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Recap Opening Academic Year 2024 - 2025

06 September 2024
Member of Parliament Rob Jetten during the Gemma Frisius Lecture

On Thursday 5 September 2024, the opening of the 2024-2025 academic year took place at Campus Fryslân Leeuwarden. A festive event and a moment to reflect, to make connections and to look ahead. Read more about the ceremony, with inspiring speeches, beautiful music, and a good atmosphere, in the article below.

After the traditional cortège the ceremony was held in a packed Auditorium at the Beurs.

What else was on the programme?

Global Responsibility & Leadership student Alice Haywood, who won the Enterprijs for developing her app Autimelody, was the host.

The new Dean of the Faculty, prof. Tjalling Halbertsma, spoke about the RUG motto Making Connections for which CF is an example of being an interdisciplinary faculty connecting government, business and knowledge institutions in finding local answers to global solutions together. Read his speech.

Teddy Lagerweij, the new Student Assessor, held her speech about Campus Fryslân as such a special place to learn and grow.

Then Rob Jetten gave the Gemma Frisius lecture which was followed by a Q&A, led by dr. Indira van der Zande, with an engaging audience.

The music was performed by Elise Benard, alumna GRL & Yaniek Meijer, GRL student.

Finally, the representatives of the Faculty Council Leo Pereira and Amaranta Luna Arteaga expressed their wishes for the upcoming year.

We thank everyone who attended and look forward to the new academic year!

The photos of the ceremony are taken by Fotobureau Hoge Noorden.

All speeches

The Opening of the Academic Year in the news

"In Leeuwarden heb je de Campus Fryslân. Dat is van de Rijkuniversiteit Groningen in een prachtig pand midden in de stad van Leeuwarden. Daar heb je studenten uit Franeker, maar ook uit Mexico, studenten uit Rotterdam en uit Indonesië, en dat is echt een geweldige samensmelting van allemaal talent uit binnen- en buitenland, die leren daar ook hoe ze allerlei verschillende kennis aan elkaar moeten verknopen om hele baanbrekende dingen te doen. Een van de voorbeelden was een app die daar is ontwikkeld door studenten die je helpt om beter communiceren met verstandelijk beperkte familieleden, vrienden of wie dan ook. En dat ontstaat daar omdat je dus talent uit binnen- en buitenland bij elkaar zet."

Rob Jetten, Buitenhof, 8 September 2024

Last modified:12 September 2024 12.08 p.m.
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