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Digital Competence Centre
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Digital Competence Centre Data & Software Management Archive & Publish

DataverseNL FAQ


How do I start using DataverseNL?

If you want to archive and publish your data for the first time in DataverseNL, just send an email to:

We will contact you for more information and provide some instructions for registering in DataverseNL. The Digital Competence Centre (DCC) will then arrange a data set (descriptive record), whereafter you can upload the data files and other supporting documents yourself. Or, if you prefer, the DCC can do that for you.

The DCC or local data manager will then perform quality checks on metadata and support documents before the publication of your data is finalized.
Researchers of GELIFES are requested to contact the Gelifes Data Manager

How do I control access to my data in Dataverse?

You can decide which specific groups or persons are granted access to your data. This varies from no one to everyone.

You can give permission to view your stored files and nothing more, but you can also grant additional rights, such as allowing them to add files themselves.
Dataverse will keep track of access rights. You can change or revoke rights anytime.

How should I add metadata to my files?

Adding metadata (in the form of legends, glossaries, etc.) to your files is more important than you might think because these data are essential to the interpretation and reuse (and, above all, retrieval) of datasets. Determine in advance which metadata are essential for a correct interpretation of the data and should therefore definitely be included; this way, you avoid spending a lot of time and effort on uploading files that turn out not to be that useful.
If you think that you are going to create datasets of a similar type in the future, we recommend you use a (metadata) template. The template contains a list of mandatory fields, some of which can be pre-filled with standard values.
More information in the FAQ Metadata and Metadata Schemes

What is the maximum file size? And can I upload any kind of file format?

The individual file size can be a maximum of 9 Gigabytes. You can store any kind of format, also software and scripts can be archived in DataverseNL.
However, we advise to use the DANS preferred file formats when possible.

DataverseNL is not suitable for highly sensitive data. Please contact the DCC before uploading files that might contain sensitive data.

Where can I go for further support and other questions?

If you have any questions or requests for support, please contact us at

Last modified:04 July 2024 11.17 a.m.