Double degree
De Rijksuniversiteit Groningen is zeer trots dat de Europese Commissie de prestigieuze Erasmus Mundus-status heeft toegekend aan 6 van haar masteropleidingen. Erasmus Mundus streeft ernaar om de kwaliteit van het hoger onderwijs te bevorderen aan de hand van beurzen en academische samenwerking tussen Europa en de rest van de wereld. Erasmus Mundus biedt financiële steun aan instellingen en beurzen aan individuen.
Double/dual/joint Master's degree programma's
Name of programme
Double degree-programma in samenwerking met de BI Norwegian School of Management, Noorwegen. Studenten brengen twee semesters door in Oslo en twee in Groningen. |
Double degree programme in cooperation with Münster University, Germany. Students spend two semesters in Groningen, and two semesters in Münster.
Multidisciplinair programma, gecoördineerd door de Wetsus Academy, waarin de volgende universiteiten deelnemen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Universiteit Wageningen en Universiteit Twente. |
This double degree master's is structured in two parts. During year one, you will study one of the one-year Master's degrees at the Faculty of Economics and Business, in Groningen. Year two is spent at Fudan University in Shanghai.
This double degree programme with Universidad de Chile in Santiago is for students who want to broaden their view on important economic topics by bringing in a comparative perspective.
This double degree programme is the analytically focused ARACIS accredited master programme of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC) and University of Groningen (RUG). FRM is designed for ready minds seeking a high-quality professional training for their global career in finance and risk management.
Double degree-programma in samenwerking met de Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan. Studenten volgen het eerste jaar de master International Financial Management in Groningen. |
Double degree-programma in samenwerking met de Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Duitsland. Studenten volgen de MSc International Economics and Sustainable Development in Groningen. |
Double degree-programma in samenwerking met de Corvinus University in Boedapest, Hongarije. Studenten volgen de MSc International Economics and Sustainable Development in Groningen. |
Double degree programme in cooperation with the Lund University School of Economics and Management, in Sweden. Students study MSc International Economics and Sustainable Development in Groningen.
The International Master in Social Demography is a Double Degree Program offered jointly by the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) of Barcelona, in Spain, and the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen (RUG), in the Netherlands.
A European Master in Biomedical Engineering: A joint project between the University of Groningen and five other European universities. Students will start the programme at one of these universities and will spend at least one year at a partner university.
The European Master in Evolutionary Biology (MEME) is a two-year research-oriented Master's programme for talented and motivated students who are interested in understanding all facets of evolution. Students may follow courses at four European universities (University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany; Uppsala University, Sweden; University of Montpellier, France) and Harvard University (USA) as an associated partner.
The Universities of Groningen (the Netherlands), Oslo (Norway), Aberdeen (United Kingdom) and Copenhagen (Denmark), offer an advanced curriculum on energy law, from wellhead to burner tip. The two-year accredited joint degree programme is an LLM, designed and structured specifically for legal professionals in the energy sector and runs between September 2016 and August 2018. |
The Double Degree Master in Urban Governance within a Global Environment is a collaboration between the Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and the School of Public Administration and Policy of the Renmin University of China in Beijing. |
The Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen (UG), the Netherlands, and the Department of Architecture and Planning at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia have jointly created a Double Degree Master programme. |
Participants of the programme spend one year studying at each university and graduate with two master's degrees: a Master of Sciences in Sociology and Social Research issued by the University of Cologne and a Master of Science in Population Studies issued by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. |
The Faculty of Spatial Sciences of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and the Department of Architecture and Planning of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia have created a Double Degree Master programme that combines the Master in Urban and Regional Planning at UGM with the master in Society, Sustainability and Planning in Groningen. |
Double Degree Master van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en Córdoba University over de gevarieerde religieuze oorsprong van de moderne samenleving: identiteit, uitsluiting, integratie en coëxistentie, van de oudheid tot de moderne tijd. |
Overzicht Erasmus Mundus-programma’s
naam opleiding
samenwerkende instellingen
In samenwerking met 7 Euroculture-universiteiten in Europa: Universidad de Deusto (Spanje), Palacký-Universiteit Olomouc (Tsjechië), Georg-August Universität Göttingen (Duitsland), Jagiellonische Universiteit Krakow (Polen), Université de Strasbourg (Frankrijk), Università della Studi di Udine (Italië) en Uppsala Universitet (Zweden).
In samenwerking met Uppsala Universitet (Zweden) en Heidelberg University (Duitsland).
In samenwerking met: Universität des Saarlandes (Duitsland, coördinerende instelling), Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy), L-Università ta' Malta(Malta), Université Nancy 2 (Frankrijk), Karelsuniversiteit (Tsjechië).
Deze tweejarige International Joint Degree programma wordt aangeboden door de Faculty of Arts in samenwerking met Aix-Marseille Université, L-Università ta' Malta, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universidad de Deusto, University College Dublin, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Uppsala universitet, Vilniaus universitetas.
In samenwerking met: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spanje, coördinerende instelling), Universitat de València (Spanje), KU Leuven (België), Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italië), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Université Paul Sabatier (Frankrijk).
Joint Master van de Faculteit der Letteren in samenwerking met de universiteit van Potsdam (Duitsland) en de University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu). (Finland)
Research Master van de faculteit Religie, Cultuur en Maatschappij. Het programma is mede opgericht door de Europese Unie en aangeboden door ReD Global, een netwerk van Europese en Latijns Amerikaanse universiteiten en professionele organisaties. Voornaamste partners zijn Córdoba University en University of Coimbra.
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Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 maart 2025 14:39 |