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Vegter, dr. Riemer

Riemer Vegter
Riemer Vegter

Riemer Vegter is universitair docent Bewegingswetenschappen aan het UMCG. Hij coördineert het paralympische onderzoekslaboratorium, waar de biomechanica en fysiologie van rolstoelsporters getest worden. Vegter is in maart 2022 benoemd tot lid van de Young Academy Groningen (YAG). Leden van de YAG zijn ambitieuze onderzoekers van de RUG of het UMCG die met hun werk een maatschappelijke impact hebben en bijdragen aan de wetenschap. Met deze benoeming hoopt Vegter nieuw publiek te bereiken en ze te interesseren in de wetenschap. In 2019 ontving Vegter een ZonMw subsidie voor zijn onderzoeksproject "WheelPower: wheelchair sports and data science push it to the limit", waarin hij onderzoek doet naar het optimaliseren van het vermogen van atleten in een rolstoel om hun wedstrijdprestatie te verbeteren. Uit een eerder onderzoek concludeerde de bewegingswetenschapper al dat rolstoelgebruikers met minder inspanning hun rolstoel kunnen leren te gebruiken door hun aandrijftechniek te verbeteren. Hierom pleitte Vegter voor het analyseren van de techniek van beginnende rolstoelgebruikers om overbelasting te voorkomen en prestaties te stimuleren.


Braaksma, J., Vegter, R. J. K., Houdijk, H., & de Groot, S. (2025). Comparison of rolling resistance, propulsion technique and physiological demands between a rigid, folding and hybrid manual wheelchair frame. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 20(1), 222-231.
Rum, L., Goosey-Tolfrey, V., Vegter, R., & Bergamini, E. (2025). Evaluation of the bilateral symmetry assumption in manual wheelchair propulsion: a systematic review of literature in daily-life and sports contexts. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 104(1), 89-100.
Bastiaansen, B. J. C., Vegter, R. J. K., Wilmes, E., de Ruiter, C. J., Goedhart, E. A., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Brink, M. S. (2024). Biomechanical load quantification of national and regional soccer players with an inertial sensor setup during a jump, kick, and sprint task: assessment of discriminative validity. Sports Engineering, 27(1), Article 17.
Braaksma, J., Ferlinghetti, E., de Groot, S., Lancini, M., Houdijk, H., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2024). Calibration to Differentiate Power Output by the Manual Wheelchair User from the Pushrim-Activated Power-Assisted Wheel on a Force-Instrumented Computer-Controlled Wheelchair Ergometer. Actuators, 13(7), Article 257.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R. J. K., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2024). Correction: Different cadences and resistances in sub-maximal synchronous handcycling in able-bodied men: Effects on efficiency and force application. PLoS ONE, 19(9), Article e0310506.
Duijn, R. GA., Meijering, D., Vegter, R. JK., Boerboom, A. L., Eygendaal, D., Stevens, M., Lamoth, C. JC., & Murgia, A. (2024). Difference in daily tasks execution and elbow joint load: a comparison between patients after total elbow arthroplasty and healthy controls. JSES international. Advance online publication.
Ferlinghetti, E., Braaksma, J., Vegter, R., & Lancini, M. (2024). Marker-less Vision System Based on RGB Camera for Wheelchair Tennis Contact Detection. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2024 - Proceedings (pp. 1-6). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Rietveld, T., Janssen, R. J. F., van der Woude, L. H. V., Vegter, R. J. K., & de Groot, S. (2024). The Effect of a Newly Developed Hand Rim on Mobility Performance and Propulsion Technique in Wheelchair Tennis Players. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 19(11), 1343–1346.
Vegter, R., Janssen, R. J. F., van Dijk, M., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Veeger, H. E. J., Houdijk, H. J. H. P., van der Woude, L. H. V., Berger, M. A. M., van der Slikke, R. M. A., & de Groot, S. (2024). WheelPower: Wheelchair Sports and Data Science Push It to the Limit. In B. R. Haverkort, A. de Jongste, P. van Kuilenburg, & R. D. Vromans (Eds.), Commit2Data (Vol. 124, pp. 6:1 - 6:10). (Commit2Data: Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs)). Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.


Bastiaansen, B. J. C., Vegter, R. J. K., Wilmes, E., Goedhart, E., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Brink, M. S. (2025). Discriminative validity of summarized hip and knee angular accelerations for lower extremity training load quantification in male soccer players during a standardised training drill. Science and Medicine in Football, 9(1), 59-67 .
Duijn, R. G. A., Meijering, D., Vegter, R. J. K., Albers, F., Boerboom, A. L., Eygendaal, D., van den Bekerom, M. P. J., Stevens, M., Schelhaas, R., Lamoth, C. J. C., & Murgia, A. (2024). Elbow Joint Loads during Simulated Activities of Daily Living: Implications for Formulating Recommendations after Total Elbow Arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 33(1), 145-155.
Ferlinghetti, E., Salzmann, I., Ghidelli, M., Rietveld, T., Vegter, R., & Lancini, M. (2024). Validation of Contact Measurement System for Wheelchair Tennis Propulsion using Marker-less Vision System. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, Article 10375524.
Ferlinghetti, E., Salzmann, I., Ghidelli, M., Rietveld, T., Vegter, R., & Lancini, M. (2023). Algorithm Development for Contact Identification during Wheelchair Tennis Propulsion using Marker-less Vision System. In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2023 - Conference Proceedings (2023 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2023 - Conference Proceedings). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Lancini, M., Spada, P., Muhametaj, R., de Klerk, R., van der Woude, L., & Vegter, R. (2023). Development of a Portable Low-Cost System for the Metrological Verification Of Wheelchair Roller Ergometers. Journal of biomechanical engineering-Transactions of the asme, 145(10), Article 104501.
Meijering, D., Duijn, R., Murgia, A., Boerboom, L., Eygendaal, D., van den Bekerom, M. P. J., Bulstra, S. K., Stevens, M., & Vegter, R. (2023). Elbow joint biomechanics during ADL focusing on total elbow arthroplasty: a scoping review. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24, 1-10. Article 42.
Janssen, R. J. F., de Groot, S., Van der Woude, L. H. V., Houdijk, H., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2023). Force-velocity profiling of elite wheelchair rugby players by manipulating rolling resistance over multiple wheelchair sprints. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 33(8), 1531-1540.
Braaksma, J., Vegter, R. J. K., Leving, M. T., van der Scheer, J. W., Tepper, M., Woldring, F. A. B., van der Woude, L. H. V., Houdijk, H., & de Groot, S. (2023). Handrim wheelchair propulsion technique in individuals with spinal cord injury with and without shoulder pain - a cross-sectional comparison. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(10), 886-895.
Rietveld, T., Vegter, R. J. K., van der Slikke, R. M. A., Hoekstra, A. E., van der Woude, L. H. V., & de Groot, S. (2023). Six inertial measurement unit-based components describe wheelchair mobility performance during wheelchair tennis matches. Sports Engineering, 26, Article 32.
Togni, R., Zemp, R., Kirch, P., Plüss, S., Vegter, R. J. K., & Taylor, W. R. (2023). Steering-by-leaning facilitates intuitive movement control and improved efficiency in manual wheelchairs. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 20, Article 145.
Briley, S. J., O'Brien, T. J., Oh, Y.-T., Vegter, R. J. K., Chan, M., Mason, B. S., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L. (2023). Wheelchair rugby players maintain sprint performance but alter propulsion biomechanics after simulated match play. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 33(9), 1726-1737.


Wilmes, E., Bastiaansen, B. J. C., de Ruiter, C. J., Vegter, R. J. K., Brink, M. S., Weersma, H., Goedhart, E. A., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Savelsbergh, G. J. P. (2023). Construct Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of Hip Load Compared With Playerload During Football-Specific Running, Kicking, and Jumping Tasks. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 3-10.
Briley, S. J., Vegter, R. J. K., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Mason, B. S. (2022). Alterations in shoulder kinematics are associated with shoulder pain during wheelchair propulsion sprints. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
Rietveld, T., Vegter, R. J. K., van der Woude, L. H. V., & de Groot, S. (2022). A newly developed hand rim for wheelchair tennis improves propulsion technique and efficiency in able-bodied novices. Applied Ergonomics, 104, Article 103830.
le Rutte, T. A., Trigo, F., Bessems, L., van der Woude, L. H., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2022). A novel push-pull central-lever mechanism reduces peak forces and energy-cost compared to hand-rim wheelchair propulsion during a controlled lab-based experiment. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 19(1), Article 30.
Mayrhuber, L., Rietveld, T., de Vries, W., van der Woude, L. H. V., de Groot, S., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2022). A Scoping Review on Shoulder Injuries of Wheelchair Tennis Players: Potential Risk-Factors and Musculoskeletal Adaptations. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3, Article 862233.
Bastiaansen, B. J. C., Vegter, R. J. K., Wilmes, E., de Ruiter, C. J., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Brink, M. S. (2022). Biomechanical Load Quantification Using a Lower Extremity Inertial Sensor Setup During Football Specific Activities. Sports biomechanics, 1-16. Advance online publication.
Vegter, R. J. K., Veeger, D. H. E. J., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Leicht, C. A. (2022). Editorial: Adapted sports: Wheeled-mobility, exercise and health. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3, Article 1015179.
Janssen, R. J. F., Vegter, R. J. K., Houdijk, H., Van der Woude, L. H. V., & de Groot, S. (2022). Evaluation of a standardized test protocol to measure wheelchair-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise capacity in healthy novices on an instrumented roller ergometer. PLoS ONE, 17(9), Article e0274255.
de Klerk, R., van der Jagt, G., Veeger, D., van der Woude, L., & Vegter, R. (2022). Learning of Wheelchair Racing Propulsion Skills Over Three Weeks of Wheeling Practice on an Instrumented Ergometer in Able-Bodied Novices. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 3, Article 777085.
van der Woude, L. H. V., Cowan, R. E., Goosey-Tolfrey, V., Chénier, F., Arnet, U., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2022). Power output and energy cost: crucial measures to understand motor skill learning in handrim wheelchair propulsion. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 16(2), 94-97.
de Groot, S., Mason, B., Vegter, R., & Haydon, D. (2022). Role of technology in athlete assessment. In N. Dehghansai, R. A. Pinder, & J. Baker (Eds.), Talent Development in Paralympic Sport: Researcher and practitioner perspectives (pp. 146-163). Routledge.


Rietveld, T., Mason, B. S., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., van der Woude, L. H. V., de Groot, S., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2024). Inertial measurement units to estimate drag forces and power output during standardised wheelchair tennis coast-down and sprint tests. Sports biomechanics, 23(8), 968-986.
Rietveld, T., Vegter, R. J. K., der Woude, L. H. V., & de Groot, S. (2024). The interaction between wheelchair configuration and wheeling performance in wheelchair tennis: a narrative review. Sports biomechanics, 23(3), 370-391.
Janssen, R. J. F., de Groot, S., Van der Woude, L. H. V., Houdijk, H., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2023). Towards a standardized and individualized lab-based protocol for wheelchair-specific exercise capacity testing in wheelchair athletes: a scoping review. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 102(3), 261-269.
Meijering, D., Boerboom, A. L., Gerritsma, C. LE., de Vries, A. J., Vegter, R. J., Bulstra, S. K., Eygendaal, D., & Stevens, M. (2022). Mid-term results of the Latitude primary total elbow arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 31(2), 382-390.
Vegter, R., Brink ,van den, S., Mouton, L. J., Sibeijn-Kuiper, A., van der Woude, L. H. V., & Jeneson, J. (2021). Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Arm-Crank Ergometry: A New Platform Linking Whole-Body Calorimetry to Upper-Extremity Biomechanics and Arm Muscle Metabolism. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 599514.
Study group, Meijering, D., Boerboom, A. L., Gerritsma, C. L. E., The, B., van den Bekerom, M. P. J., van der Pluijm, M., Vegter, R. J. K., Bulstra, S. K., Eygendaal, D., & Stevens, M. (2021). Prospective cohort study comparing a triceps-sparing and triceps-detaching approach in total elbow arthroplasty: a protocol. BMJ Open, 11(5), Article e046098.
Vegter, R. J. K., van Keeken, H. G., de Groot, S., Houdijk, H. J. P., Joels, M., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2021). RehabMove2018: active lifestyle for people with physical disabilities; mobility, exercise & sports. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(24), 3425-3426.
Vegter, R., Berger, M. A. M., & de Groot, S. (2021). Rolstoelen: technologie, optimalisatie en individuele afstemming. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Revalidatiegeneeskunde, 43, 31-33.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R., Ostertag, N., Janssens, L., Vanlandewijck, Y., van der Woude, L. H. V., & Wagner, H. (2021). Steering Does Affect Biophysical Responses in Asynchronous, but Not Synchronous Submaximal Handcycle Ergometry in Able-Bodied Men. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 1-17.
Briley, S. J., Vegter, R. J. K., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Mason, B. S. (2021). The longitudinal relationship between shoulder pain and altered wheelchair propulsion biomechanics of manual wheelchair users. Journal of biomechanics, 126.
Meijering, D., Welsink, C., Boerboom, A. L., Bulstra, S., Vegter, R., Stevens, M., Eygendaal, D., & van den Bekerom, M. P. J. (2021). Triceps Insufficiency After Total Elbow Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. JBJS reviews, 9(7), Article e20.00281.


Blaauw, E. R., Greenhalgh, M., Vegter, R., Bass, S., Kulich, H., Grindle, G. G., Cooper, R., Koontz, A. M., & Cooper, R. A. (2021). Assessment of Muscle Activation of Caregivers Performing Dependent Transfers With a Novel Robotic-Assisted Transfer Device Compared With the Hoyer Advance. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 100(9), 885-894.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R., Groot, de, S., Arnet, U., Valent, L., Verellen, J., Breukelen, K. V., Hettinga, F., Perret, C., Abel, T., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2021). Biophysical aspects of handcycling performance in rehabilitation, daily life and recreational sports; a narrative review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(24), 3461–3475.
Hoogeveen, I. J., de Boer, F., Boonstra, W. F., van Der Schaaf, C. J., Steuerwald, U., Sibeijn-Kuiper, A. J., Vegter, R. J. K., van Der Hoeven, J. H., Heiner-Fokkema, M. R., Clarke, K. C., Cox, P. J., Derks, T. G. J., & Jeneson, J. A. L. (2021). Effects of acute nutritional ketosis during exercise in adults with glycogen storage disease typeIIIaare phenotype-specific: An investigator-initiated, randomized, crossover study. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 44(1), 226-239.
van der Woude, L. H. V., Houdijk, H., Seves, B., Plaggenmarsch, C., Mouton, N., Dekker, R., Keeken, van, H., Groot, de, S., & Vegter, R. (2021). Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports; a critical position stand on current and future research perspectives. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(24), 3476-3491.
Bastiaansen, B. J. C., Wilmes, E., Brink, M. S., de Ruiter, C. J., Savelsbergh, G. J. P., Steijlen, A., Jansen, K. M. B., van der Helm, F. C. T., Goedhart, E. A., van der Laan, D., Vegter, R. J. K., & Lemmink, K. A. P. M. (2020). An Inertial Measurement Unit Based Method to Estimate Hip and Knee Joint Kinematics in Team Sport Athletes on the Field. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 159(159), 1-8. Article e60857.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R. J. K., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2020). Biomechanical and physiological differences between synchronous and asynchronous low intensity handcycling during practice-based learning in able-bodied men. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 17(1), Article 29.
de Klerk, R., Vegter, R. J. K., Leving, M. T., de Groot, S., Veeger, D. H. E. J., & van der Woude, L. H. (2020). Determining and Controlling External Power Output During Regular Handrim Wheelchair Propulsion. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 2020(156), Article 60492.
Wilmes, E., de Ruiter, C. J., Bastiaansen, B. J. C., Zon, J. F. J. A. V., Vegter, R. J. K., Brink, M. S., Goedhart, E. A., Lemmink, K. A. P. M., & Savelsbergh, G. J. P. (2020). Inertial Sensor-Based Motion Tracking in Football with Movement Intensity Quantification. Sensors, 20(9), Article 2527.
Mason, B. S., Warner, M., Briley, S., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Vegter, R. (2020). Managing shoulder pain in manual wheelchair users: a scoping review of conservative treatment interventions. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(6), 741-753.
de Klerk, R., Velhorst, V., Veeger, D. H. E. J., van der Woude, L. H., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2020). Physiological and biomechanical comparison of overground, treadmill, and ergometer handrim wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied subjects under standardized conditions. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 17(1), Article 136.
Briley, S. J., Vegter, R. J. K., Tolfrey, V. L., & Mason, B. S. (2020). Propulsion biomechanics do not differ between athletic and nonathletic manual wheelchair users in their daily wheelchairs. Journal of biomechanics, 104, Article 109725.
Briley, S. J., Vegter, R. J. K., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., & Mason, B. S. (2020). Scapular kinematic variability during wheelchair propulsion is associated with shoulder pain in wheelchair users. Journal of biomechanics, 113, Article 110099.
De Klerk, R., Vegter, R. J. K., Veeger, H. E. J., & Van der Woude, L. H. V. (2020). Technical Note: A Novel Servo-Driven Dual-Roller Handrim Wheelchair Ergometer. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(4), 953-960. Article 8993842.


de Klerk, R., Vegter, R. J. K., Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., Mason, B. S., Lenton, J. P., Veeger, D. H. E. J., & van der Woude, L. H. (2020). Measuring Handrim Wheelchair Propulsion in the Lab: A Critical Analysis of Stationary Ergometers. Ieee reviews in biomedical engineering, 13, 199-211.
Vegter, R. J. K., Mason, B. S., Sporrel, B., Stone, B., van der Woude, L. H. V., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L. (2019). Crank fore-aft position alters the distribution of work over the push and pull phase during synchronous recumbent handcycling of able-bodied participants. PLoS ONE, 14(8), Article e0220943.
Withagen, R., Akkermans, L., & Vegter, R. (2019). De dood tarten of zoeken naar mens-zijn? Waarom extreme sporten minder extreem zijn dan het lijkt. SportGericht, 73(3), 34-37.
Leving, M. T., de Groot, S., Woldring, F. A. B., Tepper, M., Vegter, R. J. K., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2019). Motor learning outcomes of handrim wheelchair propulsion during active spinal cord injury rehabilitation in comparison with experienced wheelchair users. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-14.
Sivakanthan, S., Blaauw, E., Greenhalgh, M., Koontz, A. M., Vegter, R., & Cooper, R. A. (2019). Person transfer assist systems: a literature review. Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 1-10.
Klerk, de, R., Vegter, R., Veeger, D., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2019). POSTER: A novel servo-driven dual-roller handrim wheelchair ergometer: comparison with a measurement wheel. Poster session presented at Vista 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Rietveld, T., Vegter, R. J. K., van der Slikke, R. M. A., Hoekstra, A. E., van der Woude, L. H. V., & de Groot, S. (2019). Wheelchair mobility performance of elite wheelchair tennis players during four field tests: Inter-trial reliability and construct validity. PLoS ONE, 14(6), Article e0217514.
van der Woude, L. H. V., Vegter, R., Leving, M., & de Groot, S. (2019). WHEEL-I: development of a wheelchair propulsion laboratory. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Revalidatiegeneeskunde, 2019(2), 8-13.


Vegter, R. (Ed.), van der Woude, L. H. V., Janssen, T. W. J., Dekker, R., Houdijk, H., de Groot, S. (Ed.), van Keeken, H., Seves, B., Plaggenmarsch, C., Mouton, L., & Schelhaas, R. (2018, Dec). 6th RehabMove congress 'Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports', program book. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen.
Mason, B. S., Vegter, R. J. K., Paulson, T. A. W., Morrissey, D., van der Scheer, J. W., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L. (2018). Bilateral scapular kinematics, asymmetries and shoulder pain in wheelchair athletes. Gait & Posture, 65, 151-156.
Leving, M. T., Vegter, R. J. K., de Vries, W. H. K., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2018). Changes in propulsion technique and shoulder complex loading following low-intensity wheelchair practice in novices. PLoS ONE, 13(11), Article 0207291.
Valent, L., de Groot, S., Kaandorp, E., de Klerk, R., Roebroek, B., Vegter, R., & Wynants, M. (2018). Nuttige informatie op de SupportBeurs: Check je Zit. Dwarslaesie Magazine, 41(3), 22-23.
de Klerk, R., Lutjeboer, T., Vegter, R., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2018). POSTER: Practice-based skill acquisition of pushrim-activated power-assisted wheelchair propulsion versus regular handrim propulsion in novices. Poster session presented at 6Th State-of-the-art Congress ‘Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports, Groningen, Netherlands.
de Klerk, R., Lutjeboer, T., Vegter, R., & van der Woude, L. (2018). Practice-based skill acquisition of pushrim-activated power-assisted wheelchair propulsion versus regular handrim propulsion in novices. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 15, Article 56.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2018). Practice effects on low intensity synchronous handcycling in able-bodied men: A biophysical approach. Abstract from 6Th State-of-the-art Congress ‘Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports, Groningen, Netherlands.
van Keeken, H., Vegter, R., Velhorst, V., Heuvelmans, P., Seves, B., van der Woude, L. H. V., & jansen, T. W. J. (Eds.) (2018). Rehabmove 2018 Congress and Zenodo: Passionate about Open Science! ZENODO.
Bekker, M. J., Vegter, R. J. K., van der Scheer, J. W., Hartog, J., de Groot, S., de Vries, W., Arnet, U., van der Woude, L. H. V., & Veeger, D. H. E. J. (2018). Scapular kinematics during manual wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied participants. Clinical Biomechanics, 54, 54-61.
Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L., Vegter, R. J. K., Mason, B. S., Paulson, T. A. W., Lenton, J. P., van der Scheer, J. W., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2018). Sprint performance and propulsion asymmetries on an ergometer in trained high- and low-point wheelchair rugby players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 28(5), 1586-1593.
de Groot, S., Bos, F., Koopman, J., Hoekstra, A. E., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2018). The effect of a novel square-profile hand rim on propulsion technique of wheelchair tennis players. Applied Ergonomics, 71, 38-44.
Leving, M. T., Horemans, H. L. D., Vegter, R. J. K., de Groot, S., Bussmann, J. B. J., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2018). Validity of consumer-grade activity monitor to identify manual wheelchair propulsion in standardized activities of daily living. PLoS ONE, 13(4), Article 0194864.


Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R. J. K., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2017). Different cadences and resistances in sub-maximal synchronous handcycling in able-bodied men: Effects on efficiency and force application. PLoS ONE, 12(8), Article e0183502.
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2017). Effects of gear, imposed resistance and crank mode on the mechanical efficiency and physiological parameters during sub-maximal handcycling in healthy men. In Journal of Science and Cycling (JSC) (pp. 43-44)
Kraaijenbrink, C., Vegter, R., Hensen, A. H. R., Wagner, H., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2017). Effects of resistance on 3d force application during low-intensity handcycling in healthy men.
Heyward, O. W., Vegter, R. J. K., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2017). Shoulder complaints in wheelchair athletes: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 12(11), Article e0188410.


de Groot, S., Bos, F., Koopman, J., Hoekstra, A. E., & Vegter, R. J. K. (2017). Effect of holding a racket on propulsion technique of wheelchair tennis players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 27(9), 918-924.
van Keeken, H., de Groot, S., Vegter, R., & van der Woude, L. (2016). Biomechanics and ergonomics. In Y. Vanlandewijck, & W. Thompson (Eds.), Training and Coaching the Paralympic Athlete (pp. 21-53). Wiley.
Leving, M. T., Vegter, R. J. K., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2016). Effect Of Variable Practice On The Motor Learning Process In Manual Wheelchair Propulsion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48(5 Supplement 1), 402. Article 1487.
Leving, M. T., Vegter, R. J. K., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2016). Effects of variable practice on the motor learning outcomes in manual wheelchair propulsion. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 13(1), Article 100.


Vegter, R. J. K., Hartog, J., de Groot, S., Lamoth, C. J., Bekker, M. J., van der Scheer, J. W., van der Woude, L. H. V., & Veeger, D. H. E. J. (2015). Early motor learning changes in upper-limb dynamics and shoulder complex loading during handrim wheelchair propulsion. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 12, Article 26.
Leving, M. T., Vegter, R. J. K., Hartog, J., Lamoth, C. J. C., de Groot, S., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2015). Effects of visual feedback-induced variability on motor learning of handrim wheelchair propulsion. PLoS ONE, 10(5), Article e0127311.
Mason, B. S., Lemstra, M., van der Woude, L. H. V., Vegter, R., & Goosey-Tolfrey, V. L. (2015). Influence of wheel configuration on wheelchair basketball performance: Wheel stiffness, tyre type and tyre orientation. Medical Engineering & Physics, 37(4), 392-399.
van der Scheer, J. W., de Groot, S., Vegter, R. J. K., Hartog, J., Tepper, M., Slootman, H., Veeger, D. H. E. J., van der Woude, L. H. V., & ALLRISC Grp (2015). Low-Intensity Wheelchair Training in Inactive People with Long-Term Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial on Propulsion Technique. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(11), 975-986.
Vegter, R. (2015). Wheelchair skill acquisition: motor learning effects of low-intensity handrim wheelchair practice. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen.


van der Scheer, J. W., de Groot, S., Vegter, R. J. K., Veeger, D., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2014). Can a 15m-overground wheelchair sprint be used to assess wheelchair-specific anaerobic work capacity? Medical Engineering & Physics, 36(4), 432-438.
Vegter, R. J. K., de Groot, S., Lamoth, C. J., Veeger, D., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2014). Initial Skill Acquisition of Handrim Wheelchair Propulsion: A New Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 22(1), 104-113.
Vegter, R. J. K., Lamoth, C. J., de Groot, S., Veeger, D. H. E. J., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2014). Inter-Individual Differences in the Initial 80 Minutes of Motor Learning of Handrim Wheelchair Propulsion. PLoS ONE, 9(2), Article e89729.
de Groot, S., Vegter, R. J. K., Vuijk, C., van Dijk, F., Plaggenmarsch, C., Sloots, M., Stolwijk-Swuste, J., Woldring, F., Tepper, M., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2014). WHEEL-I: development of a wheelchair propulsion laboratory for rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 46(6), 493-503.


de Groot, S., Vegter, R. J. K., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2013). Effect of wheelchair mass, tire type and tire pressure on physical strain and wheelchair propulsion technique. Medical Engineering & Physics, 35(10), 1476-1482.
Vegter, R. J. K., Lamoth, C. J., de Groot, S., Veeger, D. H. E. J., & van der Woude, L. H. V. (2013). Variability in bimanual wheelchair propulsion: consistency of two instrumented wheels during handrim wheelchair propulsion on a motor driven treadmill. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 10, 9-. Article 9.


Vegter, R. J. K., Veeger, D. H. E. J., Lamoth, C. J., De Groot, S., & Van Der Woude, L. H. V. (2011). Skill acquisition of manual wheelchair propulsion due to implicit motor learning. In G. J. Gelderblom, M. Soede, L. Adriaens, & K. Miesenberger (Eds.), Everyday Technology for Independence and Care. AAATE 2011 (pp. 742-748). (Assistive Technology Research Series; Vol. 29).
van der Woude, L. H., Vegter, R., Kramer, W., & de Groot, S. (2011). Systematic Evaluation Of Propulsion Technique, Wheelchair-user Interface And Wheelchair Mechanics Using Commercial Measurement Wheels. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43(5), 85-85.


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