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Text for photographer

Photographic assignments are subject to the University of Groningen General Terms of Purchase, which can be found below.

Article 8 of the General Terms of Purchase deals with intellectual property rights. Under this article, responsibility for liability based on the intellectual property rights of third parties rests with the photographer.

Portrait rights

In some cases, people who are photographed have a reasonable interest in opposing further dissemination of the image. To prevent liability on the grounds of infringement of the portrait right, we request that you ask the subject of the photo to sign the attached consent declaration. They can indicate whether they agree to:

  • Single use in a particular medium
  • Multiple use in University of Groningen communications and marketing communications

Once it has been signed, please send the consent form to image bank coordinator Merel Weijer (see consent form).

Transfer of copyright to client

The General Terms of Purchase also stipulate that copyright belongs to the client. Unless otherwise agreed, the University of Groningen will place the photo in the image bank with a Creative Commons Share Alike licentie to encourage re-use and further dissemination.

N.B. For an agreement for single use

There is no transfer of copyright to the client.
Notwithstanding Article 8.2 of the General Terms of Purchase, parties do not agree to a transfer of copyright, but to a licence for single use.

Article 11 (Intellectual property) University of Groningen General Terms of Purchase

8.1 The other party guarantees that the delivery of the agreed items or services and normal use of them, all in the broadest sense, will not infringe any patent right, copyright, trademark right, design right or any other absolute right of a third party. The other party indemnifies the client against claims of this nature.

8.2 All industrial and intellectual property rights to or in connection with items or procedures specifically designed and/or manufactured for or on behalf of the client, and to the drawings, texts, models, manuals, samples, aids, calculations, software and other documents and data carriers made or used by the client or the other party will belong to the client. The other party undertakes, to the extent necessary, to cooperate with the transfer of the intellectual property rights referred to above and will, after completion of the order, hand over any auxiliary materials to the client. The other party will not use the data, items and procedures referred to above for any other purpose than to implement the agreement with the client and will not make any copies of them without written permission from the client.

Last modified:07 March 2024 10.36 a.m.
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