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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy Providers

Center for Information Technology (CIT)

In addition to its standard offering of courses for high-performance computing and Internet applications, CIT also offers a number of on-demand research courses.

Course overview

Working on the University website

The following courses are available for editing the UG web pages.

See the 'Roles and editing rights' webpage for the different roles and rights that can be assigned to an editor. The web coordinator of your faculty or department will ultimately decide which course you should take.

Research and IT

Geo- and data science, data visualization and research data management

Some courses can be given on request.

Interested? Please contact datascience
  • Storymapping for researchers and students (EN)
  • Introduction to GIS for PhD students (EN)
  • Making Maps with QGIS
  • Making Maps prettier
  • Finding your way in open Dutch geodata
  • Geocoaching: personalized mapping
  • Open science with Story Maps

Some courses can be given on request.

Interested? Please contact geodienst

High performance computing (HPC)

Digital Competence Centre (DCC)

Your one-stop for research IT and data

The DCC frequently offer workshops, webinars and consultation hours on:
  • Data management principles
  • UG IT solutions for storing and handling research data
  • Software management (reproducible workflow and GIT)
  • Data protection and privacy in research
Last modified:21 May 2024 2.50 p.m.
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