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  • Photos should look professional.
Professional look
  • Photos should be in colour. Ideally they should have a light background. This helps to create a fresh, open look, while making it easier to superimpose text.
Photos with a light background
  • Ideally, photographs should be in documentary style, not slick and commercial-looking. The photographs must tell a story: about a student’s degree programme or leisure time, about the work of a lecturer or researcher or about another member of staff.
Documentary style (spontaneous, every day)
Documentary style (spontaneous, every day)
  • Photographs should not be overly staged, manipulated or photoshopped. You can of course use special techniques that help to create an honest and sincere image.
People in action, not overly staged
People in action, not overly staged
  • With brochures or other communications, for example, try to create variety by using several different photographs. This is much better than just using portraits of people or only photographs of buildings. A good mix of both creates a much nicer effect.

Examples of less suitable photos

  • Photographs that are overly staged, making them less powerful
  • These photos fail to tell a story: A building without people does not reveal its function; it is impossible to see what the student is doing and/or how he feels about his task.
Documentary style

More examples and information can be found in the UG image plan

Last modified:07 September 2021 10.09 a.m.
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