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PhD defence Anno Bunnik: Policing the future? Assessing the mobilisation of Big Data by UK law enforcement

When:Fr 15-03-2024 10:30 - 12:00
Where:The Beurs, Wirdumerdijk 34, Leeuwarden (also online)

It is possible to follow the defence online via the livestream.

The programme:

10:30 - 11:00
Anno will give a layman's talk
11:00 - 12:00
public defense ceremony
Anno Bunnik book cover

The exponential growth of data has created both challenges and opportunities for government agencies involved in security and law enforcement. The rise of cybercrime, the dark web and the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes pose major challenges. At the same time, the data revolution offers new opportunities for intelligence and crime prevention, such as Predictive Policing. Despite the promise of Big Data, ethical and institutional factors have hindered innovation within law enforcement agencies. The impact of Big Data on law enforcement in the United Kingdom between 2013 and 2020 was fragmented: while it accelerated innovation processes, it also revealed ethical concerns and institutional barriers. Adapting to Big Data was not as successful as hoped for by UK law enforcement, and its effectiveness in reducing crime remains unclear. More research is needed to determine how Big Data and Artificial Intelligence can be used to improve security, taking into account ethical, social and legal implications. International cooperation and attention to human-centered approaches are essential in the pursuit of effective security innovations.


Anno Bunnik
Anno Bunnik

About Anno Bunnik
Anno Bunnik is a researcher at Campus Fryslân where he is working on a PhD thesis on law enforcement and Big Data and the Ransomware Resilience project. Previously, he was a researcher for the European H2020 project 'Cutting Crime Impact' (2018-2021) in which the team advised government bodies in the field of security on responsible innovation in a digital world.

In addition, Anno is senior policy officer for the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) where he works on national research and impact strategies, such as in national Growth Fund programmes and the sector plans. He is also currently steering a working group aimed at developing a sectoral vision on AI on behalf of Dutch universities.

In the past, he studied conflict studies at Utrecht University (BA) and King's College London (MA) and worked for think tanks at the intersection of security and human rights.

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