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De Jong, prof. dr. Gjalt

Gjalt de Jong
Gjalt de Jong

Prof. dr. Gjalt de Jong is hoogleraar Duurzaam Ondernemen in een Circulaire Economie en directeur van het Centrum voor Duurzame Landbouwtransitie. Hij studeerde economie aan de hogeschool NHL en de RUG waar hij promoveerde in Business Administration.

De carrière van De Jong valt uiteen in twee periodes. Tussen 1991 en 2015 richtte hij zich op economische groei en strategie. Vanaf 2015 richt hij zich met zijn leerstoelgroep op duurzaam ondernemerschap en de circulaire economie en is hij directeur van het Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship van Campus Fryslân in Leeuwarden. De Jong is tevens mede-initiatiefnemer van de vereniging Circulair Friesland.

De Jong vindt het belangrijk om in zijn werk als hoogleraar een andere aanpak te hanteren, hij is iemand met een menselijke benadering die werkt vanuit een interne drijfveer om de wereld te verbeteren. Hij heeft het zijn missie gemaakt om te staan voor duurzaamheid en dit op actieve wijze na te streven. Met Campus Fryslân richt hij zich op ondernemers die bezig zijn met ecologische of duurzaamheidsproblemen. Volgens hem is het belangrijk om ondernemen te combineren met goed doen voor de planeet en hiermee ook actief bezig te zijn in de academische wereld.

,,Het vergt radicale vernieuwing, een universitaire revolutie. Als je maatschappelijke impact wilt hebben, dan moet je uit de ivoren wetenschappelijke toren komen om samen met bedrijven, organisaties en de overheid naar oplossingen te zoeken. Het vraagt geduld, tijd en energie. Dat kan alleen op basis van een sterke intrinsieke motivatie voor een betere wereld.”

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Interview Gjalt de Jong - NoordZ
Interview Gjalt de Jong - NoordZ


Duursma, G., Losekoot, E., & De Jong, G. (2024). Welcoming volunteers: A case study on supporting hospitable behaviours in hospitals. Hospitality and Society, 14(3), 319-342.


de Bruin, A., de Boer, I. J. M., Faber, N. R., de Jong, G., Termeer, K. J. A. M., & de Olde, E. M. (2024). Easier said than defined? Conceptualising justice in food system transitions. Agriculture & Human Values, 41, 345–362.
de Jong, G., Faber, N., Folmer, E., Long, T. B., & Ünal, B. (Eds.) (2023). De Gruyter handbook of sustainable entrepreneurship research. (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance). De Gruyter.
Boersma, M., & de Jong, G. (2023). Foundations of a Sustainable Market Economy: Guiding Principles for Change. Palgrave MacMillan.
Golubic, V., Folmer, E., & de Jong, G. (2023). Stakeholder dynamics in the context of organisational change: On the interplay between exogenous events, stakeholder salience, and institutional logics. In Proceedings of the 37th RENT Conference
Kaus, J., Faber, N., & de Jong, G. (2023). Sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem identity construction: The interplay of different types of social-symbolic work. Paper presented at Fourteenth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Duursma, G., Losekoot, E., & de Jong, G. (2023). The role of volunteers in creating hospitality: Insights from museums. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 54, 373-382.


Kaus, J., Yang, M., de Jong, G., & Faber, N. (2024). Developing sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems: The role of different ecosystems roles and types. In J. A. Cunningham, M. Menter, C. O’Kane, & M. Romano (Eds.), Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Research Handbooks in Business and Management series (pp. 478–497). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Thelken, H., & de Jong, G. (2023). Back to the sustainable future: The influence of the big five personality traits on consideration of future consequences. In G. de Jong, N. Faber, E. Folmer, T. Long, & B. Ünal (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 123-141). (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance). De Gruyter.
de Jong, G. (2023). Introduction: A general model of sustainable entrepreneurship. In G. de Jong , N. Faber , E. Folmer , T. Long , & B. Ünal (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 1-22). (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance). De Gruyter.
de Jong, G. (2023). Introduction to Part I: Foundations. In G. de Jong , N. Faber , E. Folmer , T. Long , & B. Ünal (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 25-27). (De Gruyter Handbooks in Business, Economics and Finance). De Gruyter.
Dawo, H. L. A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2023). Sustainable entrepreneurship and legitimacy building in protected areas: Overcoming distinctive barriers through activism. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(1), 72-95.
de Bruin, A., de Boer, I., Faber, N., de Jong, G., Termeer, K., & de Olde, E. (2022). A just transition? Justice principles relevant to food system transitions. 108. Abstract from 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA – European Group), Évora, Portugal.
de Jong, G. (Ed.), Kleine, I. (Ed.), Talens, B., & Vis, I. (2022). Natuurinclusieve landbouw in het Noorden: Inspiratie, innovatie en daadkracht. Universiteit van het Noorden.
Dawo, H., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (Accepted/In press). Sustainable entrepreneurship in protected areas: Exploring the influence of embeddedness in a fragile socio-ecological context. Paper presented at Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting, Arnhem, United States.
Golubic, V., Folmer, E., & de Jong, G. (2022). When legitimacy comes crumbling down: A case study of a delegitimised publicly owned social enterprise. Paper presented at Rethinking entrepreneurship after the crisis, Napels.


Eikelenboom, M., & de Jong, G. (2022). The impact of managers and network interactions on the integration of circularity in business strategy. Organization & Environment, 35(3), 365-393.
Eikelenboom, M., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2021). Circular strategies for social housing associations: Lessons from a Dutch case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292, Article 126024.
Kaus, J., de Jong, G., & Faber, N. (2021). Developing sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems for regional development: A conceptual review. Paper presented at Rent 2021 Conference (University of Turku, Finland), Finland.
Greco, A., Long, T., & de Jong, G. (2021). Identity reflexivity: A framework of heuristics for strategy change in hybrid organizations. Management Decision, 59(7), 1684-1705.
Dawo, H., Long, T. B., Ragni Yttredal, E., Wilde Tippet, A., & de Jong, G. (2021). Sustainable entrepreneurship in the North Sea region: A guide book of best practice examples. North Sea Region.
Dawo, H., Long, T. B., Yttredal, E. R., de Jong, G., & Tippett, A. (2021). Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the North Sea Region: A guidebook of best case examples. European Union.
Golubic, V., Folmer, E., Stephan, U., & de Jong, G. (2021). Trade-off or trade up: The analysis of financial and social performance in social enterprises. Paper presented at 41st Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC).


Dawo, H., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2020). Barriers and opportunities for successful sustainable entrepreneurship in fragile ecological contexts. Paper presented at RENT XXXIV.
Dawo, H., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (Accepted/In press). Barriers for sustainable entrepreneurship in protected nature areas in the North sea region.
de Jong, G. (2020). CSE: bedrijven als gangmakers voor duurzame samenleving. In I. Vis (Ed.), Samen kennis en innovaties ontwikkelen: Towards a circular economy (pp. 44-46). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Thelken, H. N., & de Jong, G. (2020). The impact of values and future orientation on intention formation within sustainable entrepreneurship. Journal of Cleaner Production, 266, Article 122052.
Vrenegoor, F., de Jong, G., & Cavagnaro, E. (2020). Understanding the sustainability stance of micro and small-sized accommodation owner-managers to enter into (sustainable) entrepreneurship. Paper presented at Sustainable Tourism conference , Southampton, United Kingdom.
Vrenegoor, F., de Jong, G., & Cavagnaro, E. (2020). Understanding the sustainability stance of micro and small-sized accommodation owner-managers to enter into sustainable entrepreneurship. In Sustainable Tourism IX (pp. 127-140). (WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment; Vol. 248). WIT Press.


Fan, J., de Jong, G., & van Ees, H. (2020). Behavioral strategy and international attention: Theory and evidence from Dutch small and medium sized enterprises. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Behavioral Strategy (pp. 147-177). (Research in Behavioral Strategy). Information Age Publishing.
Eikelenboom, M., Long, T., & de Jong, G. (2019). Circular business models in social housing associations: Bridging ecological goals and social contexts. In International Conference on New Business Models proceedings (pp. 43-43).
Eikelenboom, M., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2019). Circular business models in social housing associations: bridging ecological goals and social contexts. Paper presented at EURAM 2019, Lisboa, Portugal.
de Jong, G. (2019). Educating sustainable entrepreneurship: the case of the University of Groningen. In A. Fayolle, D. Kariv, & H. Matlay (Eds.), The Role and Impact of Entrepreneurship Education: Methods, Teachers and Innovative Programmes (pp. 319-331). Edward Elgar.
Enthoven, M., de Jong, G., & Ünal, A. (2019). Entrepreneurial opportunities as solutions for sustainable development: the relationship between problem recognition and opportunity recognition. Paper presented at High Tech Small Firms Conference, Enschede.
Enthoven, M., Ünal, A., & de Jong, G. (2019). Entrepreneurial opportunities as solutions for sustainable development: The relationship between problem recognition and opportunity recognition. Paper presented at EURAM 2019, Lisboa, Portugal.
Enthoven, M., de Jong, G., & Ünal, B. (2019). Entrepreneurial Opportunities as Solutions for Sustainable Development. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1).
Greco, A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2019). Experimentation for sustainability through design thinking: the case of the sustainable innovation challenge. Paper presented at 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Greco, A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2019). Experimentation for sustainability through design thinking: the case of the sustainable innovation challenge. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1).
Vrenegoor, F., Cavagnaro, E., & de Jong, G. (2019). Investigating the motivation values of micro and small sized accomodation owner/managers to enter into (sustainable) business. (Working Paper Series; No. 13). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
Greco, A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2019). The Freezing Effect of Sustainability Paradoxes and Conflicting Identities in Hybrid Organisations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1).
Eikelenboom, M., & de Jong, G. (2019). The impact of dynamic capabilities on the sustainability performance of SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235, 1360-1370.
Greco, A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2019). When chasing energy neutrality becomes unethical: paradoxes of climate mitigation strategies for social housing. Abstract from Sustainability Ethics Entrepreneurship Conference 2019, Miami , Florida, United States.


Eikelenboom, M., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2018). Circular business models in social enterprises: The case of the social housing corporation. Paper presented at University of Exeter symposium circular economy, Exeter, United Kingdom.
Enthoven, M., & de Jong, G. (2018). Entrepreneurial opportunities as solutions for sustainable development: The relationship between problem recognition and opportunity recognition. In RENT XXXII 2018 conference proceedings
Greco, A., Long, T. B., & de Jong, G. (2018). Identity reflexivity and managerial sense-making: facilitating change in sustainable enterprises. Abstract from RENT XXXII (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses conference), Toledo, Spain.
Thelken, H., & de Jong, G. (2018). On the intention formation process in sustainable entrepreneurship. In RENT XXXII 2018 conference proceedings
Greco, A., & de Jong, G. (2018). Organisational inertia for positive social change: Theory and Evidence from a Housing Association. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1).
Balogh, N., Estrada Vaquero, I., & de Jong, G. (2018). Summer breeze or large storm? The performance implications of partner change in wind farm JVs. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1).
Eikelenboom, M., & de Jong, G. (2018). The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on SME Sustainable Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1).
Greco, A., & de Jong, G. (2018). The paradigm of balancing the triple bottom line in hybrid organisations. Unpublished. In EGOS
Boersma, M., & de Jong, G. (2018). Van top-down management control naar democratische besluitvorming. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 92(5-6), 157-165.
Balogh, N., Faems, D., Estrada Vaquero, I., & de Jong, G. (2018). What to keep and what to share: The drivers of human capital value in alliances. Paper presented at SMS 38th Annual Conference, Paris, France.


Thelken, H. N., & de Jong, G. (2017). A value chain perspective on sustainable entrepreneurship: Insights from marine debris recycling. (Working Paper Series - Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship; No. 1704-CSE ). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen/Campus Fryslân.
de Jong, G., & Eikelenboom, M. (2017). Monitor duurzaam ondernemerschap: De stand van zaken in Friesland in 2017. Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
Balogh, N., Faems, D., Estrada Vaquero, I., & de Jong, G. (2017). Not all those who wander are lost: Partner instability and performance of windfarm joint ventures. Paper presented at SMS 37th Annual Conference, Houston, United States.
Greco, A., & de Jong, G. (2017). Sustainable entrepreneurship: definitions, themes and research gaps. (Working paper series ; Vol. 6, No. 17). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen/Campus Fryslân.
Enthoven, M., & de Jong, G. (2017). Sustainable Opportunity Recognition: A Systematic Literature Review on Individual Factors. (Working Paper Series - Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship; Vol. 17, No. 5).
Klein Woolthuis, R., & de Jong, G. (2017). The diffusion of novelty and field change: A cross case comparison of sustainable innovation in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. (Working Paper Series; No. 8). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
Klein Woolthuis, R. J. A., Lankhuizen, M., & de Jong, G. (2017). The diffusion of solar panels in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. (Working Paper Series; Vol. 9). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
Klein Woolthuis, R., & de Jong, G. (2017). The dynamics of institutional pressures. (Working Paper Series; No. 10). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
Eikelenboom, M., & de Jong, G. (2017). The impact of dynamic capabilities on sustainable performance: theory and evidence from Dutch SMEs. (Working paper series - Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship; No. 1712-CSE). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen/Campus Fryslân.
Thelken, H. N., & de Jong, G. (2017). The Influence of the Big Five on Consideration of Future Consequences: Theory and Evidence from Dutch Citizens. (Working Paper Series - Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship; No. 1707-CSE). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen/Campus Fryslân.


Fan, J., Ees, van, H., & de Jong, G. (2016). Goal-directed and stimulus-driven processes of international attention: Evidence from SME exporter. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
Fan, J., van Ees, H., & de Jong, G. (2016). Managerial attention and export performance: A comparison between mMNEs and pure SME exporters. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
de Jong, G. (2016). Successful Strategy and Alliances. (Monograph ; No. 3). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
de Jong, G. (2016). Successful strategy and context. (Monograph; No. 4). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
de Jong, G. (2016). Successful Strategy and Individuals. (Monograph; No. 1). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
de Jong, G. (2016). Successful Strategy and Organization. (Monograph ; No. 2). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .
de Jong, G. (2016). Successful Strategy and Policy. (Monograph; No. 5). Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship .


de Jong, G., van Dut, V., Jindra, B., & Marek, P. (2015). Does country context distance determine subsidiary decision-making autonomy? Theory and evidence from European transition economies. International Business Review, 24(5), 874-889.
de Jong, G., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2015). Regulatory red tape and private firm performance. Public Administration, 93(1), 34-51.
Fan, J., van Ees, H., & de Jong, G. (2015). The effect of networks on international attention in SMEs: theory and evidence from the Netherland. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1).
de Jong, G., Tu, P. A., & van Ees, H. (2015). The Impact of Personal Relationships on Bribery Incidence in Transition Economies. European management review, 12(1), 7-21.
de Jong, G. (2015). The impact of social and human capital on individual cooperative behavior: Theory, evidence and implications for international strategic alliances. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 11(1), 4-29.


de Jong, G., & Veijer, J. (2014). Cooperative behavior in strategic decision making: Human capital and personality traits. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Behavioral strategy: Emerging perspectives Information Age Publishing.
de Jong, G., & van Ees, H. (2014). Firms and corruption. European management review, 11(3-4), 187-190.
Klein Woolthuis, R., Nooteboom, B., & de Jong, G. (2014). Roles of third parties in trust repair: lessons from high-tech alliances for public trust. In A. Wick, J. Harris, & B. Moriarty (Eds.), Public trust in business (pp. 290-325). Cambridge University Press.
Beugelsdijk, S., Jindra, B., Jong, de, G., & Vo, D. (2014). The future of successful multinationals: Subsidiary autonomy, embeddedness and innovation. Paper presented at 40th EIBA Annual Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.
de Jong, G., Balogh, N., & Klein Woolthuis, R. (2014). The governance of high-tech alliances. Trust, contracts, cultural differences, and interdependence. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Strategic alliances for innovation and R&D Information Age Publishing.
de Jong, G., & van Houten, J. (2014). The impact of MNE cultural diversity on the internationalization-performance relationship: Theory and evidence from European multinational enterprises. International Business Review, 23(1), 313-326.


de Jong, G., Veele, W., & Euverink, G. J. (2013). De aard en omvang van de BBE in Noord Nederland. University of Groningen Biobrug.
Vo, D., Beugelsdijk, S., Jong, de, G., & Jindra, B. (2013). Decision-making autonomy and subsidiary innovation. In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business : Bridging the Divide: Linking IB to Complementary Disciplines and Practice (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business ). Academy of International Business.
de Jong, G. (2013). Innovation and new partner selection: Theory and exploratory evidence from the ICT sector in the Netherlands. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Managing knowledge in strategic alliances (pp. 207-231). Information Age Publishing.
de Jong, G., & Kloeze, R. (2013). Institutions and the regulation of business: An international firm-level study of regulatory compliance costs. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3(6A).
Jong, de, G., & Phan, T. (2013). Personal ties and bribery incidence in transition economies: Theory and evidence from Vietnam . Paper presented at EURAM 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
De Jong, G., & Van Ees, H. (2013). Special issue: Firms and corruption. European management review, 10(4), 171.
Vo, D., Jong, de, G., Beugelsdijk, S., & Jindra, B. (2013). The impact of country distance on subsidiary decision making autonomy. Paper presented at 39th EIBA Annual Conference, Bremen, Germany.
Vo, D., Beugelsdijk, S., Jong, de, G., & Jindra, B. (2013). The impact of decision-making autonomy on subsidiary innovation. Paper presented at EURAM 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Jong, de, G. (2013). The impact of social and human capital on cooperative behavior. Paper presented at EURAM 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
de Jong, G., Klein Woolthuis, R., Nooteboom, B., & Faems, D. L. M. (2013). The role of third parties in strategic alliance governance. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Dynamics in strategic alliances (pp. 55-72). Information Age Publishing.


Jong, de, G., Vo, D., & Marek, P. (2012). Managing subsidiaries at a distance: Experience from Central and Eastern European countries. Paper presented at EURAM 2012, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Vo, D., Beugelsdijk, S., & Jong, de, G. (2012). The impact of decision-making autonomy on subsidiary innovation: Theory and evidence from Central and European countries. Paper presented at 38th EIBA Annual Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Jong, de, G., van Dut, V., & Jindra, B. (2012). The impact of subsidiary autonomy on innovation: Theory and evidence from Central and European countries. Paper presented at XVIII South African Sociological Association Annual Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
de Jong, G., Tu, P. A., & van Ees, H. (2012). Which Entrepreneurs Bribe and What Do They Get From It? Exploratory Evidence From Vietnam. Entrepeneurship Theory and Practice, 36(2), 323-345.


Jong, de, G., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2011). Concepts and measures for administrative red tape and private firm performance. Paper presented at 11th Annual Public Management Research Conference, Syracuse, United States.
Faems, D. L. M., Alberink, R., de Jong, G., Groen, A. J., & Klein Woolthuis, R. (2011). Contractual alliance governance: Impact of different contract functions on alliance performance. In T. K. Das (Ed.), Strategic alliances in a globalizing world (pp. 67 - 92). Information Age Publishing.
de Jong, G., Phan, T. B., van Ees, H., & Phan, T. T. (2011). Does the meta-environment determine firm performance? Theory and evidence from European multinational enterprises. International Business Review, 20(4), 454-465.
Jong, de, G., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2011). Senior and junior ministers and national rule production: The impact of team heterogeneity on national rule dynamics in Dutch media law . Paper presented at 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg, Sweden.


de Jong, G., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2010). Administratieve lasten en de kwaliteit van gemeentelijke dienstverlening in Noord Nederland. Groningen: Universiteit van Groningen. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
de Jong, G., & Witteloostuijn ,van, A. (2010). Ecology of Law: Achievements and research program.
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