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Steg, prof. dr. Linda

Linda Steg
Linda Steg

Linda Steg (1965) is hoogleraar omgevingspsychologie. Steg studeerde andragogiek in Groningen en werkte onder meer bij het Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau in Den Haag. In 1996 promoveerde ze aan de RUG op het proefschrift ‘Gedragsverandering ter vermindering van het autogebruik’. Ze richt zich op de interactie tussen mens en omgeving: hoe beïnvloedt de omgeving het gedrag en welzijn van mensen, hoe beïnvloedt de mens de kwaliteit van de natuur en het milieu, en hoe kan milieuvriendelijk gedrag worden voorspeld en bevorderd?

Stegs onderzoek richt zich onder meer op de (gedragswetenschappelijke) verklaring van autogebruik, huishoudelijk energiegebruik, het stimuleren van energiebesparing, de acceptatie van milieubeleid en de effecten van beleid en omgevingscondities op het welzijn. Steg liet zien dat als het om het milieu gaat, mensen zich minder laten leiden door kosten-batenanalyses, feiten en argumenten en meer door normen, waarden en gevoelens. Het onderzoek van Steg helpt beleidsmakers die het gedrag van mensen willen beïnvloeden. In het kader van een groot onderzoek door de European Energy Research Alliance bestudeerde Steg tevens de publieke opinie over schaliegas. Steg was als onderzoeker betrokken bij het advies over milieubeleid en gedrag dat in 2014 aan staatssecretaris Mansveld is aangeboden. In 2017 is Steg benoemd als lid van de KNAW.

In 2020 ontving Steg de Stevinpremie, een van de twee hoogste Nederlandse wetenschappelijke onderscheidingen. De Stevinpremie is een prijs voor een onderzoeker van wie het werk een grote maatschappelijke impact heeft. Steg krijgt 2,5 miljoen euro, te besteden aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Steg was een van de hoofdauteurs van het derde IPCC rapport dat in april 2022 verscheen.

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Sharpe, E., & Steg, L. (2025). A critical reflection on behavioural difficulty: proposing a barrier-first approach. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 62, Article 101500.
Wang, X., Judge, M., & Steg, L. (2025). Climate action on Twitter: perceived barriers for actions and actors, and sentiments during COP26. Environmental Research Communications, 7(1), Article 015032.


Judge, M., Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Bolderdijk, J. W. (2024). Accelerating social tipping points in sustainable behaviors: Insights from a dynamic model of moralized social change. One Earth, 7(5), 759-770.
Post, J. M. M., Berfu Ünal, A., Veldstra, J. L., de Waard, D., & Steg, L. (2024). Acceptability of connected automated vehicles: Attributes, perceived behavioural control, and perceived adoption norm. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 102, 411-423.
Palomo-Vélez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2024). Are we on the same page? Understanding value similarity and its impact on public trust in institutions of the energy sector. Energy Research and Social Science, 117, Article 103715.
Koch, J., Vringer, K., van der Werff, E., Wilting, H., & Steg, L. (2024). Circular consumption to reduce environmental pressure: Potential of behavioural change in the Netherlands. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 44, 101-113.
Grealis, E., Rau, H., Pacheco, I. M., van der Werff, E., & Steg, L. (2024). Data Collection Framework (CircEUlar Deliverable 4.3).
Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2024). Do I Perceive That We as a Community Can Persist, Adapt Flexibly, and Positively Transform? The Relationship Between Collective Transilience and Community-Based Adaptation. Global Environmental Psychology, 2.
Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2024). Individual Transilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 93, Article 102188.
Contzen, N., Perlaviciute, G., Steg, L., Reckels, S. C., Alves, S., Bidwell, D., Böhm, G., Bonaiuto, M., Chou, L. F., Corral-Verdugo, V., Dessi, F., Dietz, T., Doran, R., Eulálio, M. D. C., Fielding, K., Gómez-Román, C., Granskaya, J. V., Gurikova, T., Hernández, B., ... Sütterlin, B. (2024). Public opinion about solar radiation management: A cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world. Climatic Change, 177(4), Article 65.
Koponen, K., Braun, J., Cobo Gutiérrez, S., Evatt, A., Golmen, L., Guillén-Gosálbez, G., Hamelin, L., Jenkins, S., Koljonen, T., Lee, C. Y., Levihn, F., Paul, A. J., Perlaviciute, G., Preston Aragonès, M., Reiner, D. M., Similä, L., Steg, L., Stoefs, W., Sunny, N., & Werner, C. (2024). Responsible carbon dioxide removals and the EU’s 2040 climate target. Environmental Research Letters, 19(9), Article 091006.
Paul Fesenfeld, L., Zeiske, N., Maier, M., Rachelle Gallmann, M., Van der Werff, E., & Steg, L. (2024). Tasting and labeling meat substitute products can affect consumers’ product evaluations and preferences. Food Quality and Preference, 118, Article 105184.
Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Dietz, T. (2024). The public demands more climate action, not less: Rising political climate opposition does not reflect public opinion. Climatic Change, 177, Article 167.
Palomo-Vélez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2024). Trusting the minister or trusting the mayor? Perceived competence and integrity of central and local Dutch institutions governing energy matters. Environmental Research Communications, 6(4), Article 045009.
Gómez-Román, C., Jans, L., Steg, L., Vila-Tojo, S., & Sabucedo, J. M. (2024). ‘Yes, we care’: pro-environmental social identity framing to promote acceptance of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. Water Reuse, 14(4), 510-526.


van Valkengoed, A. M., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2024). From believing in climate change to adapting to climate change: The role of risk perception and efficacy beliefs. Risk Analysis, 44(3), 553-565.
Feng, S., Cucuzzella, M., Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Scherpen, J. M. A. (2023). An integrated human-cyber-physical framework for control of microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 14(5), 3388-3400.
Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2023). Can we do more than “bounce back”? Transilience in the face of climate change risks. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 86, Article 101947.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Steg, L., & de Jonge, P. (2023). Climate Anxiety: A Research Agenda Inspired by Emotion Research. Emotion Review, 15(4), 258-262.
van Valkengoed, A. M., & Steg, L. (2023). Climate anxiety is about more than just personal risks. Nature climate change, 13(7), 591.
Judge, M., Kashima, Y., Steg, L., & Dietz, T. (2023). Environmental Decision-Making in Times of Polarization. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48, 477-503.
Steg, L. (2023). Intrinsic motivation to act pro-environmentally. In B. Gatersleben, & N. Murtagh (Eds.), Handbook on Pro-Environmental Behaviour Change (pp. 28-37). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Erisman, J. W., de Coninck, H., Akerboom, S., Blok, K., Haasnoot, M., Mulder, M., Peters, W., Pot, W. D., Steg, L., Taebi, B., & van den Brink, R. (2023). Met iedereen de transities in: Richtinggevende keuzes voor een klimaatneutraal en klimaatbestendig Nederland. Wetenschappelijke Klimaatraad.
Steg, L. (2023). Psychology of Climate Change. Annual Review of Psychology, 74, 391-421.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G. (2023). The psychological distance of climate change is overestimated. One Earth, 6(4), 362-391.
Palomo-Vélez, G., Contzen, N., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2023). Trust in institutions and public acceptability of risky energy production: Testing the causal relationships in the context of Groningen earthquakes. Energy Research and Social Science, 96, Article 102927.
Reintgen Kamphuisen, F., Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2023). Understanding the Dynamics in the Relationship between Descriptive Norms and Pro-Environmental Behaviour. Abstract from International Conference of Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2023, Aarhus, Denmark.
Vrieling, L., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2023). When others control risks: Others-focused coping with risks from energy projects. Risk Analysis, 43(11), 2211-2222.


Carfora, V., Zeiske, N., van der Werff, E., Steg, L., & Catellani, P. (2022). Adding Dynamic Norm to Environmental Information in Messages Promoting the Reduction of Meat Consumption. Environmental Communication, 16(7), 900-919.
Steg, L., Veldstra, J., de Kleijne, K., Kılkış, Ş., Lucena, A. F. P., Nilsson, L. J., Sugiyama, M., Smith, P., Tavoni, M., de Coninck, H., van Diemen, R., Renforth, P., Mirasgedis, S., Nemet, G., Görsch, R., Muri, H., Bertoldi, P., Cabeza, L. F., Mata, É., ... Vérez, D. (2022). A method to identify barriers to and enablers of implementing climate change mitigation options. One Earth, 5(11), 1216-1227.
Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2022). A spiral of (in)action: Empowering people to translate their values in climate action. One Earth, 5(9), 975-978.
Geiger, J., van der Werff, E., Ünal, B., & Steg, L. (2022). Context matters: The role of perceived ease and feasibility vis-à-vis biospheric values in recycling behaviour. Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances, 16, Article 200122.
Sharpe, E., Ruepert, A., van der Werff, E., & Steg, L. (2022). Corporate environmental responsibility leads to more pro-environmental behavior at work by strengthening intrinsic pro-environmental motivation. One Earth, 5(7), 825-835.
Creutzig, F., Niamir, L., Bai, X., Callaghan, M., Cullen, J., Díaz-José, J., Figueroa, M., Grubler, A., Lamb, W. F., Leip, A., Masanet, E., Mata, É., Mattauch, L., Minx, J. C., Mirasgedis, S., Mulugetta, Y., Nugroho, S. B., Pathak, M., Perkins, P., ... Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2022). Demand-side solutions to climate change mitigation consistent with high levels of well-being. Nature climate change, 12(1), 36-46.
Ünal, A. B., Pals, R., Steg, L., Siero, F. W., & van der Zee, K. I. (2022). Is virtual reality a valid tool for restorative environments research? Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 74, Article 127673.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2022). Relationships between climate change perceptions and climate adaptation actions: policy support, information seeking, and behaviour. Climatic Change, 171, Article 14.
Palomo-Velez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2022). SketchNote Responsible decision-making on gas. Unpublished. Digital or Visual Products
Corker, E., Mitev, K., Lewis, A. N., Tamis, M., Bouman, T., Holmlid, S., Lambe, F., Michie, S., Osborne, M., Renes, R. J., Steg, L., & Whitmash, L. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 related regulations and restrictions on mobility and potential for sustained climate mitigation across the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK: A data-based commentary. UCL Open Environment, 4(3), Article 03.
Fisher, S. D., Kenny, J., Poortinga, W., Böhm, G., & Steg, L. (2022). The politicisation of climate change attitudes in Europe. Electoral Studies, 79, Article 102499.
Goedkoop, F., Sloot, D., Jans, L., Dijkstra, J., Flache, A., & Steg, L. (2022). The Role of Community in Understanding Involvement in Community Energy Initiatives. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 775752.
Liu, L., Vrieling, L., Perlaviciute, G., Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2022). The role of trust in public acceptability of energy projects: Integrity versus competence. Environmental Research Communications, 4(3), Article 035003.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Abrahamse, W., & Steg, L. (2022). To select effective interventions for pro-environmental behaviour change, we need to consider determinants of behaviour. Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 1482–1492.
Lemmen, N., Steg, L., & Bouman, T. (2022). When you choose but not lose: Decreasing people’s desire for options on technological appliances. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 749772.


Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2023). Worrying about the consequences of COVID-19 for distant others relates to mitigative actions. Health Communication, 35(5), 902-912.
Cucuzzella, M., Bouman, T., Kosaraju, K. C., Schuitema, G., Lemmen, N., Johnson-Zawadzki, S. J. Z., Fischione, C., Steg, L., & Scherpen, J. M. A. (2022). Distributed control of DC grids: Integrating prosumers’ motives. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37(4), 3299-3310.
Vrieling, L., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). Afraid, angry or powerless? Effects of perceived risks and trust in responsible parties on emotions towards gasquakes in the Netherlands. Energy Research and Social Science, 76, Article 102063.
Perlaviciute, G., Steg, L., & Sovacool, B. K. (2021). A perspective on the human dimensions of a transition to net-zero energy systems. Energy and Climate Change, 2, Article 100042.
Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Sovacool, B. K., Bonaiuto, M., Diekmann, A., Filippini, M., Hindriks, F., Bergstad, C. J., Matthies, E., Matti, S., Mulder, M., Nilsson, A., Pahl, S., Roggenkamp, M., Schuitema, G., Stern, P. C., Tavoni, M., Thøgersen, J., & Woerdman, E. (2021). A Research Agenda to Better Understand the Human Dimensions of Energy Transitions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-11. Article 672776.
Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2021). Can we do more than 'bounce back'? Transilience in the face of climate change risks. Poster session presented at Kurt Lewin Institute Conference .
Lozano Nasi, V., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2021). Can We Do More Than "Bouncing Back"? Development and Validation of the Climate Change Transilience Scale. Abstract from International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Siracusa, Italy.
Veldstra, J., Ünal, B., & Steg, L. (2021). Car Ownership and Car Use: A Psychological Perspective. In R. Vickerman (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Transportation (1st ed.). Elsevier.
van Valkengoed, A., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). Climate change perceptions as general antecedents of climate adaptation behaviour. Abstract from Society for Personality and Social Psychology Sustainability Preconference.
Venhoeven, L. A., Bolderdijk, J. W., & Steg, L. (2021). Corrigendum to “Why going green feels good.” [Journal of Environmental Psychology (2020), Volume 71, 101492]. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 75, Article 101616.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G. (2021). Development and validation of a climate change perceptions scale. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76, Article 101652.
Bhushan, N., Steg, L., Jans, L., & Albers, C. (2021). Does installing photovoltaic panels affect daily electricity usage patterns? A generalized additive model approach. Energy and Climate Change, 2, Article 100052.
Contzen, N., Handreke, A. V., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). Emotions towards a mandatory adoption of renewable energy innovations: The role of psychological reactance and egoistic and biospheric values. Energy Research and Social Science, 80, Article 102232.
Contzen, N., Perlaviciute, G., Sadat-Razavi, P., & Steg, L. (2021). Emotions Toward Sustainable Innovations: A Matter of Value Congruence. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 661314.
Bouman, T., van der Werff, E., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). Environmental values and identities at the personal and group level. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 42, 47-53.
Judge, M., de Hoog, O., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2021). From toilet to table: Value-tailored messages influence emotional responses to wastewater products. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 14(1), Article 79.
Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G. (2021). From values to climate action. Current Opinion in Psychology, 42, 102-107.
Wang, X., van der Werff, E., Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Harder, M. K. (2021). I Am vs. We Are: How Biospheric Values and Environmental Identity of Individuals and Groups Can Influence Pro-environmental Behaviour. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 618956.
Sloot, D., Jans, L., & Steg, L. (2021). Is an Appeal Enough? The Limited Impact of Financial, Environmental, and Communal Appeals in Promoting Involvement in Community Environmental Initiatives. Sustainability, 13(3), 1-30. Article 1085.
Brosch, T., & Steg, L. (2021). Leveraging emotion for sustainable action. One Earth, 4(12), 1693-1703.
Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Zawadzki, S. J. (2021). Meta-analytic evidence for a robust and positive association between individual’s pro-environmental behaviors and their subjective wellbeing. 96. Abstract from 2021 International Society of Political Psychology Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
van der Werff, E., Steg, L., & Ruepert, A. (2021). My company is green, so am I: the relationship between perceived environmental responsibility of organisations and government, environmental self-identity, and pro-environmental behaviours. Energy Efficiency, 14(5), Article 50.
Sharpe, E. J., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). Pro-environmental behaviour and support for environmental policy as expressions of pro-environmental motivation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 76, Article 101650.
Palomo-Vélez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2021). Promoting energy sources as environmentally friendly: does it increase public acceptability? Environmental Research Communications, 3(11), Article 115004.
Zeiske, N., van der Werff, E., & Steg, L. (2021). The effects of a financial incentive on motives and intentions to commute to work with public transport in the short and long term. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 78, Article 101718.
Liu, L., Bouman, T., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). The more public influence, the better? The effects of full versus shared influence on public acceptability of energy projects in the Netherlands and China. Energy Research & Social Science, 81, Article 102286.
van Valkengoed, A. M., Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Schultz, P. W., Brosch, T., Gatersleben, B., Nordlund, A., Pahl, S., & Whitmarsh, L. (2021). Theory enhances impact. Reply to: ‘The case for impact-focused environmental psychology’. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 75, Article 101597.
Perlaviciute, G., Görsch, R., Timmerman, M., Steg, L., & Vrieling, L. (2021). Values in the backyard: The relationship between people’s values and their evaluations of a real, nearby energy project. Environmental Research Communications, 3(10), Article 105004.
van Valkengoed, A., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2021). When and why are climate change perceptions associated with adaptation behaviour? The role of risk perception and efficacy.


Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2022). Engaging city residents in climate action: Addressing the personal and group value-base behind residents' climate actions. Urbanisation, 7(1 suppl.), S26 - S41.
Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Dietz, T. (2021). Insights from early COVID-19 responses about promoting sustainable action. Nature sustainability, 4, 194–200.
Zeiske, N., Venhoeven, L., Steg, L., & van der Werff, E. (2021). The Normative Route to a Sustainable Future: Examining Children's Environmental Values, Identity and Personal Norms to Conserve Energy. Environment and Behavior, 53(10), 1118-1139.
Gorsira, M., Huisman, W., Denkers, A., & Steg, L. (2021). Why Dutch officials take bribes: A toxic mix of factors. Crime, Law and Social Change, 75(1), 45-72.
Lemmen, N., Keizer, K., Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2020). Convince Yourself to Do the Right Thing: The Effects of Provided Versus Self-Generated Arguments on Rule Compliance and Perceived Importance of Socially Desirable Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 613418.
Langley, M. G., Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2020). De waarden achter klimaatgedrag: Hoe persoonlijke waarden en waargenomen groepswaarden klimaatgedrag motiveren en versterken. Mens en Maatschappij, 95(3), 175-196.
Liu, L., Bouman, T., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2020). Effects of competence- and integrity-based trust on public acceptability of renewable energy projects in China and the Netherlands. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 67, Article 101390.
Verschoor, M., Albers, C., Poortinga, W., Bohm, G., & Steg, L. (2020). Exploring relationships between climate change beliefs and energy preferences: A network analysis of the European Social Survey. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70, Article 101435.
Johnson-Zawadzki, S., Steg, L., & Bouman, T. (2020). Meta-analytic evidence for a robust and positive association between individuals' pro-environmental behaviors and their subjective wellbeing. Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), Article 123007.
Bouman, T., & Steg, L. (2020). Motivating Climate Action. IAAP Bulletin, 2(3), 13-16.
Liu, L., Bouman, T., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2020). Public participation in decision making, perceived procedural fairness and public acceptability of renewable energy projects. Energy and Climate Change, 1, Article 100013.
Fiorini, L., Steg, L., & Aiello, M. (2020). Sustainability Choices when Cooking Pasta. In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (pp. 161-166). ACM Press Digital Library.
Sargisson, R. J., De Groot, J. I. M., & Steg, L. (2020). The Relationship Between Sociodemographics and Environmental Values Across Seven European Countries. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 2253.
Bouman, T., Steg, L., & Johnson-Zawadzki, S. (2020). The value of what others value: When perceived biospheric group values influenceindividuals’ pro-environmental engagement. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71, Article 101470.
Zawadzki, S. J., Bouman, T., Steg, L., Bojarskich, V., & Druen, P. B. (2020). Translating climate beliefs into action in a changing political landscape. Climatic Change, 161(1), 21-42.
Bouman, T., Verschoor, M., Albers, C., Böhm, G., Fisher, S. D., Poortinga, W., Whitmarsh, L., & Steg, L. (2020). When worry about climate change leads to climate action: How values, worry and personal responsibility relate to various climate actions. Global Environmental Change, 62, Article 102061.
Venhoeven, L. A., Bolderdijk, J. W., & Steg, L. (2020). Why going green feels good. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71, Article 101492.


Namazkhan, M., Albers, C., & Steg, L. (2020). A decision tree method for explaining household gas consumption: The role of building characteristics, socio-demographic variables, psychological factors and household behaviour. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, Article 109542.
Vrieling, L., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2019). Acceptability of wind energy: the role of trust and emotions. Abstract from International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Geiger, J. L., Steg, L., van der Werff, E., & Ünal, A. B. (2019). A meta-analysis of factors related to recycling. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 64, 78-97.
van Valkengoed, A. M., & Steg, L. (2019). Climate change adaptation by individuals and households: A psychological perspective. University of Groningen.
Poortinga, W., Whitmarsh, L., Steg, L., Böhm, G., & Fisher, S. (2019). Climate change perceptions and their individual-level determinants: A cross-European analysis. Global Environmental Change, 55, 25-35.
van Valkengoed, A., Steg, L., & Perlaviciute, G. (2019). Developing and validating a climate change perceptions scale. Abstract from International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Venhoeven, L., & Steg, L. (2019). Die Bedeutung der Umweltpsychologie für die Naturtherapie. In H. G. Petzold , B. Ellerbrock, & R. Hömberg (Eds.), Die Neuen Naturtherapien: Handbuch der Garten-, Landschafts-, Wald- und Tiergestützten Therapie, Green Care und Green Meditation (pp. 179-186). Aisthesis Verlag.
Cucuzzella, M., Kosaraju, K. C., Bouman, T., Schuitema, G., Johnson-Zawadzki, S., Fischione, C., Steg, L., & Scherpen, J. M. A. (2019). Distributed control of DC grids: integrating prosumers motives. arXiv.
Liu, L., Bouman, T., Perlaviciute, G., & Steg, L. (2019). Effects of trust and public participation on acceptability of renewable energy projects in the Netherlands and China. Energy Research and Social Science, 53, 137-144.
de Leij, L., Perlaviciute, G., Vrieling, L., Steg, E., Bröring, H. E., Zuidema, C., Eikenaar, E., de Vries, J., Heite, A., Gritter, G. (Ed.), & Smit, F. (Ed.) (2019). Gaswinning, aardbevingen en wat nu? Symposium van het Groninger Universiteitsfonds ter gelegenheid van de uitreiking van de Ubbo Emmius-penning aan Annemarie Heite, 15 november 2018. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en Groninger Universiteitsfonds.
Muinos, G., & Steg, L. (2019). Green and protective backyards: predicting adaptive behaviors. Paper presented at International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
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