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University workplace storage

Each staff member and student has a personal network drive to store personal settings, data and documents. This is the X: drive.
In addition the Y: drive is a shared network drive and suitable to store and collaborate on research data (internally) during research.
The data on the X: and Y: drives are backed up every working day.

The University workplace has a Windows desktop version (UWP), a Linux version (LWP) and a protected version also based on Windows (VRW).

Rules of thumb for University workplace storage:

  • The X and Y drive are accessible from the physical or virtual Windows or Linux desktop (UWP/LWP) or can be made accessible otherwise ONLY on devices connected to the UG network.
  • The X and Y drive are ONLY accessible with active UG credentials and therefore protected by Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • You have to have been granted access explicitly to data (folders and files) on the Y drive by the owner of a folder. Permissions must be requested at the CIT servicedesk (see below).
  • The X and Y drive are secure, but not suitable for external collaborations or external data sharing or transfer (for reasons stated above).
  • When planning to work with personal data on the University workplace, always ask for advice of the DCC. They can advise you on what the safest solutions are.

X: drive

  • Personal; accessible only to the owner
  • Standard 30GB of storage; more space (up to 300GB) can be requested
  • Central back up

Y: drive

  • Group area; users determine who has access rights. Request for change on Y:-drive
  • Standard 30GB of storage; more space (up to 1TB) can be requested
  • Central back up
  • Requesting access is only available for UG staff. If you are a student, ask your supervisor to request access to the Y: drive for you.

LowCost Storage

  • LowCost Storage is available for non-business-critical data (e.g., bulk data); it can be requested through the demand manager
  • Central back up

C: and D: drives

The CIT advises against using the C: and D: drives for storage of your data or personal files. Files that are stored on the C: and D: drives fall under the user’s own responsibility, and they are not secured in central back up.

Restoring files from the back-up

All files on the network (X: and Y: drives) are backed up every working day at night. These back ups are not kept indefinitely:

  • X: and Y: drives: up to 90 days or 6 versions
  • LowCost: up to 60 days or 2 versions

The CIT Service Desk restores files upon request.

Last modified:27 March 2025 4.48 p.m.