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Education Bachelor's Bachelor's international students Study in Groningen Associations

Doing a board year

Being an active member of an association is fun and you can learn a lot, but you will learn the most valuable lessons about yourself and your associations when you can govern it yourself. Most of our students do this during one year of their studies and this offers them the opportunity to experience what it is like to be responsible for a professional organization.

A board year can be full-time or part-time. You are never alone in your board and the tasks and functions are well divided among all the board members. Together with your board you will make sure that all your members are able to visit events, stay into contact with each other and that the committees can do their job properly.

So in a board year you can get to know a leadership role at an early stage in your career. For most people this personal and professional development happens only later in life. As a board member you will have the task to either maintain contacts within and outside of the association, the writing and executing of strategies and policies, maintaining the finances of the organization, project management, networking, conflict management, the use of media and public relations and many more hard and soft skills.

Not only will you add to your own personal development, but also are you part of the active academic community of the University of Groningen. Being part of an active student population allows you to be invited to share your thoughts about the organization of our university. The UG has always been very proud of our vibrant student life and this is only made possible because of student board members.

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Last modified:30 April 2020 12.42 p.m.