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Asmo volunteered as a student council member for SOG!

4 Interesting Volunteer Positions in Groningen!

Date:06 October 2020

There are many different ways in Groningen to spend some of the free time you have to spare. From joining a study or student association to playing on a sports team - there are plenty of ways how students keep themselves busy outside of the classroom....

Hanze vs. UG

5 Differences Between Research and Applied Sciences Universities

Date:02 October 2020
What is the difference between a research university and a university of applied sciences?
At a national student rowing competition, just two year after starting rowing!

Sports in Groningen

Date:30 September 2020

Did you know that Groningen has the one of the biggest sports facility in all of Europe? Groningen is a pretty active city, thanks to the great facilities it offers. This means that whether you’d like to continue your sport that you did before uni, or...

7 Kitchen Tricks To Make Your Life Easier!

7 Kitchen Tricks To Make Your Life Easier

Date:25 September 2020
Cooking is an integral part of everyday student life. However, students want to cook fresh and not spend the whole day in the kitchen doing so. This is why in this blog, Asmo will focus on some practical tips and cooking hacks to make your life in the kitchen a little easier.  
If the weather allows - take a bike ride around Groningen to enjoy all of the leaves changing colours!

How to survive Autumn in the Netherlands

Date:24 September 2020

Despite the lockdown we've had a great summer here in Groningen, and more recently we've had a last burst of sunny weather. However, the autumnal equinox occurred just a couple of days ago, marking the official start of autumn in the northern hemisphere....

Did you know that the center of the city is planning on becoming carbon-emission free within the next 5 years?

How Groningen is a sustainable city

Date:16 September 2020

Groningen is the youngest city in the Netherlands, with its average population age approximately 7 years younger than other Dutch cities. This means that the city adjusts easily to trends, one of the most popular ones being sustainability. Groningen is a...

Cycling level: international

5 Crazy Things The Dutch Do On Bicycles

Date:15 September 2020
The bicycle is the unrivalled mode of transportation in the Netherlands. In this blog, Asmo summarises some observations of the crazy things that Dutch people do while riding their ‘fiets’ across Groningen. 
Way back in 2017 when I barely knew any Dutch and kept confusing 'fiets' and 'friet'

How to Integrate into Dutch Society

Date:09 September 2020
Integrating into Dutch society might seem like a daunting task at times. In this blog, Ariana shares her experience + some tips on how to embrace Dutch culture!
Food is good

Our Favourite International Restaurants in Groningen

Date:09 September 2020
Author:The Blog Team
Over the past five years, Groningen’s culinary scene has made a huge leap forward which has resulted in a lot more diversity in the types of restaurants that you can find. In this blog, we’ll share some of our favourite international restaurants in Groningen and take you on a culinary tour across the city (& world).
Asmo and his roommates

4 Things You Should Do When Living With Roommates

Date:04 September 2020
In this blog, Asmo collected 4 useful tips based on his own experiences that you should consider following when living with roommates.