to ace, and spend time on that. MIT offers near to complete online course material for almost all subjects/disciplines under the sun. Contrary to the guy on YouTube who teaches you a concept needed for an exam in just a few minutes, these are well structured and detailed curricula that will make you masters the trade. 

3. Read that book you've always wanted to read, write that blog you've always planned on writing (try not to make it a travel blog for now, will you?):

Everyone has that one (or many!) books they still need to read, which they are reminded of only when it comes up as a topic of discussion somewhere. Give yourself the time to read that now. Do you have a "Dear Diary..." moment when you are low? Or feel like you need something (that doesn't talk to other humans) to pour your feelings into? Get a blog (pets are a better option, albeit expensive). 

Become a blogger!
Become a blogger!


4. Get active!

The quarantine is also a great time to work on the beach bod you always aimed to work for in the winter, but always ended up realizing it's too late. Look online for an exercise regime that can be done at home. One simple example is increasing the number of push ups or planking time gradually every day. A while back, I did a workout called 'Insanity' from a DVD box set, which as the name suggests was indeed challenging. But then again, what's the point in having something that isn't challenging to get, isn't it?

when your housemates ask what all the noise is and they see you doing a home workout
when your housemates ask what all the noise is and they see you doing a home workout

5. Disconnect

Constantly refreshing your timeline on Instagram most likely won't make you feel better. Take this time to disconnect a little! You will see that there exists so many other possibilities to spend time on. Call up a friend or family member back from home or high school, who you've always wanted to call and talk about your life, but only ended up liking and reacting to their social media updates instead. FaceTime and Skype will become your new best friends!


6. Sleep

If none of these plans suit you, then I suggest the last, but most often the best option. Go to sleep Studies have shown that sleeping directly increases IQ, number of Pokemon you catch, burns all extra calories, helps you get (more) friends etc.

 Hope this helps time pass usefully, while we solve some of the crises that we are facing. My heart goes out to all the people who are affected. One day, in the oh-so-far-away future, when you are sitting back in your favorite armchair by the fireplace (is this still going to be a thing then?) and telling your grandchildren stories about your youth, you can tell how you got your life together while also surviving through a deadly pandemic.  Good luck, and take care! *elbow bump*


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