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Strategic Partnership with Universidad de Antioquia

Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) is one of the nine non-European Strategic Partners of the University of Groningen.

Amongst other things, UdeA:

  • It is located in Medellín, the City of the Eternal Spring.
  • It is ranked amongst the top 15 universities in Latin America according to QS Latin America University Rankings 2022.
  • Offers 130 undergraduate programs and 184 graduate programs.
  • Houses 4 cultural centers and the College Museum MUUA.
  • It is more than 219 years old!

For more information regarding our Strategic Partnership with UdeA, contact Joyce Fongers, ISR Coordinator for Latin America.

Double Degree PhD Program with UdeA

Since May 2022, The University of Groningen and Universidad de Antioquia hold a general double degree PhD agreement, which allows students to set up a co-supervised trajectory in any field and, in term, obtain a diploma from each University based on a single course and thesis.

A double degree PhD can also be combined with UdeA’s MD-PhD program. Students that carry out in this program will hold UdeA’s diploma of Medical Doctor, and a doctoral diploma from each University.

Candidates can find more information in our Sandwich PhD with Latin America section. Also, all prospective students are required to contact the Central Postgraduate Mobility Office at UdeA and the UG Representative Office in Mexico during the earliest possible stage of the application (preparation) process.


  • UdeA Central Postgraduate Mobility Office: Cristian Rodriguez,
  • The UG Representative in Mexico: Luis Andrés González Gutiérrez,
  • The UG Coordinator for Latin America: Joyce Fongers,
Last modified:01 August 2023 12.54 p.m.