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De Wilde, prof. dr. Pieter

Pieter de Wilde

Pieter de Wilde is hoogleraar in Europese Politiek en Maatschappij aan de Faculteit der Letteren bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. De Wilde studeerde Political Science aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en promoveerde in de politicologie aan ARENA, Center for European Studies, aan de Universiteit van Oslo. Voor zijn promotie deed hij onderzoek naar de politisering van Europese integratie: het proces waarbij EU-lidmaatschap en verdere Europese integratiepolitiek relevant en betwist geworden zijn.

De Wilde’s huidige onderzoek richt zich op politieke conflicten over Europese integratie en globalisering, waaronder de politisering van Europese integratie, EU-responsiviteit ten opzichte van publieke opinie, de rol van nationale parlementen in de EU, Euroscepcis, en de mate waarin verschillende politieke onderwerpen ingebed zijn binnen een bredere politieke scheidslijn. Zijn meest recente onderzoeksproject is “Unelected Representatives: The Impact on Liberal Democracy in Europe”. Dit onderzoek kijkt hoe politieke activisten zoals Greta Thunberg een rol kunnen spelen als niet-gekozen vertegenwoordigers door het maken van representatieve claims.

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de Wilde, P. (2025). Centers, Boundaries, Politicization and Cleavages: A Political Sociology of Europe. (Inaugural Lectures). University of Groningen Press.
Özdemir, S. F., Graneng, K., & de Wilde, P. (2025). EU executives on social media: Assessing the potential and trajectories of legitimation via public communication on Twitter. European Union Politics. Advance online publication.


Andrione‐Moylan, A., de Wilde, P., & Raube, K. (2024). (De‐)politicization Discourse Strategies: The Case of Trade. JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(1), 21-37.
Vik, A., & de Wilde, P. (2024). Reconceptualizing “feeling represented”: A new approach to measure how feelings of political representation are constructed. Acta Politica. Advance online publication.


de Wilde, P., Langsæther, P. E., & Özdemir, S. (2023). Critical junctures and the crystallization of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism. European Political Science Review, 15(2), 157-176.
de Wilde, P. (2023). More power, less influence: European union actors in media debates on fiscal policy after the eurocrisis. Journal of European Integration, 45(2), 239-255.
de Wilde, P. (2023). Peace, Prosperity and Protection: Narratives of Integration and the ‘Justification Jungle’ of Europe's Public Spheres. JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(5), 1194-1210.
Andrione‐Moylan, A., de Wilde, P., & Raube, K. (2023). Varieties of EU trade politicisation in EU public debates. Global Policy, 14(S3), 19-29.


de Wilde, P., Rasch, A., & Bossetta, M. (2022). Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media. Politics and Governance, 10(1), 90-96.
Gora, A., & de Wilde, P. (2022). The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(3), 342-362.


Strijbis, O., Helmer, J., & de Wilde, P. (2020). A cosmopolitan–communitarian cleavage around the world? Evidence from ideological polarization and party–voter linkages. Acta Politica, 55, 408-431.
de Wilde, P. (2020). The Quality of Representative Claims: Uncovering a Weakness in the Defense of the Liberal World Order. Political Studies, 68(2), 271-292.


de Wilde, P., & Rauh, C. (2019). Going full circle: the need for procedural perspectives on EU responsiveness. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(11), 1737-1748.
de Wilde, P. (2019). Media logic and grand theories of European integration. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(8), 1193-1212.
de Wilde, P. (2019). The making of four ideologies of globalization. European Political Science Review, 11(1), 1-18.
de Wilde, P., Koopmans, R., Merkel, W., Strijbis, O., & Zürn, M. (Eds.) (2019). The Struggle over Borders: Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism. Cambridge University Press.


de Wilde, P., & Raunio, T. (2018). Redirecting national parliaments: Setting priorities for involvement in EU affairs. Comparative European Politics, 16, 310-329.
Rauh, C., & de Wilde, P. (2018). The opposition deficit in EU accountability: Evidence from over 20 years of plenary debate in four member states. European Journal of Political Research, 57(1), 194-216.


Rauh, C., de Wilde, P., & Schwalbach, J. (2017). The ParlSpeech data set: Annotated full-text vectors of 3.9 million plenary speeches in the key legislative chambers of seven European states. arXiv.


de Wilde, P., Junk, W. M., & Palmtag, T. (2016). Accountability and opposition to globalization in international assemblies. European Journal of International Relations, 22(4), 823-846.
de Wilde, P., & Lord, C. (2016). Assessing actually-existing trajectories of EU politicisation. West European Politics, 39(1), 145-163.
Zürn, M., & de Wilde, P. (2016). Debating globalization: cosmopolitanism and communitarianism as political ideologies. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21(3), 280-301.
de Wilde, P., Leupold, A., & Schmidtke, H. (2016). Introduction: the differentiated politicisation of European governance. West European Politics, 39(1), 3-22.


de Wilde, P. (2015). The Imperative of a European Welfare State. Int Stud Rev, 17(3), 498-500.


de Wilde, P., Michailidou, A., & Trenz, H.-J. (2014). Converging on euroscepticism: Online polity contestation during European Parliament elections. European Journal of Political Research, 53(4), 766-783.
Michailidou, A., Trenz, H.-J., & de Wilde, P. (2014). The Internet and European Integration: Pro- and Anti-EU Debates in Online News Media. Barbara Budrich Publishers.
de Wilde, P. (2014). The Operating Logics of National Parliaments and Mass Media in the Politicisation of Europe. Journal of Legislative Studies, 20(1), 46-61.


de Wilde, P., Michailidou, A., & Trenz, H.-J. (2013). Contesting Europe: Exploring Euroscepticism in Online Media. ECPR Press.
de Wilde, P. (2013). Representative claims analysis: Theory meets method. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(2), 278-294.
Teney, C., Lacewell, O. P., & de Wilde, P. (2013). Winners and losers of globalization in Europe: Attitudes and ideologies. European Political Science Review, 6(4), 575-595.


de Wilde, P., & Zürn, M. (2012). Can the Politicization of European Integration be Reversed? Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(s1), 137-153.
de Wilde, P., & Trenz, H.-J. (2012). Denouncing European integration: Euroscepticism as polity contestation. European Journal of Social Theory, 15(4), 537-554.
de Wilde, P. (2012). Politicisation of the EU Budget: Conflict and the Constraining Dissensus. West European Politics, 35(5), 1075-1094.
de Wilde, P. (2012). Why the Early Warning Mechanism Does Not Alleviate the Democratic Deficit. Observatory of Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty.


de Wilde, P. (2011). Ex ante vs. ex post: The trade-off between partisan conflict and visibility in debating EU policy-formulation in national parliaments. Journal of European Public Policy, 18(5), 672-689.
de Wilde, P. (2011). No effect, weapon of the weak or reinforcing executive dominance? How media coverage affects national parliaments' involvement in EU policy-formulation. Comparative European Politics, 9, 123-144.
de Wilde, P. (2011). No polity for old politics? a framework for analyzing the politicization of European integration. Journal of European Integration, 33(5), 559-575.
de Wilde, P. (2011). The Plural Representative Space: How Mass Media and National Parliaments Stimulate Pluralism through Competition. In S. Kröger, & D. Friedrich (Eds.), The Challenge of Democratic Representation in the European Union (pp. 117-134). Palgrave MacMillan.


de Wilde, P. (2007). Politicisation of European Integration: Bringing the Process into Focus. SSRN.
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