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UG involvement in Erasmus+

The University of Groningen is very active in participating in the Erasmus+ programmes of the EU, alongside many international collaborations. In recent decades, we have successfully applied for the different programmes Erasmus+ has to offer:

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In order to participate in the Erasmus+ programme, universities need to have received the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, which lays down the rules and regulations of the programme for both mobility and international projects. The Erasmus Policy Statement, drawn up by the institution itself, is related to the Erasmus Charter.

For more information on our involvement in the Erasmus programme, you can contact our Erasmus Institutional Coordinator: Ms. Regine van Groningen


  • KA131 Mobility for higher education students and staff between institutions in Programme countries
  • KA171 Mobility for higher education students and staff between Programme and Partner countries

European Network

Enlight: European university Network to promote equitable quality of Life, sustainability and Global engagement through Higher education Transformation

Erasmus Mundus joint Masters & joint doctorates

TCCM: Master Studies in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

Euroculture: Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context

LCT: Language and Communication Technologies

Noha: Network on Humanitarian Action

Meme: Erasmus Mundus Master In Evolutionary Biology

EMCL: European Master in Clinical Linguistics

IMIM: International Master in Innovative Medicine

Idealab: International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language And Brain

ISLANDS: Islands and Sustainability

S-Disco: Sustainable Drug discovery

RedGlobal:  Religious Diversity in a Globalised World

Capacity Building

Tuning Rishii: Resources for Interntionalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India

YOUTH-ACT: Youth for Participation and Democratic Values (Jóvenes por Ia Participación y los Valores Democráticos)

ACE: Aprendizaje Centrado en el Estudiante en America del Sur

Profic: Professional Development in Intercultural Competence in Higher Education Institutions

Baqonde: Boosting the Use of African Languages in Education. A Qualified Organized Nationwide DEvelopment Strategy for South Africa

CALOHEA: Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia

STAGE: Scientist and Public engagement

Innovation Lab: Transform your teaching with the Digital Advisor Toolkit
for Higher Education

START: Supporting Teachers who Support Student Transition

VOW:Voices of Women


STEAM4ALL: Towards an all inclusive STEAM programme for ALL

Strategic Partnerships

IMPACCT - Health Literacy Centre Europe

SUSTAIN: Sustainable landscapes

INSPIRE: Social Innovation and Leadership skills for Third Sector Capacity Building

LoCall: LoCal Inguistic Landscapes for global language eduction

STEAMitUP: Preparing teachers and students for a digital world

UMARG: Using Mobile Augmented Reality Games to develop key competences through learning about sustainable development.

RiTE: Research in Teacher Education

Brighter Future: Innovatieve tools for developing full potential after early adversity

iShrink: Island Schools Harnessing Regional Innovation

GEN-AI: Teaching kids about Artificial Intelligence

PIMDI: The Pedagogy of imaginative dialogue

TECT: Training in Embodied critical Thinking

TES: Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability

Rebelah - Religion, beliefs and laicity in cultural heritage to forster social
inclusion in adult trainings.

Psyclic -Psychology in Climate Change - Digital Education

Virtual Hackatons

eWBL - Promoting social skills in e-work based learning: Lessons from
Covid 19

Forward looking Cooperation

CalohE2 Measuring and comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in
Higher Education in Europe, phase 2

CaloheX - Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe - Extension

Jean Monnet

European Papers

Eudiplo: The European Union in International Diplomatic Relations

Erasmus+ Staffweek

This staff week is aimed at staff members of our partner institutions who work at an international office. We look forward to sharing good practices on the daily work at the International Office, for example, how to select the right student for the right place, green mobility, diversity and inclusion, dealing with contracts etc.


Financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed here are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the National Agency can be held liable for them.

Last modified:12 December 2024 2.08 p.m.