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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Python - Introduction to Programming (in English)

"Theo is a fantastic instructor for this level of programming. Very friendly, breaks down complex/abstract concepts in a clear and beginner-friendly way, and keeps the presentations interesting through humour and relatable metaphors. 10/10”


Worldwide Python is the most popular language for doing datascience, but at its core it is also a widely used general programming language.

In this introductory course we'll use python to show the most important tools in programming; conditions, loops, functions, and datatypes like integers, floats, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries and eventually classes.


At the end of the course you'll not only be able to work with Python, but you will also be able to expand your knowledge in your own specific work field.

Interactive Learning Experience

This course relies heavily on highly interactive (online or hybrid) sessions where we review what you’ve done in the reader. During a review the teacher will share his screen and go through the code asking you by voting and chatting to find the error or complete the code. These reviews are used to rehearse material, show tips and tricks, warn for common mistakes, explain error messages, show how to use the helpfiles and the program (IDE) in general, and overall to motivate you to keep up the pace. Participants report they are highly involved during these sessions and the course is consistently highly evaluated. On average this course is rated with an 8.2 (10% gives a 10!) by students and employees alike.

Practical Information


This introduction course is for everyone who wants to learn the basics of programming, or more specifically, how to do that in Python. This is useful for those new to programming and/or Python, but also for those who already use Python but never got the chance to learn the basics themselves.

  1. Introduction
  2. Python and Spyder (NB using another IDE’s are fine, but the teacher will use Spyder)
  3. Basics (variables and datatypes)
  4. Functions
  5. Conditions and recursion
  6. Iteration: for and while loops
  7. Error handling and debugging
  8. Sequences: strings, lists and tuples
  9. Dictionaries
  10. Text files
  11. Object oriented programming
  12. Algorithms (self-study)

No prior knowledge needed

Enrollment and course fee

Late enrollments are fine, but please also contact the teacher to not risk being overlooked. You can unenroll until 8 days prior to the first session. The participants will be mailed the course material a few days prior to the course. For more info, you can mail Theo van Mourik
(t.j.van.mourik ).

Prices for individuals:

  • €100   BSc/MSc student at UG, other Dutch University or Hanze Hogeschool
  • €300   PHD-student at UG or other Dutch University
  • €650   Employee UG or other Dutch university/UMCG/Hanze Hogeschool
  • €650   UG Alumni
  • €1250   Other participants

Prices for groups joining the course:

  • 20 or more PHD’s €200pp (minimum price of €4.000)
  • 10 or more Employees €400 pp (minimum price of €4.000)
  • 20 or more Employees €250 pp (minimum price of €5.000)
  • 5 or more others €1.000 pp (minimum price of €5.000, we’ll also need to send a separate contract for this)

When enrolling a group of participants, you need to report a single financial contact person/kostenplaatsnummer and the mailing addresses of all participants. You can enroll a group with the normal enrollment link.

You can also order a custom course and discuss dates, audience, and content. For more information mail Theo van Mourik ( This is also possible within the curriculum.

Date, time and location

Below are the dates and times of the next known Introduction to Programming using Python course(s). The content of these courses is the same each time. If these dates don’t suit you and you want to be notified on future courses please contactTheo van Mourik (t.j.van.mourik

July 2024 – 3 week course

All sessions take 4 hours and take 3-4 hours of preparation each. All presentations will be given via the Kaltura classroom (no account needed) and can be followed online. Even if sessions would be onsite, you can always choose to join online. All presentations will be recorded and recordings will be available for about 6 months after the course. You’ll receive a certificate of attendance for attending 5 of 6 sessions or (if you prefer) after completing a final assignment.

Tue July 2nd 9:00-13:00 
Install Python and Spyder or start in UWP/VRW
Thu July 4th 9:00-13:00
Ch 3-4, Basics and Functions
Tue July 9th 9:00-13:00
Ch 5, 6, 7: Conditions, Iterations, Error handling
Thu July 11th 9:00-13:00
Ch 8: Sequences
Tue July 16th 9:00-13:00  
Ch 9, 10: Dictionaries and Text files
Thu July 18th 9:00-13:00  
Ch 11 Object oriented programming

September 2024 – 12 week evening course

This evening course is set up specifically for Life-Long-Learners who work all day, but still want to learn programming in Python. To accommodate for the late hour this course will be given more light-heartedly. We’ll make it ‘gezellig’. If it helps, during the presentations, some key words can be translated to Dutch and of course participants can ask their questions in Dutch as well if that is easier for them.

The sessions are weekly on Tuesday evenings, although we skip the Autumn holiday/Herfstvakantie and the week of Sinterklaas (5th of December). The sessions in December are reserved for optional material and a final assignment and can be skipped if need be.

All sessions take 2 hours on Tuesday evenings from 19:00-21:00 and take 1-2 hours of preparation each. All presentations will be given via the Kaltura classroom (no account required) and can be followed online. Even if sessions would be onsite, you can always choose to join online. All presentations will be recorded and recordings will be available for about 6 months after the course. You’ll receive a certificate of attendance for attending 9 of 12 sessions or (if you prefer) after completing a final assignment.

Sessions 1, 11 and 12 are hybrid. On those sessions you can still join online, but you can also join in the classroom at Zernike in Groningen (room to be announced).

Install python and Spyder
Ch 3, Basics (p16-p25)
Ch 4, Functions (p26-p40)
Ch. 5: Conditions (pp. 41-50)
Ch. 6: Iterations (pp. 51-60)
Ch 8: Sequences (pp. 68-82)
Ch 8: Sequences (pp. 83-91)
Ch 9: Dictionaries (p. 92-101)
Ch 10: Text files (pp. 102-111)
Ch 11: Objects (pp. 111-126)
Ch. 7: Error handling (pp. 61-66)

If you want to be notified on future courses in Python (or R) mail the teacher Theo van Mourik (t.j.van.mourik

September 2024 – 6 week course

This course is organized in conjunction with the Datawise minor, offering a few perks.

  • All sessions take 4 hours and take 3-4 hours of preparation each.
  • All presentations will be given via the Kaltura classroom (no account needed) and can be followed online. Even if sessions would be onsite, you can always choose to join online.
  • All presentations will be recorded and recordings will be available for about 6 months after the course.
  • You’ll receive a certificate of attendance for attending 5 out of 6 sessions or (if you prefer) after completing a final assignment.
Extra's of this run of the course

The Datawise minor students will join the same Kaltura classroom and especially in the first session there will be some announcements on the exam and extra work you don’t need to do. The physical classroom is reserved for the Datawise students, but assuming there will be room during later sessions you can attend onsite as well if you prefer. During the course there will be an optional onsite guided working session each Friday from 9:00-11:00 at the faculty of BSS. The Datawise students get extra practice assignments that you can do as well if you like.

Mon Sept 16th 9:00-13:00  
Install Python and Spyder or start in UWP/VRW
Mon Sept 23rd 9:00-13:00  
Ch 3-4, Basics and Functions
Mon Sept 30th 9:00-13:00  
Ch 5, 6, 7: Conditions, Iterations, Error handling
Mon Oct 7th 9:00-13:00 
Ch 8: Sequences
Mon Oct 14th 9:00-13:00  
Ch 9, 10: Dictionaries and Text files
Mon Oct 21st 9:00-13:00
Ch 11 Object oriented programming

For more information on this or similar courses, please mail the teacher, Theo van Mourik (t.j.van.mourik

Last modified:10 June 2024 3.35 p.m.