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Vegter, Dr Riemer

Riemer Vegter
Riemer Vegter

Riemer Vegter is an assistant professor of Human Movement Sciences at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). He coordinates the paralympic research laboratory, where the biomechanics and physiology of wheelchair-using athletes are tested. In March 2022, Vegter was appointed as a member of the Young Academy Groningen (YAG). YAG members are ambitious UG or UMCG researchers who have impacted society with their work and who have contributed to science. With this appointment, Vegter hopes to reach a new audience and to interest them in science. In 2019, Vegter received a subsidy from the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) for his research project ‘WheelPower: wheelchair sports and data science push it to the limit’, in which he conducted research into optimizing the abilities of wheelchair-using athletes to improve their competition performance. In a previous study, the human movement scientist had already concluded that wheelchair users can learn to use their wheelchair with less effort by improving their propelling technique. In this study, Vegter called for the analysis of the techniques used by beginner wheelchair users to prevent overload and to stimulate performance.

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Last modified:21 December 2023 3.08 p.m.
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