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News archive 2019

Reinforcement insufficiently satisfies expectations of residents with serious earthquake damage16 December 2019
Red deer hardly react to wolf urine in the Netherlands and Poland28 November 2019
Accreditatie voor studentenvereniging Vindicat28 November 2019
Hong Kong update: safety first15 November 2019
Astronomers map new emission line to trace most common molecule in the Universe07 November 2019
NWO awards € 4 million to DIGITAL TWIN programme07 November 2019
Evolution is resetting the annual clock in migratory birds24 October 2019
Star Trek, or Ripley from Alien?14 October 2019
Down Under with Top Dutch (update)11 October 2019
Amina Helmi presents plans for Spinoza prize02 October 2019
Start of the Maak dat de kat wijs! (Pull the other one!) public survey into contemporary Dutch expressions26 September 2019
Start of MOSAiC – the Greatest Arctic Research Expedition of All Time20 September 2019
Imagining Science20 September 2019
Getting to the roots of Parkinson’s disease17 September 2019
Klokhuis prize nominations: spiders, wolves, children and 2000 year old chefs17 September 2019
Mayor to open Arts Festival on 14 September06 September 2019
University of Groningen in two of the six Gravitation grants for groundbreaking research30 August 2019
Michel Wedel to receive scientific Ubbo Emmius Medal 201930 August 2019
Looking back at the opening of the Academic Year23 August 2019
The University of Noorderzon30 July 2019
Wageningen and Groningen scientists research nature-inclusive agriculture in Northern Netherlands17 July 2019
Anthonya Visser appointed new Dean of the Faculty of Arts16 July 2019
Thirteen Veni grants for young Groningen researchers16 July 2019
UG to build new observatory in dark Lauwersmeer Region11 July 2019
UG permanently closes Yantai project08 July 2019
Van Rijn’s multi-million euro reduction disastrous for UG21 June 2019
UG climbs to 114th place in the QS Ranking20 June 2019
Pauline Westerman and Cisca Wijmenga nominated for Huibregtsen Prize 201920 June 2019
Zito Ysenbaert winner of Gerrit Krol Award 201913 June 2019
Honorary doctorates and appointment ceremony for the new Rector13 June 2019
Groningen centre of discussion on religious heritage11 June 2019
Celebrating the 100th Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the UG04 June 2019
Gas extraction policy causes long-term stagnation to the lives of Groningers28 May 2019
Three UG researchers win Vidi grants24 May 2019
"Worms man" Dr. Jeroen Onrust wins Science Prize Campus Fryslân 201917 May 2019
Academy Medal for Trudy Dehue15 May 2019
Van Rijn advice hits UG hard15 May 2019
Kate Zernike: ‘We have to talk about ourselves more’14 May 2019
Four University of Groningen professors awarded Royal Decorations26 April 2019
Dutch scientists set to return to Spitsbergen in 202026 April 2019
Why lightning often strikes twice17 April 2019
Night of Arts and Sciences back in town17 April 2019
Ben Feringa in orbit around the Sun11 April 2019
The Serengeti-Mara squeeze – one of the world’s most iconic ecosystems under pressure28 March 2019
Children speak out on serious earthquake problems: unsafety and mistrust28 March 2019
Lift accident at the UG caused by badly adjusted brake22 March 2019
Getting help with the kids slows down ageing in female birds21 March 2019
Molecular motors run in unison in a metal-organic framework18 March 2019
Amina Helmi to receive Suffrage Science award08 March 2019
Manure injection detrimental to meadow birds08 March 2019
First research outcomes08 March 2019
Wadden Mosaic project starts underwater sampling25 February 2019
UG to construct Feringa Building with Ballast Nedam22 February 2019
Aftermovie College Tour with Carles Puigdemont19 February 2019
Nanopores make portable mass spectrometer for peptides a reality19 February 2019
UG comes to Drachten with a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering15 February 2019
Hoogleraar Stynke Castelein wint de Vrouw in de Media Award Groningen07 February 2019
More sustainable governments can save billions on international financial markets07 February 2019
Podcast 'In de Wetenschap'#6 online05 February 2019
Marc Kramer is RUG Lecturer of the Year 201831 January 2019
Province supports digital security programme30 January 2019
Green alternative to PET could be even greener30 January 2019
Lecture series: 'City & University'23 January 2019
Yeast makes ethanol to prevent metabolic overload08 January 2019
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