University workplace storage
Each staff member and student has a personal network drive to store personal settings, data and documents. This is the X: drive.
In addition the Y: drive is a shared network drive and suitable to store and collaborate on research data (internally) during research.
The data on the X: and Y: drives are backed up every working day.
The University workplace has a Windows desktop version (UWP), a Linux version (LWP) and a protected version also based on Windows (VRW).
Rules of thumb for University workplace storage:
The X and Y drive are accessible from the physical or virtual Windows or Linux desktop (UWP/LWP) or can be made accessible otherwise ONLY on devices connected to the UG network.
The X and Y drive are ONLY accessible with active UG credentials and therefore protected by Multi-Factor Authentication.
You have to have been granted access explicitly to data (folders and files) on the Y drive by the owner of a folder. Permissions must be requested at the CIT servicedesk (see below).
The X and Y drive are secure, but not suitable for external collaborations or external data sharing or transfer (for reasons stated above).
When planning to work with personal data on the University workplace, always ask for advice of the DCC. They can advise you on what the safest solutions are.
X: drive
Personal; accessible only to the owner
Standard 30GB of storage; more space (up to 300GB) can be requested
Central back up
Y: drive
Group area; users determine who has access rights. Request for change on Y:-drive
Standard 30GB of storage; more space (up to 1TB) can be requested
Central back up
Requesting access is only available for UG staff. If you are a student, ask your supervisor to request access to the Y: drive for you.
LowCost Storage
LowCost Storage is available for non-business-critical data (e.g., bulk data); it can be requested through the demand manager
Central back up
C: and D: drives
The CIT advises against using the C: and D: drives for storage of your data or personal files. Files that are stored on the C: and D: drives fall under the user’s own responsibility, and they are not secured in central back up.
Restoring files from the back-up
All files on the network (X: and Y: drives) are backed up every working day at night. These back ups are not kept indefinitely:
X: and Y: drives: up to 90 days or 6 versions
LowCost: up to 60 days or 2 versions
The CIT Service Desk restores files upon request.
Last modified: | 27 March 2025 4.48 p.m. |