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How can I upload in Progress Portal?

We understand that you have a question regarding our Progress Portal and how to upload the relevant documents for your application.

After applying via Studielink and paying the application fee, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate and log into your Progress Portal - included in the email about your UG account.

In order for you to know which documents you need to upload, we would like to refer to our website’s application documents page for Bachelor or Master. On this page you will find, under your faculty, the required application documents that you need to upload into the Progress Portal.

Please note that you have to upload your Diploma / Statement of enrolment / Expected statement of graduation and Transcript under the ‘Previous education’ section of the Progress Portal. As you should have entered your previous education already when submitting your application in Studielink, this should already be visible in the Progress Portal. Behind the displayed previous education, you will find an ‘add document’ button. With this button you can upload your documents.

Please note that you have to upload two documents under the previous education that has been provided via Studielink for you:
  1. Your Diploma or Statement of enrolment or Statement of Expected Graduation and 
  2. A Transcript or Expected grades.
Should you have more than one previous educational qualification, you can use the ‘add previous education’ button in order to also upload relevant documents for this additional qualification using the ‘add documents’ button.

Secondly, if your selected programme requires additional application documents (please find these on the web pages above) like course descriptions, checklists, CV, motivational letters, etc., you will be able to upload these under the ‘Entry requirements’ section in the Progress Portal. If you are not asked for one or more of these documents, you do not have to upload them.

We also recommend that you have a look at our informative YouTube video, which shows you how the Progress Portal works. Make sure to also read through our Application Guide, which provides more information about all the steps of your application - from applying in Studielink to travelling to Groningen. Chapter 2 describes the admissions process and provides more information and links on the topic of application documents.
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