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Cao, prof. dr. ir. Ming

Ming Cao
Ming Cao

Ming Cao is hoogleraar Netwerken en Robots aan de Faculty of Science and Engineering. In zijn onderzoek richt hij zich op multi-agent systems, complexe systemen en netwerken, sensornetwerken en autonome robots. Cao verricht baanbrekend werk op het gebied van controlesystemen die groepen autonome robots laten samenwerken. Om autonome auto’s en robots veilig en effectief te laten functioneren, moeten zij rekening houden met elkaars handelen. Ming Cao werkt aan deze ontwikkeling met collega’s uit de sociologie, wiskunde en biologie. Op deze manier ontwikkelt hij algoritmen voor de robots die deels geïnspireerd zijn op de bewegingen van dieren, vooral vissen en vogels die ook in formatie handelen. Ming Cao is verder benoemd tot directeur van de Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI, het interdisciplinaire platform gericht op digitale innovatie, kunstmatige intelligentie en technologische vooruitgang.

Cao behaalde in 1999 zijn Bachelor of Engineering aan de Tsinghua University in Peking, China. Vervolgens behaalde hij in 2002 zijn Master of Engineering aan dezelfde universiteit. In 2003 behaalde hij daarnaast zijn Master of Science aan Yale University in New Haven, Verenigde Staten en in 2007 ontving hij zijn PhD bij het Department of Electrical Engineering van Yale University. In 2023 ontving Cao een Vici-beurs voor zijn onderzoek naar besluitvorming van autonome robots.

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Qi, R., Yntema, D., & Cao, M. (Accepted/In press). An inline impedance-based leakage detection method for non-conducting buried water mains. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.
Zino, L., & Cao, M. (Accepted/In press). Systems and control approaches for modeling the coevolution of epidemics and behavioral response: A COVID-19 case study. In E. Garone, I. Kolmanovsky, & T. W. Nguyen (Eds.), Nonlinear and Constrained Control: Applications, Synergies, Challenges and Opportunities (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences; Vol. 496). Springer.
Zheng, X. Z., Kamat, A. M., Triantafyllou, M., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2025). Wavy Whiskers in Phocid Seals Exhibit High Signal-to-Noise in Sensing Hydrodynamic Flows. In Wavy Whiskers in Phocid Seals Exhibit High Signal-to-Noise in Sensing Hydrodynamic Flows (pp. 223 - 228). IEEE.


Xie, A., Yi, X., Wang, X., Cao, M., & Ren, X. (2024). A Communication-Efficient Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization. In 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA 2024 (pp. 609-614). (IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA). IEEE.
Huang, F., Cao, M., & Wang, L. (2024). Approximate Policy Iteration for Robust Stochastic Control of Multi-agent Markov Decision Processes. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Advance online publication.
Riehl, J., Ramazi, P., & Cao, M. (2024). Controlling Networks of Imitative Agents. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 11(1), 1293-1302.
Ramazi, P., Zhang, F., & Cao, M. (2024). Cooperative concurrent targeting for planar arrays of point sources. Automatica, 159, Article 111357.
Hu, B. B., Zhang, H. T., Yao, W., Sun, Z., & Cao, M. (2024). Coordinated Guiding Vector Field Design for Ordering-Flexible Multi-Robot Surface Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(7), 4805-4812.
Cui, S., Liu, F., Jardón-Kojakhmetov, H., & Cao, M. (2024). Discrete-time layered-network epidemics model with time-varying transition rates and multiple resources. Automatica, 159, Article 111303.
Zhang, K., Yi, X., Li, Y., Cao, M., Chai, T., & Yang, T. (2024). Distributed online constrained convex optimization with event-triggered communication. European Journal of Control, 80(A), Article 101042.
Wang, S., Yao, W., Cao, M., & Chen, X. (2024). Evolutionary Dynamics under Periodic Switching of Update Rules on Regular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 11(1), 1337-1346.
Qi, R., Yntema, D., & Cao, M. (2024). Experimental findings of underwater capacitive imaging. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(23), 39083-39090.
Watanabe, R., Kawano, Y., Wada, N., & Cao, M. (2024). Frequency Shaping for Improving a Trade-Off Between Control and Privacy Performance: Beyond Differential Privacy. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. Advance online publication.
Zhou, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Cao, M., & Chen, G. (2024). Fully distributed prescribed-time bipartite synchronization of general linear systems: An adaptive gain scheduling strategy. Automatica, 161, Article 111459.
Dong, X., Chen, Z., Cao, M., Ren, W., Zhang, H., & Wang, D. (2024). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Robust Cooperative Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multiagent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 54(10), 5595-5597.
Tekin, E., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2024). High-Precision Fabrication of Graphene Nanoplatelet-Based Piezoresistive Strain Sensors Using PµSL 3D Printing Technology. In IEEE SENSORS 2024 : The 23rd IEEE Conference on Sensors IEEE.
Giardini, F., Vilone, D., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2024). Homophily in opinion networks affects collective risk perception in heterogeneous populations. In B. Penkert, B. Hellingrath, M. Rode, A. Widera, M. Middelhoff, K. Boersma, & M. Kalthöner (Eds.), Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference 2024 ISCRAM.
Qi, R., Yntema, D., Lei, G., & Cao, M. (2024). Local Maximum Capacitance At Non-Zero Lift-Off for Underwater Capacitive Sensing. IEEE Sensors Letters, 8(8), Article 1502104.
Liu, Z., & Cao, M. (2024). Local Stability Analysis for Tensegrity-Based Multi-Agent Formations. In 13th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, RoMoCo 2024 - Proceedings (pp. 130-135). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Martirosyan, E., & Cao, M. (2024). Model-Free Solution for Inverse Linear-Quadratic Nonzero-Sum Differential Games. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 2445-2450. Article 10742900.
Wei, H., Pu, X., Zhang, J., Zhang, C., & Cao, M. (2024). Moral Preferences Co-Evolve with Cooperation in Networked Populations. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. Advance online publication.
Cui, S., Zhang, G., Jardon-Kojakhmetov, H., & Cao, M. (2024). On Discrete-Time Polynomial Dynamical Systems On Hypergraphs. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8, 1078-1083.
Zino, L., Giardini, F., Vilone, D., & Cao, M. (2024). On modeling collective risk perception via opinion dynamics. European Journal of Control, 80(Part A), Article 101036.
Hoffmann, T., Ye, M., Zino, L., Cao, M., Rauws, W., & Bolderdijk, J. W. (2024). Overcoming inaction: An agent-based modelling study of social interventions that promote systematic pro-environmental change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 94, Article 102221.
Liu, L., Kawano, Y., & Cao, M. (2024). Privacy Analysis for Quantized Networked Control Systems. In Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023) (pp. 5073-5078). IEEE.
Qi, R., Cao, M., & Yntema, D. (2024). Recent Developments of Subsurface Small-Leak Detection Techniques in Water Distribution Networks: A Review. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 31(1), 108 - 118.
Martirosyan, E., & Cao, M. (2024). Reinforcement learning for inverse linear-quadratic dynamic non-cooperative games. Systems and Control Letters, 191, Article 105883.
Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., Ye, M., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2024). Social tipping games: Experimental paradigms for studying consumer movements. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 9(4), 427-440.
Cui, S., Qi, Z., Jardon Kojakhmetov, H., & Cao, M. (2024). Species Coexistence and Extinction Resulting from Higher-Order Lokta-Volterra Two-Faction Competition. In Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2023) (pp. 467-472). IEEE.
Xie, A., Wang, X., Yang, W., Cao, M., & Ren, X. (2024). The Least Information Set Needed by Privacy Attackers. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Advance online publication.
Ramazi, P., Cao, M., & Scherpen, J. M. A. (2024). Tightening Poincaré–Bendixson theory after counting separately the fixed points on the boundary and interior of a planar region. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2024, Article 29.
Ong, L., Cao, M., Verkerke, G. J., Lamoth, C. J. C., & Wilhelm, E. (2024). Unobtrusive machine learning based leg position detection during seated office work. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2024 - Proceedings (2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2024 - Proceedings). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Newman, L. A., Cao, M., Täuber, S., & van Vugt, M. (2024). Working memory load impairs tacit coordination but not inter-brain EEG synchronization. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 19(1), Article e017.


Zhang, C., Yang, H., Jiang, B., & Cao, M. (2024). Flocking Control Against Malicious Agent. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(5), 3278-3285.
Kamat, A. M., Zheng, X. Z., Bos, J., Cao, M., Triantafyllou, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2024). Undulating Seal Whiskers Evolved Optimal Wavelength-to-Diameter Ratio for Efficient Reduction in Vortex-Induced Vibrations. Advanced science , 11(2), Article 2304304.
Qiu, M., Liu, D., Baldi, S., Yin, G., Yu, W., & Cao, M. (2024). Vehicular Platooning on Curved Paths Considering Collision Avoidance and String Stability. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 11(2), 1896-1908.
Chen, L., & Cao, M. (2023). Angle Rigidity for Multi-Agent Formations in 3D. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(10), 6130-6145.
Frieswijk, K., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2023). A Polarized Temporal Network Model to Study the Spread of Recurrent Epidemic Diseases in a Partially Vaccinated Population. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 10(6), 3732 - 3743.
Lindamulage De Silva, O., Varma, V. S., Cao, M., Morarescu, I. C., & Lasaulce, S. (2023). A Stackelberg Viral Marketing Design for Two Competing Players. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 2922-2927.
Aghbolagh, H. D., Ye, M., Zino, L., Chen, Z., & Cao, M. (2023). Coevolutionary Dynamics of Actions and Opinions in Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(12), 7708-7723.
Xie, A., Yi, X., Wang, X., Cao, M., & Ren, X. (2023). Compressed Differentially Private Distributed Optimization with Linear Convergence. In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress 2023 (pp. 8369-8374). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 56, No. 2). Elsevier.
Ayoobi, H., Kasaei, H., Cao, M., Verbrugge, R., & Verheij, B. (2023). Explain What You See: Open-Ended Segmentation and Recognition of Occluded 3D Objects. In ICRA 2023- International Conference on Robotics and Automation (pp. 4960-4966). IEEE.
Yu, B., Kasaei, H., & Cao, M. (2023). Frontier Semantic Exploration for Visual Target Navigation. arXiv.
Martirosyan, E., & Cao, M. (2023). Inverse reinforcement learning for identification of linear–quadratic zero-sum differential games. Systems & Control Letters, 172, Article 105438.
Yu, B., Kasaei, H., & Cao, M. (2023). L3MVN: Leveraging Large Language Models for Visual Target Navigation. In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2023 (pp. 3554-3560). (IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems). IEEE.
Frieswijk, K., Zino, L., Cao, M., & Morse, A. S. (2023). Modeling the Co-Evolution of Climate Impact and Population Behavior: A Mean-Field Analysis . In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress 2023 (pp. 7381-7386). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 56, No. 2). Elsevier.
Li, J., Chen, L., Cao, M., & Li, C. (2023). Satellite Formation Flying Control by Using Only Angle Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 59(2), 1439-1451.
Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2023). Social Diffusion Dynamics in Cyber–Physical–Human Systems. In Cyber–Physical–Human Systems: Fundamentals and Applications (pp. 43-70). Wiley.
Hu, B. B., Zhang, H. T., Yao, W., Ding, J., & Cao, M. (2023). Spontaneous-Ordering Platoon Control for Multirobot Path Navigation Using Guiding Vector Fields. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(4), 2654-2668.
Venegas-Pineda, L. G., Jardón-Kojakhmetov, H., & Cao, M. (2023). Stable chimera states: A geometric singular perturbation approach. Chaos, 33(11), Article 113123.
Yao, W., Lin, B., Anderson, B. D. O., & Cao, M. (2023). The Domain of Attraction of the Desired Path in Vector-Field Guided Path Following. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(11), 6812-6819.


Su, Y., Wang, Z., Cao, M., Jia, M., & Liu, F. (2023). Convergence Analysis of Dual Decomposition Algorithm in Distributed Optimization: Asynchrony and Inexactness. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(8), 4767 - 4782.
Yao, W. Y., Garcia de Marina Peinado, H., Sun, Z., & Cao, M. (2023). Guiding Vector Fields for the Distributed Motion Coordination of Mobile Robots. IEEE Transaction on Robotics, 39(2), 1119-1135.
Yao, W., Lin, B., Anderson, B. D. O., & Cao, M. (2023). Topological Analysis of Vector-Field Guided Path Following on Manifolds. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(3), 1353 - 1368.
Zheng, X. Z., Kamat, A. M., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2023). Wavy Whiskers in Wakes: Explaining the Trail-Tracking Capabilities of Whisker Arrays on Seal Muzzles. Advanced science , 10(2), Article 202203062.
Zheng, X. Z., Kamat, A. M., Krushynska, A., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2022). 3D Printed Graphene Piezoresistive Microelectromechanical System Sensors to Explain the Ultrasensitive Wake Tracking of Wavy Seal Whiskers. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(47), Article 2207274.
Frieswijk, K., Zino, L., Ye, M., Cao, M., & Rizzo, A. (2022). A mean-field analysis of a network behavioural–epidemic model. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 2533-2538.
Kawano, Y., & Cao, M. (2022). Contraction analysis of virtually positive systems. Systems and Control Letters, 168, Article 105358.
Jin, B., & Cao, M. (2022). Control using Q-learning for networked coordination games. In ASCC 2022 - 2022 13th Asian Control Conference, Proceedings (pp. 941-946). (ASCC 2022 - 2022 13th Asian Control Conference, Proceedings). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Kawano, Y., & Cao, M. (2022). Effects of Quantization and Dithering in Privacy Analysis for a Networked Control System. In 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) IEEE.
Zino, L., Ye, B., & Cao, M. (2022). Facilitating innovation diffusion in social networks using dynamic norms. PNAS Nexus, 1(5), 1-9.
Zino, L., Tortasso, E., Ye, M., Cao, M., & Rizzo, A. (2022). Game-theoretic model for human decision-making during epidemics: Application and validation on COVID-19 in Italy. Abstract from Netsci-X 2022, Porto, Portugal.
Yao, W. Y., Lin, L., Anderson, B. D. O., & Cao, M. (2022). Guiding Vector Fields for Following Occluded Path. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(8), 4091 - 4106.
Zino, L., Ye, M., Mlakar, Z., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2022). Incentivizing social diffusion on networks using a novel game-theoretic model. Abstract from Netsci-X 2022, Porto, Portugal.
Martirosyan, E., & Cao, M. (2022). Inverse Learning for Linear-quadratic Zero-sum Differential Games. Abstract from 41st Benelux meeting on Systems and Control 2022, Brussels, Belgium.
Gong, L., Yao, W. Y., Gao, J., & Cao, M. (2022). Limit cycles analysis and control of evolutionary game dynamics with environmental feedback. Automatica, 145(8), Article 110536.
Martirosyan, E., & Cao, M. (2022). Model-based Inverse Learning for Linear-quadratic Zero-sum Differential Games. Abstract from 2022 European Control Conference (ECC).
Frieswijk, K., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2022). Modelling the Effect of Vaccination and Human Behaviour on the Spread of Epidemic Diseases on Temporal Networks. In 2022 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 2291-2296). IEEE.
Portoles, O., Qin, Y., Hadida, J., Woolrich, M., Cao, M., & van Vugt, M. (2022). Modulations of local synchrony over time lead to resting-state functional connectivity in a parsimonious large-scale brain model. PLoS ONE, 17(10 October), Article e0275819.
Ayoobi, H., Cao, M., Verbrugge, R., & Verheij, B. (2022). Online Incremental Learning with Abstract Argumentation Frameworks. 65-80. Paper presented at 1st Workshop on Argumentation and Machine Learning, ArgML 2022, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Lin, B., Yao, W. Y., & Cao, M. (2022). On Wilson’s theorem about domains of attraction and tubular neighborhoods. Systems & Control Letters, 167(7), Article 105322.
Yang, Q., Fang, H., Cao, M., & Chen, J. (2022). Planar Affine Formation Stabilization via Parameter Estimations. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(6), 5322-5332.
Cunha, R. F., Gongalves, T. R., Varma, V. S., Elayoubi, S. E., & Cao, M. (2022). Reducing fuel consumption in platooning systems through reinforcement learning. In J. Kocijan, & K. Guelton (Eds.), 6th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences ICONS 2022 (pp. 99-104). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 55, No. 15). Elsevier.
Chen, L., Shi, M., Garcia de Marina, H., & Cao, M. (2022). Stabilizing and maneuvering angle rigid multi-agent formations with double-integrator agent dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 9(3), 1362-1374.
Portoles, O., Blesa, M., van Vugt, M., Cao, M., & Borst, J. P. (2022). Thalamic bursts modulate cortical synchrony locally to switch between states of global functional connectivity in a cognitive task. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(3), Article e1009407.
Ramazi, P., Riehl, J., & Cao, M. (2022). The lower convergence tendency of imitators compared to best responders. Automatica, 139, Article 110185.


Frieswijk, K., Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2023). A time-varying network model for sexually transmitted infections accounting for behavior and control actions. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 33(9), 4784-4807.
Ye, M., Liu, J., Anderson, B. D. O., & Cao, M. (2022). Applications of the Poincare-Hopf Theorem: Epidemic Models and Lotka-Volterra Systems. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(4), 1609-1624.
Gong, L., & Cao, M. (2022). Different Environment Feedback in Fast-slow Eco-evolutionary Dynamics and Resulting Limit Cycles. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 1184-1189.
Ayoobi, H., Mohades Kasaei, H., Cao, M., Verbrugge, R., & Verheij, B. (2022). Local-HDP: Interactive open-ended 3D object category recognition in real-time robotic scenarios. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 147, Article 103911.
Chen, L., Garcia de Marina Peinado, H., & Cao, M. (2022). Maneuvering formations of mobile agents using designed mismatched angles. IEEE-Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(4), 1655-1668.
Zheng, X., Kamat, A. M., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2022). Natural frequency measurement of seal whiskers using a 3D-printed MEMS graphene-based cantilever sensor. In 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS) (pp. 714-717). IEEE.
Cenedese, C., Zino, L., Cucuzzella, M., & Cao, M. (2022). Optimal policy design to mitigate epidemics on networks using an SIS model. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 4266-4271). IEEE.
Qin, Y., Kawano, Y., Anderson, B. D. O., & Cao, M. (2022). Partial Exponential Stability Analysis of Slow-Fast Systems via Periodic Averaging. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(10), 5479-5486.
Zino, L., & Cao, M. (2021). Analysis, Prediction, and Control of Epidemics: A Survey from Scalar to Dynamic Network Models. IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 21(4), 4-23.
Cenedese, C., Belgioioso, G., Grammatico, S., & Cao, M. (2021). An asynchronous distributed and scalable generalized Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm for strongly monotone games. European Journal of Control, 58, 143-151.
Ayoobi, H., Cao, M., Verbrugge, R., & Verheij, B. (2021). Argue to Learn: Accelerated Argumentation-Based Learning. In 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (pp. 1118-1123). IEEE.
Cenedese, C., Belgioioso, G., Kawano, Y., Grammatico, S., & Cao, M. (2021). Asynchronous and Time-Varying Proximal Type Dynamics in Multiagent Network Games. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(6), 2861-2867. Article 9149654.
Ye, M., Zino, L., Mlakar, Ž., Bolderdijk, J. W., Risselada, H., Fennis, B. M., & Cao, M. (2021). Collective patterns of social diffusion are shaped by individual inertia and trend-seeking. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 5698.
Zheng, X., Kamat, A. M., Cao, M., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2021). Creating underwater vision through wavy whiskers: A review of the flow sensing mechanisms and biomimetic potential of seal whiskers. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18(183), Article 20210629.
Yao, W., Garcia de Marina, H., Sun, Z., & Cao, M. (2021). Distributed coordinated path following using guiding vector fields. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 10030-10037). IEEE.
Tan, X., Cao, M., & Cao, J. (2021). Distributed Dynamic Event-Based Control for Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 68(2), 687-691. Article 9129868.
Bai, X., Cao, M., Yan, W., & Ge, S. S. (2021). Efficient Heuristic Algorithms for Single-Vehicle Task Planning With Precedence Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 51(12), 6274 - 6283.
Tan, X., Cao, M., Cao, J., Xu, W., & Luo, Y. (2021). Event-triggered Synchronization of Multi-agent Systems with Partial Input Saturation. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 8(3), 2325-5870.
Ye, M., Zino, L., Rizzo, A., & Cao, M. (2021). Game-theoretic modeling of collective decision making during epidemics. Physical Review E, 104, Article 024314 .
Taghvafard, H., Jardon Kojakhmetov, H., Szmolyan, P., & Cao, M. (2021). Geometric analysis of oscillations in the Frzilator model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 495(1), Article 124725.


Chen, L., Cao, M., & Li, C. (2021). Angle rigidity and its usage to stabilize multi-agent formations in 2D. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(8), 3667-3681.
Martirosyan, E., Govaert, A., & Cao, M. (2021). Autocratic strategies for infinitely iterated multiplayer social dilemma games. In 21th IFAC World Congress: Proceedings (pp. 2838-2843). (IFAC-PapersOnLine; Vol. 53, No. 2). Elsevier.
Jin, B., Li, H., Yan, W., & Cao, M. (2021). Distributed Model Predictive Control and Optimization for Linear Systems With Global Constraints and Time-Varying Communication. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(7), 3393-3400. Article 9186330.


Ayoobi, H., Cao, M., Verbrugge, R., & Verheij, B. (2022). Argumentation-Based Online Incremental Learning. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 194(4), 3419-3433.
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