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Education Frequently asked questions Admission, registration and deregistration Tuition fees Payment of tuition fees Pay tuition fees as a lump sum or in instalments

Pay tuition fees in instalments

  • How can I arrange payment in instalments?

    You can only pay your tuition fee in installments if you have issued an authorization for a direct debit.

    More information can be found on our website.

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  • When will the instalments be debited from my account and how much is each instalment?

    The instalments will be collected in the last week of the months September, November, January, March and May.

    Each instalment is a fifth of your tuition fees plus the one-off administration fee.

    More information can be found on our website.

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  • I am paying my tuition fees in instalments. What happens if my bank balance is insufficient for the tuition fees to be debited?

    The procedure can be found on of our website under "Collection procedure direct debit mandate"

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  • I am registering during the academic year. Can I still pay my tuition fees in instalments?

    Yes, that is possible.

    The instalments will be collected in the last week of the months September, November, January, March and May. This means that the number of payments you have to make will depend on when you register.

    For example:
    • A student who register on 1 October can pay the tuition fees in four instalments.
    • A student who register on 1 December must pay the fees in only three instalments.

    More information can be found on our website.

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  • My instalment has not been taken from my account, but the balance was sufficient.

    This can have several causes.

    We advise you to contact your bank as soon as possible and if necessary contact Student Information and Administration.

    More information can be found on our website.

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