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Image plan

When taking photographs and shooting video clips, keep the University of Groningen’s (UG) story in mind: a story about encounters, connections and commitment. Ideally, the images used should have an inviting look and should also symbolize the UG as an open academic community.

Points for attention

Focus on individuals

Focus on individuals
  • Show that we are internationally oriented, that we have many international students.
  • Show people in their natural setting – with other students, studying, on placements or in work environments. The images then say something not just about the degree programme or research, but also about the University, its academic ceremonies, internationalization, the atmosphere on campus, the physical surroundings, student accommodation, the city, etc.
  • Remember, researchers will have their own collections of images, in addition to photographs taken by photographic agencies. Stories about researchers can be illustrated with a range of images, not just photographs of the researcher in question. Images taken from their research can also be used. What if the story is about an economist who is doing a lot of work with/for farmers in Africa? Then you can also insert a photograph of African farmers.
  • When selecting photographs for international target groups, ask yourself whether the photographs are appropriate to the culture of those groups.
  • Show ‘real’ individuals, not just beautiful people or stock models with a ‘toothpaste’ smile. It is, of course, fine to use carefully-chosen stock photographs with a ‘sincere’ and honest look.
  • It is almost impossible to present some fields without resorting to stock photographs. For instance, when there is no way to take photographs in the immediate vicinity. Take American studies or International business, for example.
  • UG portraits should project individuality, originality, pride and humour. They should evoke a sense of engagement. The viewer should feel a connection with the person portrayed.

Present the UG as an open academic community

Open academic community
  • In photographs about teaching and research, show that the University is all about community. Collaboration is vital for both teaching and research, including across disciplinary boundaries. Show the energy that staff have for research or teaching.
  • Choose images showing people in action and which engage the viewer. At the very least, a couple of people should be looking at each other or at the camera.
  • Of course, staff and students don’t do everything together. Studying, for example, is largely an individual affair. If you want to portray a single researcher or student, show them engaged in an activity in their work or study environment.



When photographing buildings, try to play with perspective and to involve people in the shot. Consider a building’s function, not just its appearance. Try to alternate between old and new architecture.

Last modified:07 September 2021 10.04 a.m.
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