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Promotion Policy at UCG

The University College Groningen (UCG) offers talented teachers and lecturers the opportunities to develop on the basis of a promotion policy that embraces the principles of Recognition and Rewards. The promotion policy explicitly allows for ‘horizontal’ transitions between the teacher and the lecturer tracks. Both, teachers and lecturers, are allocated 70% of teaching time, 20% of research/impact time and 10 % of service time.

For promotion, academic staff are evaluated on the  four criteria teaching, research/impact, academic citizenship and leadership. ‘Room for everyone’s talent’ is made by flexible weighting of the 4 criteria with the clear understanding that academics are not required to excel on all criteria all the time. Besides a focus on teaching that is characteristic for a teaching-centered faculty, academics are thus free to concentrate on research, leadership or academic citizenship. In the annual R&D meetings, performance on the four criteria is evaluated and career perspectives are discussed.

Promotion requests to associate professor or to teacher 1 are evaluated by an independent promotion committee. A promotion to full professor is currently not possible.Promotion Policy at UCG

Last modified:05 July 2024 2.36 p.m.
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