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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. R.C. (Ritsert) Jansen

prof. dr. R.C. (Ritsert) Jansen

Decaan Talentontwikkeling en Hoogleraar Bioinformatica
Profielfoto van prof. dr. R.C. (Ritsert) Jansen
050 36 38089 (Persoonlijk)
050 36 36844 (Secretariaat)


A view from the clinic - Perspectives from Dutch patients and professionals on high myopia care

Empowering patients with high myopia: The significance of education

FitTetra 2.0-improved genotype calling for tetraploids with multiple population and parental data support

Systems Genetics for Evolutionary Studies

reGenotyper: Detecting mislabeled samples in genetic data

Cell Specific eQTL Analysis without Sorting Cells

Gene expression analysis identifies global gene dosage sensitivity in cancer

Pheno2Geno: High-throughput generation of genetic markers and maps from molecular phenotypes for crosses between inbred strains

Rate, spectrum, and evolutionary dynamics of spontaneous epimutations

Toward effective software solutions for big biology


The Secret Garden—Epigenetic Alleles Underlie Complex Traits

Revolutionaire kijk op erfelijkheid planten