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About us Working at the University of Groningen Dual Career Support

Services and support

At Dual Career Support (DCS), we offer comprehensive support to registered DCS partners. Below you will find an overview of our services:

Partner support
  • Membership of the UG and Hanze University of Applied Sciences Staff Sports Association (SPR): In their first year in Groningen, DCS partners can join SPR at the staff rate. Applications can be made via the form on the SPR website, stating that you are the partner of a UG staff member.
  • Language courses at the UG: DCS members are eligible for a one-off 10% discount on a Dutch language course offered by the UG Language Centre. Contact us to get your personal discount voucher.
Updates and information
  • LinkedIn: Through our LinkedIn group and newsletter, we keep you informed of any DCS developments and potential vacancies within and outside the UG.
  • Two-hour information session at IWCN: Within three months of registering with DCS, you can under certain conditions request a free Q&A session at the International Welcome Centre North. For more information, contact IWCN through the contact form.
  • Free training courses and workshops: DCS partners can register for training courses aimed at the Dutch labour market and offered by our partner Queenfishers free of charge.
  • Public Library Membership: Enjoy a free one-year membership of the Public Library. Send an email with the subject ‘Free Public Library Membership’ and attach a scan of your ID.
  • University Newspaper (UKrant): Daily news about the UG in Dutch and English.
Practical matters within the UG
  • HR Information Desk: For questions about the University and practical matters, please contact the HR Information Desk.
  • Immigration Service Desk (ISD): Support in matters concerning visas, residence permits, etc.
  • Vitality coaching: Free coaching with vitality coach Linda van den Bovenkamp.
Services and information outside of UG
  • International Welcome Center North (IWCN): Support in dealing with government formalities and information on living and working in the Netherlands.
  • Make it in the North (MiitN): Career platform that offers events, workshops and individual career support.
  • Municipality of Groningen: Essential information for newcomers.
  • Dutch government: Information on immigration to the Netherlands.
  • Tourist information about the city and province.
  • The Northern Times: The latest news from Groningen, Drenthe and Friesland in English.
  • Here and Now: Overview of recreational and cultural activities in the northern provinces in English.

Contact details or more information

At DCS, we aim to offer you and your partner both professional and social support. If you have any questions or if you would like more information, details about our services can be found on the DCS flyer or by emailing us at

Last modified:10 May 2024 10.03 a.m.
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