Cao, Prof. Ming

Ming Cao is Professor of Networks and Robots at the Faculty of Science and Engineering. His research focuses on multi-agent systems, complex systems and networks, sensor networks and autonomous robots. Cao conducts ground-breaking research in the field of control systems that allow groups of autonomous robots to work together. If autonomous cars and robots are to function effectively and safely, they must be able to take each other’s actions into account. Cao works on this development with colleagues from the fields of sociology, mathematics and biology. The algorithms he develops for robots are partly inspired by the movements of animals, particularly fish and birds, which also act in formation. Ming Cao has been appointed as Director of the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI.
Cao obtained a Bachelor's degree in Engineering at Tsinghua University in Peking, China, in 1999. He then graduated as a Master of Engineering at the same university in 2002. In 2003, he also obtained a Master of Science degree at Yale University in New Haven, the United States, and in 2007, he was awarded a PhD by the Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University. In 2023, Cao received a Vici grant for his research on decision-making of autonomous robots.
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Last modified: | 03 March 2025 09.31 a.m. |