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Haartsen, prof. dr. Tialda

Tialda Haartsen
Tialda Haartsen

Tialda Haartsen is Professor of Rural Geography at the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. She is interested in what the countryside means to people. The central theme in her research is how the meanings of rural places and a sense of belonging influence the spatial behaviour of individuals and families, and how they explain responses to changes in rural places.

Haartsen has always felt connected to life in the countryside. ‘What has always fascinated me is the sense of belonging among many people in the countryside. I’ve also always felt that myself: the feeling that you have roots in a certain area, that you belong there.’ As Haartsen stated in her oration, she hopes that her appointment as Professor of Rural Geography will ‘contribute to maintaining the liveability of the countryside in the context of the many spatial changes that are in store.’

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Last modified:24 April 2024 11.13 a.m.
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