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Over ons Organisatie Diensten en services Teaching Academy Groningen Education Festival 2025

Onderwijsfestival 2025 Programma

Met veel plezier kondigen we het programma van het Education Festival 2025 aan. Het thema van dit jaar is Inspiratie, Interactie en Impact, de essentiële elementen van effectief onderwijs. Het wordt een week vol inspirerende seminars, workshops en netwerkmogelijkheden. Voor uw gemak is het volledige programma als PDF hier beschikbaar. Het Education Festival 2025 vindt plaats van 24 tot 26 maart in House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen.

Maandag 24 maart

Locatie: House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

09:00 - 11:00 - Participatory Theater to Understand and Address Microaggressions in Higher Education

In het hoger onderwijs kunnen culturele aannames leiden tot subtiele maar schadelijke microagressies die schadelijk zijn voor relaties en welzijn, met name voor gemarginaliseerde groepen. In deze praktijkgerichte workshop onderzoeken we hoe participatief theater kan dienen als een creatief en veilig platform om de wortels van microagressies te onderzoeken, hun impact te begrijpen en effectieve reacties te oefenen. Deelnemers gaan aan de slag met theateroefeningen die alledaagse uitdagingen belichten en een ruimte bieden om empathie, communicatie en manieren van voorspraak te oefenen. Door actief de confrontatie aan te gaan met vooroordelen in deze meeslepende scenario's, zullen deelnemers praktische strategieën leren om een inclusieve, respectvolle en rechtvaardige klas- en werkomgeving te creëren.

10:00 - 11:00 - More Time, Less Pressure: How Accessible Education Lowers Your Work Pressure

Onderwijzers streven ernaar om alle leerlingen te ondersteunen, maar beperkte tijd kan het beantwoorden van steeds terugkerende vragen behoorlijk lastig maken. In deze workshop bespreken we jouw ervaringen met alle leerlingen, in het bijzonder neurodiverse studenten. Jouw inbreng zal ons helpen een toolbox voor leerkrachten samen te stellen en we zullen praktische tips geven die je meteen in je lessen kunt toepassen.

09:00 - 10:00 - Game On, Learn On: The Playful Pedagogy

We beginnen met een plenaire sessie over de theorie achter gamification en andere vormen van engagement en activerende pedagogie via games en game-elementen. Daarna hebben we een interactieve discussie waarin we een spel laten zien om te laten zien hoe het kan worden opgenomen in een college. Daarna hebben we een plenaire sessie waarin we illustreren hoe je games ontwerpt. Daarna willen we graag een tentoonstelling houden van een aantal van onze games.

10:00 - 11:00 - Difficult Discussion in Class

Op het moment zijn wij een well-being module voor onderwijzers aan het ontwikkelen en wij zijn van plan om geselecteerde activiteiten te testen tijdens het Onderwijs Festival 2025. Ons doel is om ervoor te zorgen dat deze activiteiten en onderwerpen aansluiten bij de behoeften en prioriteiten van onderwijzers. Dit jaar zullen we ons richten op strategieën voor het begeleiden van moeilijke gesprekken in de klas.

11:00 - 12:00 - Implementing Blended Learning? Insights and Experiences from FSE Staff and Students

De FSE streeft naar het implementeren van Blended Learning als een middel om de actieve leermogelijkheden, 'active learning', te vergroten en de leerervaringen van leerlingen te verrijken. Door middel van interviews met medewerkers en studenten hebben we waardevolle cursuselementen en effectieve werkwijzen onderzocht. Dit seminar deelt de belangrijkste bevindingen en stimuleert de dialoog met collega's, met als doel te informeren en inspireren tot verdere verbeteringen in het onderwijs. Doe mee om inzichten uit te wisselen en samen de toekomst van Blended Learning vorm te geven.

12:00 -14:00 - Students as Teachers: Train Teaching Talent resulting in a Student Qualification for Education

In deze workshop leer je meer over Student-as-Teachers (SATs), hoe zij kunnen bijdragen aan het curriculum en hoe de SATs worden getraind. Verschillende faculteiten/afdelingen (bijvoorbeeld ESI; FMS; FSE) zullen hun benadering laten zien. Op basis van deze insipiratie nodigen wij de deelnemers uit om de mogelijkheden in hun eigen context te bespreken en een plan te ontwikkelen om hun eigen SATs te ondersteunen.

12:00 - 14:00 - Bridging Cultures and Minds: Memory and Language in Culturally Responsive Education

Deze workshop onderzoekt hoe geheugen en taal elkaar kruisen om cultureel responsief onderwijs vorm te geven. Deelnemers onderzoeken de invloed van culturele en taalkundige diversiteit op het leren, ontdekken effectieve strategieën om het geheugenopslag te verbeteren en ontwikkelen inclusieve onderwijspraktijken die betrokkenheid stimuleren en alle leerlingen in staat stellen om te gedijen in diverse, multiculturele klaslokalen.

12:00 - 14:00 - Educational Quality in the AI Era: Challenges and Strategies

Nu kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) het hoger onderwijs snel verandert, hoe kunnen we ervoor zorgen dat leerresultaten, beoordelingsintegriteit en onderwijsmethoden effectief blijven? Deze sessie onderzoekt de impact van AI tools zoals ChatGPT op onderwijskwaliteit, het aanpakken van problemen zoals academische integriteit, overmatige afhankelijkheid van studenten van AI en veranderende beoordelingsmethoden. Doormiddel van begeleide discussies zullen we strategieën voor AI geschikte lesontwerpen, proactieve beoordelingsoplossingen en de rol van onderwijzers in de toekomst bekijken. Op basis van recent onderzoek en praktijkvoorbeelden biedt deze sessie praktische inzichten in het omgaan met de kansen en risico's van AI in het hoger onderwijs.

14:00 - 17:00 - Opening Ceremony: Celebrating Best Practice Awards, Honoring Educational Grant Laureates, and Live Entertainment

Dr Jan Riezebos, Academic Leader van de Teaching Academy Groningen, zal het Onderwijsfestival officieel openen en ons voorbereiden voor een week vol Inspiratie, Interactie en Impact. Rector Magnificus Jacquelien Scherpen zal dan het podium betreden om de winnaars van de Best Practice Awards 2025 bekend te maken, waarmee uitmuntende bijdragen aan het onderwijs worden gevierd. We zullen ook de winnaars van de Education Grant Laureates erkennen en hun projecten en toewijding aan het bevorderen van onderwijs en leren in de schijnwerpers zetten. Het evenement wordt afgesloten met boeiend entertainment, wat zorgt voor een levendige en gedenkwaardige ervaring voor alle aanwezigen.

17:00 - 18:00 - Posters & Opening Drinks

Dit is de perfecte gelegenheid om innovatieve ideeën te ontdekken, deel te nemen aan inzichtelijke discussies met presentatoren en in contact te komen met andere aanwezigen in een ontspannen en informele setting. Neem een drankje, wissel van gedachten en stimuleer nieuwe samenwerkingen!

Dinsdag 25 maart

Locatie: House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

09:00 - 12:00 - Equipping Module 'Dynamics in Group Work'

Deze sessie is onderdeel van de vijfdelige EQUiiP Continuing Professional Developemt programme. In deze module zul je verschillende dimensies van diversiteit en inclusie ontdekken met een specifieke focus op groepsvorming en het faciliteren van (inticultureel) groepswerk. Het doel van de module is om vragen zoals hoe je groepsdynamiek kunt faciliteren om zinvolle interactie en doelgerichte samenwerking tussen diverse studenten te bevorderen te discusseren.

09:00 - 10:00 - Inclusive Pedagogy in International Classrooms

This seminar relates to the theme of interaction, considering how interaction patterns in international classrooms promote or prevent inclusion. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their understanding of the concept of inclusion, their perceptions of inclusive pedagogy and how this is realised in their own practice.

11:00 - 12:00 - Beyond the UTQ: University Teachers’ Wishes and Needs in Continuous Professional Development

How can you continue your development as a teacher after obtaining your UTQ? In this session we will share the outcomes of a small-scale research done at the UG about challenges, needs and wishes of teachers. Come to share with us your experiences and thoughts!

10:00 - 12:00 - Rethinking Assessment: A Formative Approach to AI Integration

In every university, each faculty is expected to be responsive to the new functionalities of AI tools for education. This workshop invites educators to rethink their role in guiding students’ use of AI in the context of assessment tasks. Grounded on educational research, the discussion will focus on formative feedback that promotes student learning.

12:00 - 13:00 - Students as Research Partners

At UCG, we have involved Bachelor students as collaborators in several research projects leading to peer-reviewed publications co-authored by students. We would like to share our experiences and inspire our colleagues to work with students as research partners collaborators.

12:00 -13:30 - Critical Pedagogy in Action: Dismantling Oppression in Higher Education

As with any other endeavour, there are injustices in education that needs addressing, if we are to foster a culture of respect and continuous improvement in academia. Critical Pedagogy (CP), committed to social justice, can help achieve this goal. In this workshop, we'll explore real-life stories of oppression in higher education to introduce participants to CP principles. The stories will help us learn how to identify and counteract oppression by creating a collaborative learning environment, where teaching is done with students, not imposed on them, and where both teachers and students grow together, as professionals and citizens.

12:00 - 14:00 - Say yes! A Teacher Challenge for a Smart Academic Year

In this Teacher Challenge workshop, teachers are encouraged to think creatively to achieve more rest and space in the academic year.

13:00 - 15:00 - Open Pedagogy: Fostering Student Engagement and Meaningful Learning through Open Education

Discover how open educational resources and practices can transform teaching and learning into a more engaging and impactful experience of co-creation. This interactive workshop by UB specialists will introduce educators to the fundamentals of Open Pedagogy. Together, we will explore inspiring examples and learn strategies to ensure your students' coursework is meaningful, enhances your teaching, and potentially creates a broader societal impact.

14:00 - 15:00 - Activating Students through Academic Skills tutoring - a Solution for the Passivity Problem?

In the Biology BSc program, we implemented a new course in the first semester: Basic Academic Skills. The aim of this innovation was to Activate students, because the first part of our program was lacking interaction and academic skills training. I would like to discuss the why, how and experiences of this project, including a tutor- and student perspective.

14:00 - 16:00 - Rich Pictures – a New Methodology to Support and Study Teachers` and Educators` Identity Development

In this interactive session, participants will be introduced to the Rich Pictures method - a creative, reflective approach that visually captures educators’ professional journeys. Through drawing, discussion, and structured feedback, participants will learn to uncover hidden assumptions, navigate conflicting values, and reinforce their sense of purpose as teachers. We will practice using Rich Pictures to spark meaningful dialogue in mentorship sessions and foster deeper understanding in research on educator identity. Attendees will leave with concrete strategies to support, study, and celebrate the multifaceted process of becoming an effective teacher in higher education.

15:00 - 17:00 - Onderwijs voor Professionals: Inspiratie voor Deelnemer én Docent

Misschien zie je allerlei kansen om vanuit de kennis die we als universiteit hebben het werkveld verder te helpen. Hoe kom je tot een cursus die aansluit bij de doelgroep? En hoe zorg je ervoor dat het ook voor de docent oplevert? Jullie eigen goede en minder goede ervaringen met trainingen zijn een startpunt om te kijken hoe aantrekkelijk OvP vormgegeven kan worden. Zodat de deelnemer en de docent er geïnspireerd door raken.

Hanne ten Berge is adviseur curriculumontwikkeling voor hoger onderwijs en onderwijs voor professionals bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Ze traint ho-docenten en begeleidt train-de-trainer trajecten voor bedrijfsopleidingen. Voortbouwend op die ervaring is ze een promotieonderzoek gestart om ontwerpprincipes voor onderwijs voor professionals te ontwikkelen.

15:00 - 17:00 - Exploring AI ethics through a Board Game

The session will begin with an overview of the game design, including the rules and gameplay mechanics. We will then engage in playing the game for approximately one hour. The session will conclude with a discussion focused on evaluating the game and exploring its potential for use across the University of Groningen.

16:00 - 17:00 - Digital Health: A Teachable Machine

In this session, the digital health education team from the medical faculty will introduce the most important concepts around AI and machine learning. During our interactive workshop, an AI application will be trained by the participants, such that they get some hands-on experience with the pitfalls and solutions of using AI . Interactive discussion is encouraged during the entire workshop.

Woensdag 26 maart

Locatie: House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, Groningen

09:00 - 11:00 - Connect, Collaborate and Learn: Higher Education Research at the UG

Dive into higher education research with us in this interactive workshop. Discover inspiring educational projects through pitches, engage in idea-sharing and (re)connecting speed dating, and join peer intervision sessions to discuss key themes in educational research and innovation. Connect, collaborate and learn with fellow educators!

09:00 - 11:00 - Escape Games as Storytelling and Activing tool

By playing together a little escape game, we will together unlock a better understanding how escape games and treasure hunts can foster active learning and promote intercultural understanding/skills. The workshop includes a game-component (45 minutes), a debrief, and an theory part that support the insights gained through the game. Particular focus will be laid on game mechanics, co-creation, and ease of implementation.

09:00 - 10:00 - Creative Assignments for Serious content: Why and How?

A recent study (Backer, 2023) highlights how creativity enhances knowledge retention through cortical representational change and amygdala activation, improving memory formation. This workshop shares practical insights and engages participants in co-creating creative assignments tailored to their teaching contexts. While broadly applicable, we illustrate this with examples from science education (oncology, biology, mathematics). We would like to inspire all teachers to consider creative assignments (also for serious topics as STEM). Through the interaction with participants we will share our own experience (oncology, biology and mathematics) and co-create new creative assignments suitable for various courses at UG. We believe that proposed practices have a very positive impact on students’ motivation.

11:00 - 13:00 - Evaluate Assessment Practice using an Assessment Web

Assessment is the cornerstone for student learning and its results inform teacher decisions on student successful completion of course units. Assessment quality evidently is crucial. In this workshop the quality of current assessment practice is evaluated using an online tool. Options for improvement are explored, how to bridge the gap is discussed.

10:00 - 11:30 - I talk, but they don`t listen! How to Optimize Learning through Evidence-based Multimedia Principles

How do you concretely improve the use of multimedia in teaching? Join us to elevate your lesson powerpoints, your course materials or entire e-learning modules with principles drawn from cognitive science, focusing on how and when to merge words, visuals, and audio for maximum impact (Mayer’s multimedia principles). In this interactive session, we will discover techniques to maintain learners’ attention by optimising cognitive load and therefore foster enduring understanding. Join us to master multimedia and create engaging and effective learning experiences! No boring PowerPoint, we promise ;) Technology is only beneficial when used appropriately. This workshop aligns with the festival theme by guiding teachers on the strategic use of technology to enhance learning. By training educators in effective technology integration, we aim to increase the joy of both teachers and students and foster long-term effects of educational practices.

11:30 - 13:00 - Bringing Inclusive Teaching to Your Classroom

Diverse members of the Community of Practice: Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching and Learning will share simple, practical, and impactful methods to increase inclusion in teaching. In the workshop, attendees will brainstorm how to integrate these practices into their own curricula and bring an inclusive mindset into their teaching. Inclusive teaching is impactful, requires thoughtful interaction, and is effective at inspiring students. In our workshop we demonstrate this by inspiring teachers to teach more inclusively, and share impactful ideas through interaction.

12:00 - 13:30 - What is happening with AI in courses?

"My course actually doesn’t use AI, but I’ve found a way to work around the students' use of AI for my assignments". When questioned about best practices for using AI, a number of presenters stated this. So, how do you deal with AI? Would you prefer to integrate it into your course assignments? Rebuild assignments to make the course AI resistant? Or would you rather make your course AI-proof? This session will have 6 tables with 6 lecturers sharing how they are currently using AI. To understand the what, how, and why of what they are doing, you can visit four of these tables. You can determine what could work best for your particular course by comparing it to the courses demonstrated here.

13:00 - 15:00 - Play a Board Game and Boost your Emotional Intelligence

In this workshop, we will engage in a thought-provoking game designed to facilitate open discussions about discrimination in universities. Through interactive assignments and puzzles, participants will be challenged to apply their emotional intelligence while also testing their knowledge on the topic. Students from three different countries will introduce the game, guide the gameplay, and lead the debriefing session, fostering a reflective and insightful discussion.

14:00 - 16:00 - How Can I Support My First year Students’ Transition into Higher Education?

Are you teaching first-year undergraduate students? Do you run into challenges you wish you had better answers for? Or would you like to get inspired by solutions others have found useful? Are you wondering which teaching practices have the greatest positive impact on student transition to higher education? Join this session to learn how resources developed by the Erasmus+ START project can help you.

14:30 - 16:00 - Making it Strange: The Role of Arts in Higher Education

In an era where outcomes often overshadow processes and large language models can “think” for students, higher education risks losing its capacity for deeper reflection, emotional engagement, and genuine perspective-taking. Integrating arts-based approaches into our lessons offers a powerful way to reignite these essential qualities, blending personal and professional growth. This panel brings together teachers from diverse fields who have successfully woven the arts into their teaching practice. Panelists will share experiences, lessons learned, and hands-on activities demonstrating how creative expression can cultivate “sensitive cognition,” nurture empathy, and inspire solidarity among students. Attendees will leave with fresh ideas and strategies for harnessing the arts to deepen engagement, encourage critical self-reflection, and bring renewed meaning and purpose to the higher education experience.

15:00 - 16:00 - Water Game of Polarisation

Opinion dynamics and polarization in society are currently simulated with computer models. Based on such a simulation, we have devised a game in which a group experiences how polarization works. In the game, everyone gets a glass, and the amount of water represents a point of view. By exchanging water according to simple rules, we end up with equal or very opposite points of view. The workshop concludes with a reflective discussion and a demonstration of a computer simulation, providing deeper insights into the dynamics of polarization.

16:00 - 17:00 - Music Performance, Posters & Closing Drinks

We will wrap up the week with closing remarks, followed by a vibrant poster session and networking drinks. To end on a high note, enjoy a live music performance by a local band.

Laatst gewijzigd:21 februari 2025 14:57
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