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De Jong, Prof. Gjalt

Gjalt de Jong
Gjalt de Jong

Prof. Gjalt de Jong is professor of Sustainable Business in a Circular Economy and director of the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Transition. He studied economics at the NHL University of Applied Sciences and the RUG, where he obtained a PhD in Business Administration.

De Jong’s career divides into two periods. Between 1991 and 2015 he focused on economic growth and strategy. From 2015 onwards, De Jong and his chair group focus on sustainable entrepreneurship and the circular economy. Since 2015, he has been the director of the Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Campus Fryslân in Leeuwarden. Within this Centre, researchers, businesses, and policymakers work closely together on new solutions for successful entrepreneurship in the circular economy. De Jong is also the co-initiator of the Circulair Friesland (Circular Friesland) association.

De Jong considers it important to take a different approach in his work as a professor, he is someone with a human approach who works from an internal motive to improve the world. He has made it his mission to stand for and actively strive for sustainability. At Campus Fryslân, he is focusing on business owners who are grappling with ecological or sustainability issues. In his opinion, it is important to combine enterprise with doing good for the planet, and thus to also be actively involved with the academic world.

‘This demands radical innovation, an academic revolution. If you want to achieve real societal impact, then you must leave the academic ivory tower to join forces with businesses, organizations, and the government in the search for solutions. It requires plenty of patience, time, and energy. This is only possible on the basis of a strong, intrinsic motivation to achieve a better world.’

Previously in the news (mainly in Dutch)

Gjalt de Jong
Interview with Gjalt de Jong

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Last modified:12 April 2024 11.36 a.m.
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