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Best BBQ Locations in Groningen

Date:29 August 2018
You can BBQ anywhere if you're brave enough!
You can BBQ anywhere if you're brave enough!

Sun? In Groningen?! I never thought it was possible, but look outside the window and sure enough, it’s there and everything looks that extra bit brighter. Because the sun is such a wonderful rarity, everyone wants to get outside to get that tan on, fry up some lunch on a BBQ and have a laugh with their friends. Most people’s first thought is to flock to the Noordeplantsoen – an obvious choice of place to lap up the sunshine with its beautiful lakes and lively atmosphere, especially with all the festivals going on there in the summer (a list of those can be found here in Joey’s blog)

But after countless afternoons spent there and seeing the same guy playing the guitar whilst a different girl giggles around him every day can eventually tend to get a little tedious.

 So, after getting fed up of seeing guitar boy on his 4th date of the week, I decided to go on an afternoon of spontaneous discovery with my bicycle on hand and put together a list of the top 6 BBQ spots in Groningen, for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of Noordeplantsoen or who would like a change of scenery and an opportunity to BBQ in every corner of the City!

  • The DOT/Stadsstrand

As well as being known as a vibrant movie and music venue, the DOT is recognisable by its unique appearance, resembling a giant golf ball with a ring surrounding it, giving it the appearance of a planet from outer space. Just next to the building is a faux sand beach leading down to a canal with steps submerging into the water for those not brave enough to take the plunge and jump straight in. Although BBQing is not permitted on the fenced off the sandy beach, you can take your bbq just a few centimetres from where the sand cuts off and a grassy bank begins.

Be warned: if you are looking to escape the crowds this may not be a great spot for you, but if you’re looking for a date this is the perfect place to eye up Groningen’s shirtless hotties behind your sunglasses!

Location: 7/10

Chance of finding a date: 10/10! 

  • Van Brakelplein

For those who like a quieter atmosphere where they can pull out a picnic blanket and relax with a book in their hands as the meat sizzles in the background, Van Brakelplein is a suburbian picnic paradise. Hidden in a square of Dutch houses just off of Aweg, Van Brakelplein is home to a secret lake in the city of Groningen with a fountain and surrounding greenery.

Pro tip: Although the water looks fresh and inviting, don’t swim unless you have a shower on hand – the lake is home to a large family of ducks and although they’re pretty, their smell most certainly isn’t. (I speak from experience).

 Location: 6/10

Chance of finding a date: 4/10

  • Hoornseplas

If you want a summery day out, Hoornseplas has it all: A huge, beautiful lake with a sandy beach, a designated swimming area, a playground, a food truck and even a nude beach for those who want to brave it! It has plenty of wide open space to prop up a bbq too and if you bring your bike along, you can follow a winding cycle route up to a rustic windmill overlooking the lake. With the liberalism of the nude beach and the natural beauty of the countryside, you couldn’t find a more Dutch spot to eat. 

Location: 10/10

Chance of finding a date: 8/10 


  • Joeswerd

Just around the corner from Zernike Campus is a wide-open green space, surrounded by charming Dutch country houses and ponds enveloped in reeds. The most exciting feature of Joeswerd, however, is its giant rope swing, big enough for 5 or more friends to jump up and swing on; an original spot to grill up some food with friends and a fantastic place for a lot of fun.

Location: 8/10

Chance of finding a date: 1/10 

  • Stadspark

Stadspark is probably one of the most well-known BBQ locations in the city, and rightfully so! In comparison to Noordeplantsoen, Stadspark is Groningen’s much bigger, wilder park and is home to plenty of wildlife, as well as its own petting zoo. You can bring your bbq and take your pick of where to start grilling from a multitude of fields, streams or lakes or you can settle down under a tree completely undisturbed for hours, basking in the suns rays and scoffing your face with food!

 Location: 8/10

Chance of finding a date: 5/10 

  • VV Groningen

The World Cup may be over but that doesn’t mean all the fun has to be! For all the football fanatics out there, VV Groningen opens up its football pitches for anyone to come along and play whenever the team isn’t training. The pitches neighbour a forest and open fields – the perfect spot to fry up some after sport grub and lie out in the sun.

Location: 6/10

Chance of finding a date: 4/10


These were my favourite 6 spots for BBQ, what are yours? Leave a comment in the section below and let me know



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