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Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
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Looking back: Seminar Brian Wansink

Datum:22 november 2016

Friday November 19, Brian Wansink gave a very inspirational talk about the things we can do in our environments to nudge us towards healthier options when it comes to our diet. The underlying theory is that it is easier to change our environment than it is...

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Healthwise en Accare onderzoeken financiële baten jeugdzorg (Dutch press release)

Datum:22 september 2016

Wat levert goede jeugdzorg op, niet alleen maatschappelijk maar ook financieel? En hoe bereken je dat?

The most recent publications of Healthwise

The most recent publications of Healthwise

Datum:03 augustus 2016

We are proud to present the newest publications of Healthwise researchers.

"my health, my responsibility: with a little help from... "

Looking back: the spring symposium

Datum:28 juli 2016

Expertisecentrum Healthwise and the UMCG are looking back to a very successful spring symposium about "my health, my responsibility: with a little help from... " that took place on May 20.

Course Health Economics and Healthcare Management

Course Health Economics and Healthcare Management

Datum:15 juli 2016

Please note that the course is in Dutch, therefore the information about the course is provided in Dutch

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