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About us Organization Partnerships Research collaboration Onderzoek Energietransitie

Project partners

Our consortium includes key stakeholders in energy transition, namely knowledge institutes, public authorities, market organisations, representatives of the public, and network and knowledge-exchange organisations. They work closely with the research team and will co-create and exchange knowledge for optimising public participation in decision making on sustainable energy transition.

Knowledge institutes

SCP is a governmental knowledge institute advising the Dutch Government. SCP conducts research on social aspects of all areas of government policy. The main fields are health, welfare, social security, labour market, and education, and interfaces between these fields. SCP published a report on public participation in decision making to the Dutch Government: “Do not act behind the citizen!”  Published by SCP, the reports are widely used by the government, civil servants, local authorities, and academics.

RIVM is a knowledge institute that conducts independent research in in the domains of health and the environment to advise the Dutch Government. Their research topics include infectious diseases, vaccinations, population screening, lifestyle, nutrition, medicines, environment, sustainability, and safety. They conduct research for ministries of the Dutch Government and for international organisations, such as the European Union and United Nations.

THUAS has 26,000 students from 140 countries. Energy transition plays a central role in research and education at THUAS, as evidenced by relevant research and education programmes: Urban Metabolism, Circular Business, and Smart Sensor Systems.

HUAS, the School of law implemented “energy” in the new curriculum of law. Not only by teaching the basics of energy law in the second year, but also by including the second year students in the living lab “Energy Transition” within the theme Energy governance at the Centre of expertise of energy.

Public authorities

The provinces of Groningen and South Holland are developing Regional Energy Strategies (RES) and aim to improve public participation procedures and secure public support for renewable energy projects.

  • Our public authority partners also include Municipality of Groningen, Municipality Midden-Groningen, Municipality Oldambt, Municipality Westerkwartier, Municipality Het Hogeland, Municipality Westerwolde, Municipality Stadskanaal.

Market organisations

RHDHV is an independent international engineering and project management consultancy in sustainable development and innovation. Their professionals (>6,000) deliver services in aviation, buildings, energy, industry, infrastructure, maritime, mining, transport, urban and rural development, and water, in projects with private and public clients in over 140 countries. RHDHV is official advisor on RES in the province of Groningen.

NWEA is an industry association for the wind sector in the Netherlands, aimed at spurring wind developments and renewable energy transition. NWEA focuses on the policy and governance structures needed for the development of wind energy. NWEA has developed the “Behavioural Code for Public Acceptability and Participation in Onshore Wind Energy”, together with environmental organisations (Greenpeace, Milieudefensie, Natuur & Milieu, and Natuur- en Milieufederaties) and the Dutch Association for Sustainable Products and Consumers ODE Decentraal.

Citizen representatives

GREK is an association of energy cooperatives in the Province of Groningen. GREK assists citizens in setting up and developing local energy initiatives and facilitates knowledge co-creation and exchange between energy cooperatives. GREK focuses on governance and public participation structures needed to engage citizens in sustainable energy transition.

Network and knowledge-exchange organisations

NEC is a knowledge and network organisation aimed at accelerating sustainable energy transition. NEC facilitates collaboration of business enterprises, knowledge institutes and policy makers in energy transition, connects researchers in different disciplines working on energy-related topics, and organises undergraduate and postgraduate energy education (e.g., Energy Academy Programme, Energy Lectures, Master Classes by the Energy Delta Institute, learning communities, and GAS 2.0).

SuSo is a knowledge and network organisation at the RUG, focusing on societal challenges, among which Energy and Democracy and governance. SuSo connects scholars from different disciplines working on these societal challenges and promotes science communication to the general public.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.07 a.m.