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Knowledge Infrastructures

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The Knowledge Infrastructure team in 2022.

At the Department of Knowledge Infrastructures, our research endeavors to address a critical question: How can we cultivate knowledge infrastructures that support sustainability and the pursuit of livable futures? By exploring this question, we aim to facilitate scientific knowledge production that can contribute to building a more sustainable world.

Knowledge infrastructures play a crucial role in helping us understand global issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, soil degradation, pollution, and food production systems. However, they can also be the subject of critical examination due to their potential to perpetuate globalized, unsustainable, technocratic, and standardized modes of thinking, which can perpetuate epistemic injustice.

Nevertheless, knowledge infrastructures also present opportunities for collective action and contribute to the urgency of addressing issues such as the SDGs and 30x30 targets. In fact, they can serve as powerful catalysts for change, precisely because of their connection to policy and to the obduracy of existing practices. Further, there is potential for digital technologies to be deployed in innovative ways that go beyond current approaches.

Our mission at the KI Department is to promote sustainable scientific knowledge production through the development of better infrastructures. We conduct multi- and transdisciplinary research to address complex socio-environmental issues, leading to new insights, innovative tools, and concrete improvements to knowledge infrastructures and data flows.

The team

Meet the interdisciplinary team of experts at the Department of Knowledge Infrastructures. Our team includes experienced professors, accomplished researchers, dedicated administrative staff, and promising doctoral candidates working towards innovative solutions to address complex socio-environmental challenges. From data science to sustainability and Arctic ecology, our team members bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. Get to know our team and explore their ongoing research projects.

Alumni: Selen Eren, Roeland Bom.

Last modified:19 February 2025 12.04 p.m.